Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Actually, it's the FBI that has said there's no clear link between trump and russia. So, once again... duped by fake news and Scally memes.

No clear link simply means nothing is 100% proven at this time. It doesn't mean they're not investigating, which they are, nor does it mean there is no link.

Does that mean you were duped by Merriam-Webster?
Obama administration also wiretapped conservative news journalist. So, I wouldn't hang my hat on it being far fetched that trump was being tapped.

I'm sure Obama also wire tapped and intercepted terrorists, criminals, and the tooth fairy but that still is not evidence nor proof that Trump was tapped.

It's ironic you mention in your other post being duped by fake news since this post serves as proof you were the one duped.

You are talking about James Rosen and the AP incident with Obama. The fact of the matter is, the DOJ obtained SUBPOENAS for James Rosen and co. If you hadn't been duped by fake news you'd remember there is a difference between wiretapping and phone tracing/gathering records. A subpoena is not enough to get a wiretap but enough for the latter.

As a public service announcement, I call on you to please stop spreading fake news.

It's funny as hell that you ignored the rest of my post about 2 high level people being recused or fired simply who lied about their involvement with Russia. I guess Sessions never recused himself and Flynn never was fired.....that's simply fake news and funny memes by the good Doctor Scally ;)
Ten More Questions for President Trump
Ten More Questions for President Trump

Yesterday, I posed ten questions for President Trump in response to his bizarre Twitter temper tantrum accusing his predecessor of wiretapping Trump Tower in the days before the election. Ten Questions for President Trump

In the hours after I did so, a variety of media organizations began reporting—unsurprisingly, I suppose—that the President’s tweets were not based on any information that came from within the executive branch—indeed, that the White House was now scrambling to find some evidence to substantiate the president’s statements.

Also yesterday, the estimable Julian Sanchez writing on Just Security, penned this excellent explainer piece about what he thinks is really going on. I find entirely plausible Sanchez’s suspicion that Trump is really just channeling and garbling accounts in news stories about surveillance around the campaign that have been kicking around for some time. Tapping Trump?

All that said, Sanchez's account is speculative. And we thus still have on our hands a definitive presidential statement that his phones were “wiretapped” by his predecessory. Unless and until the President retracts those statements or amends them to comport with Julian’s sense (which I share) of what the reality probably is, I think we all have an obligation to take the words of the President of the United States seriously.

So in that spirit, here are ten more questions for President Trump on the subject of his tweetstorm yesterday:
No clear link simply means nothing is 100% proven at this time. It doesn't mean they're not investigating, which they are, nor does it mean there is no link.

Does that mean you were duped by Merriam-Webster?
Scally memes has you believing there is a link when in fact the FBI has been investigating for a while and guess what... still "NO CLEAR LINK". and remember, this is obamas FBI so not like they werent trying. But, wake me up, please, when they find something.
I'm sure Obama also wire tapped and intercepted terrorists, criminals, and the tooth fairy but that still is not evidence nor proof that Trump was tapped.

It's ironic you mention in your other post being duped by fake news since this post serves as proof you were the one duped.

You are talking about James Rosen and the AP incident with Obama. The fact of the matter is, the DOJ obtained SUBPOENAS for James Rosen and co. If you hadn't been duped by fake news you'd remember there is a difference between wiretapping and phone tracing/gathering records. A subpoena is not enough to get a wiretap but enough for the latter.

As a public service announcement, I call on you to please stop spreading fake news.

It's funny as hell that you ignored the rest of my post about 2 high level people being recused or fired simply who lied about their involvement with Russia. I guess Sessions never recused himself and Flynn never was fired.....that's simply fake news and funny memes by the good Doctor Scally ;)
Recused is something you do when you've got nothing to hide. You know, like Loretta Lynch did after she met with Bill on the tarmac. Oh wait... she never recused herself, lol.
It nauseating to have to listen to trump insinuate that Obama tapped his phones. Impeach that psychotic bastard. How low will the GOP go in trying to spin the ramblings of a mad man.
It nauseating to have to listen to trump insinuate that Obama tapped his phones. Impeach that psychotic bastard. How low will the GOP go in trying to spin the ramblings of a mad man.
He says wire tapped but doesnt say phones. That could mean other things like computers couldn't it?
He says wire tapped but doesnt say phones. That could mean other things like computers couldn't it?
I think it is more likely due to the current FBI investigation into contacts between trump campaign reps and varoius Russian entities.

President Obama didn't get on the phone and tell the FBI to wire Trump tower.

There is definitely a current federal investigation into the trumo campaign.
You know, like Loretta Lynch did after she met with Bill on the tarmac. Oh wait... she never recused herself, lol.
She recused herself out of an abundance of caution in the heat of an election because she new the republicans would through a fit. Now trumo is throwing a temper tantrum because sessions recused himself from any investigation pertaining to possible Russian influence in the 2016 presidential election. Wtf.
Russia's don't like witnesses. Could trump possibly be indicted as a conspirator?

All this over a couple Russian whores pissing in trumps face. Now he is a Russian puppit and the way things look he will be impeached.
I'm not sure how you're seeing impeachment but even if that happens do you think he'll be removed from office too? Remember Bill Clinton was impeached. Didn't mean shit as the Senate didn't remove him from office. I liked ol Bill by the way. My kinda guy.
Scally memes has you believing there is a link when in fact the FBI has been investigating for a while and guess what... still "NO CLEAR LINK". and remember, this is obamas FBI so not like they werent trying. But, wake me up, please, when they find something.
Sorry to say bro the fbi is giving the trump organization an endoscopy looking for russian spies. Lol