Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Doesn't look like a crowd of white supremacist to me. I mean, unless they got a little loose on thier criteria.

This is what happens when you don't bother reading the article....

If you had read it, you would have seen the caption that states:

"Police and protesters clashed at Texas A&M University when Richard Spencer, a white nationalist leader, spoke there in December."

Please stop spreading the fake news you consistently disparage.
That's your evidence? Just because "you"know? Hehe.

See, when a claim is made, the burden of proof is on the person making the claim and it is his job to provide the proof. He made the claim Saturday and it's now what, Tuesday. We know his twitter account hasn't stopped working ;)

It's logic 101. Apparently neither you nor trump bothered to get the memo
Yes but the stock market as a whole sure does! Against what the liberals predicted.
Long as Trump doesn't effect his own business profits right? Lol

Edit- Don't get me wrong I'm not in support of the Drugs Co's they've been screwing mankind from day 1
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This is what happens when you don't bother reading the article....

If you had read it, you would have seen the caption that states:

"Police and protesters clashed at Texas A&M University when Richard Spencer, a white nationalist leader, spoke there in December."

Please stop spreading the fake news you consistently disparage.
Actually, I started reading it until I choked on a mouth full of stupidity and bias and had to run to the bathroom and throw up.
Actually, I started reading it until I choked on a mouth full of stupidity and bias and had to run to the bathroom and throw up.

Then your reading comprehension must be lacking bc the caption was stated before the article lol. Try some weed to help with your emesis
See, when a claim is made, the burden of proof is on the person making the claim and it is his job to provide the proof. He made the claim Saturday and it's now what, Tuesday. We know his twitter account hasn't stopped working ;)

It's logic 101. Apparently neither you nor trump bothered to get the memo
Maybe he can't go in to specifics. Maybe that's why he's calling for an investigation. The fact is, it's not a unbelievable claim outside the fact that some just can't stand where the claim is coming from. The Obama administration has attacked conservatives using the Irs, they wiretapped conservate journalists and families, they've used secret email accounts and servers to bypass transparency, etc, etc. It's not out of the realm of possiblity.
Long as Trump doesn't effect his own business profits right? Lol

Edit- Don't get me wrong I'm not in support of the Drugs Co's they've been screwing mankind from day 1
Dang. You edited before I could ask. But then which way is it? Good he called them out or bad because he's Trump?

On Tuesday afternoon, in his first on-camera briefing in a week, White House press secretary Sean Spicer said this when asked for proof of Trump's wiretapping claims: “It’s not a question of new proof or less proof or whatever.” Instead, he insisted, the goal of Trump's tweets was simply to get congressional investigators to look into the possibility of wiretapping. Congress is now doing this, so, in Spicer's mind, mission accomplished.

Except that what Trump tweeted and what Spicer is now saying aren't the same thing. Not at all. And it is a question of “new proof.” Or, at the very least, some — any? -- proof.
I was referring more too Trump using cheesy social media to conduct Presidential matters. Weak! Imo
I have a feeling his use of social media will be analyzed and copied from this point forward. The press doesn't like it because it bypasses them. It will be the new way I believe. It's unprecedented but you have to admit it's effective.
Quite different. He's asking Congress to investigate.

After his Twitter rampage? You're right though, last time he was going to create a special task force to do it headed by Pence... That went nowhere so he's hoping Congress will waste their time on his fantasy's.

Do me a favor, go read the last 12 hours of Trump's Twitter feed and tell me if the guy looks stable. It's blatantly obvious he was watching fox and friends this morning, his favorite show that's now trashing him, and he's taking to Twitter to throw a fit.
I have a feeling his use of social media will be analyzed and copied from this point forward. The press doesn't like it because it bypasses them. It will be the new way I believe. It's unprecedented but you have to admit it's effective.
Dangerous tool for a Prez to use that could back fire imo
Dangerous tool that could back fire imo
It's entirely possible. But look at the results you can achieve. Drug stocks drop with a few tweets, etc. Anything powerful can be dangerous. I just feel that it will be used more than before.