Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

“When people talk global warming, I say the global warming that we have to be careful of is the nuclear global warming. Single biggest problem that the world has. Power of weaponry today is beyond anything ever thought of, or even, you know, it’s unthinkable, the power. You look at Hiroshima and you can multiply that times many, many times, is what you have today. And to me, it’s the single biggest, it’s the single biggest problem.” - Donald Trump
A Dialogue With a 22-Year-Old Donald Trump Supporter
A 22-Year-Old Explains Why He's Voting for the Republican Nominee

[O]ver the course of several emails, he fleshed out something I’ve been thinking about since last summer, when I published notes from 30 Trump supporters explaining their support. A backlash against “political correctness” loomed large in those accounts. And today’s correspondent expounds on that subject in illuminating ways.

We discussed immigration policy, too.

He allowed me to reproduce our conversation on condition of anonymity, out of concern for how the views he expresses might be used to deny him future opportunities. Here’s a lightly edited version of our conversation, picking up near the beginning.

Assholes: A Theory of Donald Trump

That Donald Trump is an asshole is a fact widely agreed upon—even by his supporters, who actually like that about him.

But his startling political rise makes the question of just what sort of asshole he is, and how his assholedom may help to explain his success, one not just of philosophical interest but of almost existential urgency.

Enter the philosopher Aaron James, author of the foundational text in the burgeoning field of Asshole Studies: the bestselling Assholes: A Theory.
In this brisk and trenchant inquiry into the phenomenon that is Donald Trump, James places the man firmly in the typology of the asshole (takes every advantage, entrenched sense of entitlement, immune to criticism); considers whether, in the Hobbesian world we seem to inhabit, he might not somehow be a force for good—i.e., the Stronger Asshole; and offers a suggestion for how the bonds of our social contract, spectacularly broken by Trump’s (and Ted Cruz’s) disdain for democratic civility, might in time be repaired.

You will never think about Donald Trump the same way after reading this book. And, like it or not, think about him we must.
The Psychological Quirk That Explains Why You Love Donald Trump
The Psychological Quirk That Explains Why You Love Donald Trump

Many commentators have argued that Donald Trump’s dominance in the GOP presidential race can be largely explained by ignorance; his candidacy, after all, is most popular among Republican voters without college degrees. Their expertise about current affairs is too fractured and full of holes to spot that only 9 percent of Trump’s statements are “true” or “mostly” true, according to PolitiFact, whereas 57 percent are “false” or “mostly false”—the remainder being “pants on fire” untruths. Trump himself has memorably declared: “I love the poorly educated.”

But as a psychologist who has studied human behavior—including voter behavior—for decades, I think there is something deeper going on. The problem isn’t that voters are too uninformed. It is that they don’t know just how uninformed they are.

"Does anything of this current trajectory change for the better if Hillary Clinton is elected president? It is certain the answer is NFW". Just so.
This is Getting Serious

Bionic Mosquito
Monday, June 6, 2016

Putin has delivered his strongest public remarks to date regarding the missiles placed by NATO on the borders of Russia – active in Romania and soon to be active in Poland:

"If yesterday in those areas of Romania people simply did not know what it means to be in the cross-hairs, then today we will be forced to carry out certain measures to ensure our security," Putin said in a joint news conference in Athens with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras.

"It will be the same case with Poland," he said.
The US claims that the missiles are to protect against Iran. Putin suggests this is unnecessary as there is now an agreement in place with Iran regarding nuclear weapons. It seems to me the point is irrelevant – given the location of the missiles, they could strike either Iran or Russia just the same.

"We won't take any action until we see rockets in areas that neighbor us,” Putin added.
At least for the west, diplomacy does not appear to be an option:

"We've been repeating like a mantra that we will be forced to respond... Nobody wants to hear us. Nobody wants to conduct negotiations with us."
These central European countries are playing a dangerous game that Poland has lost once before. They are counting on promises of salvation from the west instead of remaining focused on developing good relations with regional neighbors. Instead of creating alliances with neighbors who share similar (and strictly limited) security concerns, they are willingly becoming pawns in MacKinder’s very great game.

