Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Getting Serious About Trumponomics
Getting Serious About Trumponomics - The New Yorker

On Monday, as Hillary Clinton was preparing to fly to Ohio to give a speech portraying Donald Trump as a menace to the country’s financial well-being, Moody’s Analytics, the research firm, published a report on the presumptive Republican nominee’s economic program which claimed that his policies could plunge the U.S. economy into a deep recession.

Whether Moody’s timing was a coincidence, I don’t know. Mark Zandi, the firm’s chief economist and one of the report’s co-authors, is a former adviser to both John McCain and the Obama Administration. It’s fair to assume that Zandi isn’t a Trump fan.

Regardless of his motivations, however, the Moody’s analysis is illuminating, because it takes Trump’s various pledges seriously and plugs them into a fairly standard model of the economy.

And although some of its conclusions can be queried, the report illustrates what a radical break with past and current policies Trump is proposing and how much damage they could do.

My view on Trump is that his ego will require he leaves a great legacy if he becomes president. He will surround himself with good people to ensure that happens. He also wants to stay rich and have his businesses succeed. To do that, he needs the US economy to recover and for people to have excess money to spend on play things.

Both those things (great legacy and improved wealth for Trump) are self serving, but the side effect is that the US economy will have to be finally repaired and people have more money than they need to survive again. I am fine with that.

The alternative is a Hillary, who says she can break the law and it does not apply to her - onto to everyone else. This she says while trying to convince you to actually trust her...I fear what she will do when she no longer has to even pretend at all any more.
Do I think Trump is a good guy? Nope! Do I think he understands that money equals power and the US is in need? Yep!
Do I think that Trump would actually do his best to act on his words? Yep!

Hilary has nothing to offer that hasn't already been seen or experienced.
I am tired of having to vote AGAINST someone. I wish I had a candidate I wanted to vote FOR. But in choosing the lesser of two evils, Trump is the better choice over Hillary.
Great speech, though of course the media will pick and choose sound bites that make him look bad. He doesn't hide his arrogance as well as career politicians. I was blown away by how much he said about the Clinton's past scandals.

I could careles bout Hillary Clinton @flenser . Saw that Trump speech, unfortunately it's been picked apart be the media already.They show he lies about how they actually went down. Just saying
I could careles bout Hillary Clinton @flenser . Saw that Trump speech, unfortunately it's been picked apart be the media already.They show he lies about how they actually went down. Just saying

What I heard him say was accurate enough. The media has been protecting Hillary for decades. I hope when she provokes a nuclear exchange with Russia, Putin hits the media centers first.
This seems to be the consensus of my Canadian friends. WTF don't they want to become an American territory? Ungrateful bastards.
Lol BP no disrespect brother, but if I was an American citizen. I would put some consideration into moving to the "great white north". I couldn't vote for either Trump or Hillary imo
The Electoral College: Map No. 2
Larry J. Sabato's Crystal Ball » THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE: MAP NO. 2

Some of our readers may recall that the Crystal Ball published its first 2016 Electoral College map at the end of March. It was somewhat controversial — at least judging by many of the reactions we received. As you see below, at that time we projected Hillary Clinton at 347 electoral votes and Donald Trump at 191. While Toss-ups are perfectly reasonable at this stage of the campaign, we decided for clarity’s sake to push every close state one way or the other.
The Electoral College: Map No. 2
Larry J. Sabato's Crystal Ball » THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE: MAP NO. 2

Some of our readers may recall that the Crystal Ball published its first 2016 Electoral College map at the end of March. It was somewhat controversial — at least judging by many of the reactions we received. As you see below, at that time we projected Hillary Clinton at 347 electoral votes and Donald Trump at 191. While Toss-ups are perfectly reasonable at this stage of the campaign, we decided for clarity’s sake to push every close state one way or the other.
Seems like retard mathematics, fuck your liberal agenda bullshit...face it you hate red blooded Americans that fought to make a free country. I'm sure your office is full of rainbows and swings dicks, that cool bro do what you do...u must think meso member are total idiots...unfortunately for you we think for ourselves.
Seems like retard mathematics, fuck your liberal agenda bullshit...face it you hate red blooded Americans that fought to make a free country. I'm sure your office is full of rainbows and swings dicks, that cool bro do what you do...u must think meso member are total idiots...unfortunately for you we think for ourselves.

Actually, Sabato has a pretty good record of predicting elections. It's not Dr. Scally's usual anti-Trump blather. Personally, I am hoping the usual predictors, bookies and pollsters will be as blindsided by the Presidential election as they were with BREXIT, but I'm not betting on it (as I did with BREXIT).

Sabato's Crystal Ball
Sabato's Crystal Ball is run by the University of Virginia Center for Politics in Charlottesville. The site contains analysis of an array of political races in the United States, including presidential elections, Senate, House, and gubernatorial contests.

Prior to the 2002 midterm elections, where the Republican Party saw gains in both branches of Congress, Sabato's Crystal Ball website accurately predicted the outcome in 433 of the 435 contests for the House of Representatives and 32 of 34 Senate races.[8]

In 2004, which saw Republicans retain the White House and gain seats in the House and Senate, Crystal Ball correctly predicted the outcome of 525 of the 530 political races (99% accuracy), missing only one House race, one Senate race, one governor's race and two states in the Electoral College.[9]

In August 2006, Crystal Ball predicted that the Democrats would gain 29 seats in the House of Representatives and 6 seats in the Senate, providing them with a majority in both chambers. Sabato's predictions proved correct: each of his 33 Senate predictions were accurate, and in the House, Democrats gained 29 seats on election night, the precise total predicted by the Crystal Ball (Democrats went on to pick up a 30th seat in the December 12, 2006 run-off in Texas' 23rd district).[10]

In 2006 Sabato was named the most accurate source of election predictions by MSNBC, CNBC, and Pew's Project for Excellence in Journalism. In 2006, he was the only national analyst who correctly predicted the exact Democratic gains in Senate and House contests.[10]

In July 2008, Crystal Ball correctly projected that Barack Obama would win the presidency in a near-landslide.[11] Sabato predicted a 364–174 margin in the Electoral College, as well as the popular vote percentages.[12] The prediction was merely one point off the mark, with the actual result on November 4, 2008 being Obama 365 and McCain 173. (It did not predict an Obama win in Nebraska's 2nd congressional district.) Crystal Ball also accurately predicted 100% of all 35 Senate races, and 11 gubernatorial races correctly.[13]

In November 2010, Crystal Ball projected that Republicans would pick up 55 seats in the House of Representatives.[14] The Republicans picked up 63 House seats. It predicted a pickup of 8 seats in the Senate for Republicans.[15] The Republicans picked up 6 Senate seats.[16]

In 2012, Crystal Ball projected that Obama would win the presidency with 290 electoral votes to 248 for Romney; there would be no change in partisan makeup of the Senate, with Democrats at 53 and Republicans at 47; and Democrats would pick up 3 seats in the House of Representatives, for a result of 239 Republicans and 196 Democrats.[17] The projection was similar to the actual results, but Crystal Ball under-estimated Obama's number of electoral votes (332) and under-estimated Democratic victories in both the Senate (Democrats picked up two seats) and in the House (Democrats picked up eight seats).