Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Just disappointed. You may prove to be a valuable member yet. Please read more and post less. It is not your fault that that the Republicans have dummied up America.

Before we go anyfurther with this, was trump born in the USA. If by chance he was born in a ufo in US aur space does that count?

Help is on the way brother.
Thank you bp. I actually read way more than I post. I don't know if ones political views determines if they're a valuable member or not. Apparently it does for you which is ok by me.
As to your question, yes I believe it counts. Every illegal alien that manages to have a kid here it counts so why not Trump under your scenario?
Every illegal alien that manages to have a kid here it counts so why not Trump under your scenario?
If you are born on the ground if the air in or above America, you are American, but if you are born in Hawaii that may not qualify with that delusion megalomaniac.

Though Trump asserted he had “just found out” about this surveillance, he appears to be referencing a series of reports that began with a piece by Louise Mensch in Heat Street back in November, which was later corroborated by articles published by The Guardian and the BBC in January. The reports may have come to Trump’s attention by way of a Breitbart story that ran on Friday, summarizing claims of a “Deep State” effort to undermine the Trump administration advanced by conservative talk radio host Mark Levin.

If it were true that President Obama had ordered the intelligence community to “tapp” Trump’s phones for political reasons, that would of course be a serious scandal—and crime—of Nixonian proportions. Yet there’s nothing in the published reports—vague though they are—to support such a dramatic allegation. Let’s try to sort out what we do know.


In short, both Breitbart and Trump have advanced claims far more dramatic than anything the public evidence can support. That said, intelligence monitoring—whether direct or indirect—of persons connected with a presidential campaign inherently carries a high risk of abuse, and as Congress moves to launch its own inquiries into the Trump campaign’s Russian ties, it would be entirely appropriate to further scrutinize both the FBI’s initial surveillance and applications and the surveillance that was ultimately conducted for any signs of impropriety. In the meantime, it might behoove the Commander in Chief to refrain from issuing serious and inflammatory accusations based wholly on “intelligence” gleaned from Breitbart News.

This Stunningly Racist French Novel Is How Steve Bannon Explains The World
“The Camp of the Saints” tells a grotesque tale about a migrant invasion to destroy Western civilization.

Bannon has agitated for a host of anti-immigrant measures. In his previous role as executive chairman of the right-wing news site Breitbart — which he called"}}'>called a “platform for the alt-right,” the online movement of white nationalists"}}'>online movement of white nationalists — he made anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim news a focus.

But the top Trump aide’s repeated references to The Camp of the Saints, an obscure 1973 novel by French author Jean Raspail, reveal even more about how he understands the world. The book is a cult favorite on the far right, yet it’s never found a wider audience. There’s a good reason for that: It’s breathtakingly racist.

“[This book is] racist in the literal sense of the term. It uses race as the main characterization of characters,” said Cécile Alduy, professor of French at Stanford University and an expert on the contemporary French far right"}}'>expert on the contemporary French far right. “It describes the takeover of Europe by waves of immigrants that wash ashore like the plague.”

The book, she said, “reframes everything as the fight to death between races.”

Upon the novel’s release in the United States in 1975, the influential book review magazine Kirkus Reviews pulled no punches: “The publishers are presenting The Camp of the Saints as a major event, and it probably is, in much the same sense that Mein Kampf was a major event.”

Linda Chavez, a Republican commentator who has worked for GOP presidents from Ronald Reagan to George W. Bush but opposed Trump’s election, also reviewed the book back then. Forty years later, she hasn’t forgotten it.

“It is really shockingly racist,” Chavez told The Huffington Post, “and to have the counselor to the president see this as one of his touchstones, I think, says volumes about his attitude.”

The plot of The Camp of the Saints follows a poor Indian demagogue, named “the turd-eater” because he literally eats shit, and the deformed, apparently psychic child who sits on his shoulders. Together, they lead an “armada” of 800,000 impoverished Indians sailing to France. Dithering European politicians, bureaucrats and religious leaders, including a liberal pope from Latin America, debate whether to let the ships land and accept the Indians or to do the right thing — in the book’s vision — by recognizing the threat the migrants pose and killing them all.

The non-white people of Earth, meanwhile, wait silently for the Indians to reach shore. The landing will be the signal for them to rise up everywhere and overthrow white Western society.
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When will the delusions end. Trump now claims obama had his phones tapped. A president can't tap anyone's phone. One more example of la la land between spray tan man's ears.

"A president can't tap anyones phone" ?....BP....A president (at least now) can sign a death warrant for anybody anywhere on this planet! And you believe he can't have a phone tapped?
When will the delusions end. Trump now claims obama had his phones tapped. A president can't tap anyone's phone. One more example of la la land between spray tan man's ears.

One cannot simply dismiss these tweets as the rantings of a thin-skinned, angry old man. To feel sympathy to Trump, you’d have to ignore the ways that American wiretaps work. You’d have to be unconcerned about the underlying issues that led the government to seek a wiretap in the first place. And you’d have to be willing to suspend your sense of patriotism and see everything through a partisan lens.

First, a little background on wiretaps. They’re used in investigations where law enforcement suspects that there is ongoing criminal activity. Because wiretaps are intrusions into privacy, law enforcement has to get a warrant to be able to install one. That means that investigators have to apply to a judge with enough evidence to show probable cause that a criminal offense is being committed. If the judge finds that the standard is met, he or she will issue the warrant, and the wiretap can be installed.

The president cannot just order a wiretap. If the president tried to install a wiretap without a warrant from a judge, the telecommunications company would reject it. Indeed, failure to do could result in civil penalties for the company if they agreed to do it without the proper paperwork.

If President Obama tried to order law enforcement, in this case the FBI, to get the wiretap without getting a warrant, it would require a much broader conspiracy involving FBI Director James Comey. But if the FBI was really in the tank with an Obama administration effort to secretly wiretap the Trump campaign, why would Comey then turn around and send a letter to House Republicans re-opening the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails?

If the FBI wiretapped Trump Tower, as Trump alleges, that means investigators thought they would uncover evidence of criminal activity, and a judge agreed. Trump’s Tweets Are Exactly Why We Need An Investigation
The president cannot just order a wiretap. If the president tried to install a wiretap without a warrant from a judge, the telecommunications company would reject it. Indeed, failure to do could result in civil penalties for the company if they agreed to do it without the proper paperwork.

LOL....Welcome to the real world Dr. Scally:D
IF true, Sessions is done! Expect Page to be called to testify [under oath]. Sessions is wishing to only respond in writing to questions. Will they call him back.