There was once such a plan proposed – an alliance of these several central European countries:

Międzymorze, known in English as Intermarium, was a plan, pursued after World War I by Polish leader Józef Piłsudski, for a federation, of Central and Eastern European countries. Invited to join the proposed federation were the Baltic states (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia), Finland, Belarus, Ukraine, Hungary, Romania, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia.
Several of these countries feared for their independence if they joined such an alliance. In its place, they lost their independence and a significant portion of their population to war, starvation and deportation:

Within two decades of the failure of Piłsudski's grand scheme, all the countries that he had viewed as candidates for membership in the Intermarium federation had fallen to the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany, except for Finland (which nonetheless suffered some territorial losses in the Winter War).
Why they think their fate will be better when serving as pawns to the west than if standing with regional partners who hold identical security concerns is a question that will be asked by future historians if the tough talk ends in violence – as it most certainly will if Russia continues to be pressed.

For the Russians, there is history and context on this issue of troops amassing at the borders, something sorely lacking in the discourse of the west. Taken from A Russian Warning, co-authored by Eugenia V Gurevich, PhD, Dmitri Orlov, and The Saker (A. Raevsky) all currently living in the United States:

Let us take a step back and put what is happening in a historical context. Russia has suffered a great deal at the hands of foreign invaders, losing 22 million people in World War II. Most of the dead were civilians, because the country was invaded, and the Russians have vowed to never let such a disaster happen again.
Napoleon invaded and soon thereafter Russia was in Paris; Hitler invaded and Russia ended up in Berlin. Today, however, it will not require expending the lives of millions of Russians to press the attack:

If Hitler were to attack Russia today, he would be dead 20 to 30 minutes later, his bunker reduced to glowing rubble by a strike from a Kalibr supersonic cruise missile launched from a small Russian navy ship somewhere in the Baltic Sea.
The retaliatory damage will not be limited to Russia’s immediate neighbors:

Thus, if tomorrow a war were to break out between the US and Russia, it is guaranteed that the US would be obliterated. At a minimum, there would no longer be an electric grid, no Internet, no oil and gas pipelines, no interstate highway system, no air transportation or GPS-based navigation. Financial centers would lie in ruins. Government at every level would cease to function [if Russia could pull this one off first, we can avoid all of the other nasty stuff]. US armed forces, stationed all around the globe, would no longer be resupplied. At a maximum, the entire landmass of the US would be covered by a layer of radioactive ash.
This situation is existential to Russia – the greatest military in the world is parked on Russia’s doorstep while the political leaders of that military make threatening statements toward Russia daily.

If there is going to be a war with Russia, then the United States will most certainly be destroyed, and most of us will end up dead.
Is the threat of global annihilation greater today than during the time of the Cold War? It seems to be the case. First, after the Cuban Missile Crisis, my understanding is that leaders on both sides developed and implemented meaningful communication systems and other mechanisms to minimize the risk of accidents and misinterpretations. Second, The Soviet Union had a geographic buffer provided by much of Central Europe – a trip wire for invasion.

Today, neither safety mechanism is in place. The dialogue – from all that we see – is dead. And NATO is on Russia’s doorstep and even threatening the heartland of the Ukraine.


Returning to The Saker:

What will happen next is hardly a surprise: the toxic mix of US Neocons and East-European russophobes will result in first and foremost a lot of paranoid rhetoric and grandstanding and in an increase of US and NATO forces in Eastern Europe. That, in turn, will result in the inevitable increase of Russian military capabilities directed at NATO, which will give the NATO officials even more reasons to speak of a “Russian threat” and give more paranoid nightmares to the East-Europeans.
While the outcome of US presidential elections change little regarding the actions of the empire – certainly not since November 22, 1963 – this doesn’t mean that the elections change nothing. Despite Obama greatly expanding the wars throughout North Africa and the Middle East, it is not difficult to imagine a different – and far more tragic – set of outcomes had McCain or Clinton, for example, been elected in 2008. One example will suffice.

Does anything of this current trajectory change for the better if Hillary Clinton is elected president? It is certain the answer is NFW; it is easy to imagine Clinton pushing Russia to the breaking point. Does anything of this current trajectory change for the better if Donald Trump is elected president? I don’t know. Maybe.

When it comes to the potential consequences of this dance, “maybe” is infinitely better than “NFW.”

For this reason, I am in complete sympathy with the arguments made by Walter Block – to be clear, I do not tell you to vote for Trump, but also use the word “support.”

