Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Russia's don't like witnesses. Could trump possibly be indicted as a conspirator?

All this over a couple Russian whores pissing in trumps face. Now he is a Russian puppit and the way things look he will be impeached.
I think it's a lot more than that. Big money in Crimea oil and natural reserves!!! Why do you think Russia is in Crimea ??! If you stop thinking in millions and imagine billions to be made you will have a better understanding of he nationalist economic power means. imperialistic super power like the britts after First World War. No international authority to stop the ones like Puttin and trump from running rampant for profit using state resources like military or diplomacy to achieve it... billions
I'm not sure how you're seeing impeachment but even if that happens do you think he'll be removed from office too? Remember Bill Clinton was impeached. Didn't mean shit as the Senate didn't remove him from office. I liked ol Bill by the way. My kinda guy.
This is different from getting head in the oval office. Trump will resign or be removed. A cum stain on a fat cunts dress is different than Trump being black mailed because of a night of trump enjoying a golden shower.
It nauseating to have to listen to trump insinuate that Obama tapped his phones. Impeach that psychotic bastard. How low will the GOP go in trying to spin the ramblings of a mad man.

We have listened to your ramblings and you didn't get banned from here....
This is different from getting head in the oval office. Trump will resign or be removed. A cum stain on a fat cunts dress is different than Trump being black mailed because of a night of trump enjoying a golden shower.
So you're saying a Republican majority in both houses will vote to impeach and remove him from office? Cum stain or not ol Bill didn't resign, why would Trump?

FUCKING IDIOT [But, there will still be those (Meso) that believe!]

WASHINGTON — The F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, asked the Justice Department this weekend to publicly reject President Trump’s assertion that President Barack Obama ordered the tapping of Mr. Trump’s phones, senior American officials said on Sunday. Mr. Comey has argued that the highly charged claim is false and must be corrected, they said, but the department has not released any such statement.

Mr. Comey made the request on Saturday after Mr. Trump leveled his allegation on Twitter. Mr. Comey has been working to get the Justice Department to knock down Mr. Trump’s claim because there is no evidence to support it and it insinuates that the F.B.I. broke the law, the officials said.

A spokesman for the F.B.I. declined to comment. Sarah Isgur Flores, the spokeswoman for the Justice Department, also declined to comment.

A statement by the Justice Department or Mr. Comey refuting Mr. Trump’s allegations would be a remarkable rebuke of a sitting president, putting the nation’s top law enforcement officials in the position of questioning the truthfulness of the government’s top leader. The situation underscores the high stakes of what the president and his aides have set out by accusing the former president of a conspiracy to undermine Mr. Trump’s young administration.
This is different from getting head in the oval office. Trump will resign or be removed. A cum stain on a fat cunts dress is different than Trump being black mailed because of a night of trump enjoying a golden shower.
How's it different? depends on why and who knew at the time.

Nance interpreted President Trump’s behavior of that of a target who is getting buggy because they know that they are caught.

Nance said, “If I can just touch for a moment, Joy, on the question of wiretapping. I’ve been involved in a lot of very advanced collection of operations in my world.

I have no idea what Donald Trump is talking about with wiretapping. We do not even do that the way he probably thinks from The Sopranos where we’re actually running a wire and putting into his office. You know this is very dangerous because the people who would be tasked in Justice.

If there are any questions coming from the White House starting today, or anytime in the foreseeable future on how they actually do collections, it means they’re preparing for a cover-up, because they want to know how they’re actually getting this information. This is what happens when a target starts getting buggy because he knows that he’s caught.”

WASHINGTON — Three years ago, President Barack Obama ordered Pentagon officials to step up their cyber and electronic strikes against North Korea’s missile program in hopes of sabotaging test launches in their opening seconds.

Soon a large number of the North’s military rockets began to explode, veer off course, disintegrate in midair and plunge into the sea. Advocates of such efforts say they believe that targeted attacks have given American antimissile defenses a new edge and delayed by several years the day when North Korea will be able to threaten American cities with nuclear weapons launched atop intercontinental ballistic missiles.

But other experts have grown increasingly skeptical of the new approach, arguing that manufacturing errors, disgruntled insiders and sheer incompetence can also send missiles awry. Over the past eight months, they note, the North has managed to successfully launch three medium-range rockets. And Kim Jong-un, the North Korean leader, now claims his country is in “the final stage in preparations” for the inaugural test of his intercontinental missiles — perhaps a bluff, perhaps not.

An examination of the Pentagon’s disruption effort, based on interviews with officials of the Obama and Trump administrations as well as a review of extensive but obscure public records, found that the United States still does not have the ability to effectively counter the North Korean nuclear and missile programs. Those threats are far more resilient than many experts thought, The New York Times’s reporting found, and pose such a danger that Mr. Obama, as he left office, warned President Trump they were likely to be the most urgent problem he would confront.
We have listened to your ramblings and you didn't get banned from here....
Did I hurt your feelings again. I'm sorry your president is unhinged and the entire world knows America has a delusional maniac at the helm that you helped put there.:)