Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

C'Mon now, it's your statement. How am I supposed to play along if your too vague? Just give me one or two options.
Relax dude poking the bear lol I am interested to hear this British MI6 agent spill his beans though haha
Has America ever had a clown like Trump as Prez before though? I would not be surprised for one second. ;)
No clowns that I can think of. Many of presidents that never served time for what looks like criminal activity. I know there have been cries for locking bush Jr up for war crimes. Not exactly sure what crimes they are referring to, but I digress.
No clowns that I can think of. Many of presidents that never served time for what looks like criminal activity. I know there have been cries for locking bush Jr up for war crimes. Not exactly sure what crimes they are referring to, but I digress.
Well Bush Jr could have served time for his lies!
Well Bush Jr I'm could have served time for his lies!
Like "if you like your doctor you can keep him" or "if you like your health plan you can keep it?" And not once but at least 26 separate times? Oh wait that wasn't him. Lol
Kind of curious how the left wing media and a bunch of Twitter nerds know trump has no evidence. The guys the president. How do we know what he knows? Besides, just from what we "do" know ithey were certainly working hard at getting a warrant.

We know he has no evidence bc it would have been posted on twitter 3.293843 seconds by Trump himself after the initial declaration.