Count my writing on this topic in the camp of “support".
A title for a really great piece of research, just the best, really
Donald J. Trump
Trump University
Journal of Complete and Utter Nonsense Talking 2016, vol. 36,4, p. 131

Introduction The current research, and it is really great research, it really is. It relies on the theory — and I have the best theories, you know, I use the best theories in my research. It really is quite amazing just how great the theory is, but I’m not really, in fact — it is a theory. A really good one and I’ve talked to people and, lots of people actually, and they all think what I said. It has a lot of appeal. It’s really just all there and what it is. If people, you know, losers and whatever, if they don’t get it, then what are you going to do? It’s not like the idea isn’t there and that, you know, it’s what it is. I have to shake my head. Everyone is just shaking their heads. It really is. Along with the theory, there’s other work. Existing data — and again, I have the best data.

You would really, if you had the same great data, be completely happy and the data are there. And they are really, you know, data and we have all kinds. The best kinds. And that is what we base the current work, which is great work, that I did and it’s great. If other people want to be walked through like babies or something, then I don’t know what their problem is. The data just are there so get off your lazy butts and stop looking for handouts. I’m not here to give handouts, you shouldn’t expect that. There are other people who have data that, at least on first glance, and if you believe the haters and losers who want to stop what I am doing. Sure, I could terminate these people, I could like totally ruin their lives, and they’d be all “Oh no, what am I going to do” running around flopping around like someone who needs a punch in the face, you know what I’m talking about? If you see what they say. I don’t know. How can they get away with that? Take a look—you just take a look at what’s going on. I stick up for people when they are right. These other losers need to be fired. I could probably sue them, but that’s probably what they want anyway — to get my attention as if I would bother.

Let me just tell you something, I would love to do it. Absolutely love to drag these people, these liars, these little people with their petty concerns, but I am standing up for the right thing. That’s what I do because that’s what I have done and, ask anyone, it is what makes me a great researcher. I would rather write about the issues, the current research, which is much better than what other people have done. It’s going to happen. Methods Participants. I was in Michigan and nobody there, at the rally, and there were a lot of people at the rally — we always have a lot of people because what I say, and I have the best words, really makes people, like regular people. They are the ones that I stick up for. Not the losers and takers. Or the bimbos.

Procedure. So what people did, and we were the ones, you know, the people in charge. And we had the cameras, really just the best cameras — we had everything, and the people were, now I don’t want to say too much about it, but we had everything and it was better, and still cost less — because I am the one paying for this. It is money out of my pocket. And my pockets are deep because I am, and have been, a huge success in everything that I have done. I don’t owe, even a cent, to funding agencies at all, this is all mine so I’m not beholden to anyone. The research, and I know research, and this is top-shelf research was the best. One of the best research papers in the world, by the way. Make no mistake. Make no mistake at all — this is what those other people wish they had done or what they wish they were doing, but they aren’t because I am. So, you know, they are whatever, not worth the time. Results We ran analyses. The best analyses, make no mistake, these analyses were absolutely top notch. And there were, of course, numbers and the best numbers. They really were. The numbers that is. The findings, what the numbers said, they are great.

If you look at them, and I have, other people have and it is clear — and you cannot really argue about it—the analyses are, in fact, tremendous. And it is really something. It is. I’ve seen findings over the years, and I’ve had a lot of dealings with numbers — big numbers — and, no mistake, these numbers are, even by the standards of bozos who don’t believe what they see, these numbers are really great. These are numbers, no doubt. And those are the best numbers. You can rely on those numbers because they are great numbers. It is irnpressive. Discussion If you look at the facts, and that’s what we have here, facts and not just regular facts, but the best facts, the clearest, and best, the really great and obvious facts, and people have seen them. We have had a lot of people look at these facts and I have looked at these facts. The people who don’t agree are pinheads. Why they won’t talk about, perhaps only they know and when I called them out, and some people thought that was a bad idea, but I didn’t back down and now people, and really the best people, the best people that are around and know, actually know, what they are doing, now say that I was right. Of course, I knew that all along, but some people are — and not all people, I’m not saying, you know, uneducated people, because I love uneducated people, they are just the best, you know? I did that because I felt that something had to be done. I am decisive.

I make decisions. I make decisions every day, and those decisions have made me tons of money. I have a lot of money because I am smart and make the best decisions — and the decisions are really great and then there is a lot of money. You cannot argue with that, can you? No. You can’t.

Trump, D.J. (1987). Trump: The Art of the Deal.
Trump, D.J. (1990). Trump: Surviving at the Top
Trump, D.J. (1991). Trump: The Art of Survival
Trump, DJ. (1997). Trump: The Art of the Comeback
Trump, DJ. (2004). Trump: How to Get Rich
Trump, D.J. (2004). Trump: Think Like a Billionaire
Trump, DJ. (2007). Trump 101: The Way to Success
Overlooking terrorism that killed Americans, including the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103, Donald Trump sought investment partnerships with Muammar al-Qaddafi and the Libyan regime. He invited the dictator to rent his Westchester estate, tried to set up a face-to-face meeting, and took the Libyan ambassador on a golf junket. “Let’s not worry about the tent. I’m interested in having a meeting with Qaddafi.”
The Donald And The Dictator
The famous poem by an anti-Nazi pastor, rewritten for Donald Trump’s America
The famous poem by an anti-Nazi pastor, rewritten for Donald Trump’s America

First Trump came for the women
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a woman

Then Trump came for the (people with disabilities)
And I did not speak out
Because I did not have a disability

Then Trump came for the African Americans
And I did not speak out
Because I was not African American

Then Trump came for the Mexicans
And I did not speak out
Because I was not Mexican

Then Trump came for the Muslims
And I did not speak out
Because I was not Muslim

Then Trump came for the gay, bi, and trans people
And I did not speak out
Because I was not gay, bi or trans*

Then Trump came (for the Jews)
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew**

Then Trump came for the journalists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a journalist***

Then Trump came (for the judges)
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a judge

And now Trump is coming for the Constitution of the United States
And if I do not speak out, what am I?

* Actually I am one of those, and I didn’t speak out about that.
** And one of those, and didn’t speak out about that either.
*** Ditto.


It’s all over but the postmortems. Trump and Clinton are their parties’ presumptive nominees. Choice for voters in November amounts to death by hanging or firing squad.

Democracy is pure fantasy. None whatever exists. Trump was the last GOP aspirant left standing after all others dropped out, an unlikely choice, a surprise winner, prevailing despite party bosses opposing him.

Democrat power brokers chose Clinton before primary/caucus season began. The race was over before it started.

Voters in November get to choose between a dirty business as usual billionaire racist, demagogue and a recklessly dangerous neocon racketeer, war criminal, Wall Street tool she devil – fascist rule prevailing either way.

Both candidates represent pure evil. Duopoly power runs things, serving monied interests exclusively, popular ones increasingly ignored.

US elections are farcical, anti-democratic, illegitimate by any standard. Outcomes are predetermined, dirty business as usual winning every time.

Voting is a waste of time. On election day, stay home. Four more years of imperial wars are certain.

So are policies favoring wealth, power and privilege exclusively, social justice fast disappearing, remaining fundamental freedoms on the chopping block for elimination, police state harshness replacing them.

Clinton won big on Tuesday, notably taking California and New Jersey. Mixed Sanders messages followed.

On the one hand, vowing to fight to the July convention. On the other, saying he’s returning to Vermont on Wednesday to “assess” his options.

On Thursday, he’ll meet with Obama at the White House. Will a concession statement and Clinton endorsement follow – supporting what he campaigned against, betraying his supporters, showing his stump populism was phony, empty rhetoric!

He operated this way throughout his political career – saying one thing, doing another, showing he’s more opportunist than populist, just another dirty politician, self-interest alone driving him.

Each electoral cycle, Americans get the best democracy money can buy – wealth, power and privilege exclusively served.

The only solution is nonviolent revolution. Voting accomplishes nothing.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.” Flashpoint in Ukraine / Stephen Lendman Visit his blog site at
Trump's unconventional approach to building a ground game
Donald Trump's unconventional approach to building a ground game -

In New York -- Trump's home state and a blue bastion he badly wants to win -- the campaign is counting on anti-Clinton sentiments upstate and efforts to pick up Democratic voters who are feel dissatisfied with their own party.

Carl Paladino, the campaign's co-chair in New York and the 2010 gubernatorial nominee, said they will also rely on conventional get-out-the-vote efforts and blanketing the upstate region with signs and bumper stickers.