Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Hillary clinton is racist against uneducated blacks, and white working class americans. She is also against gay rights and wants to enslave women. Regardless of what she is saying on a podium, these are her beliefs. Why on earth would any of these groups of people vote for her. Its time for a change. Shes had many backdoor deals and bribery with other countries. Shes been given millions from syria, who will trade women, young and old, for livestock. Who havd zero rights. America needs to become america again. All this bullshit about racism and feminism, women against feminism, the black lives matter and all these hate and racist groups needs to come to an end. Its disturbing. Obama was suppose to bring everyone together..during his term, the exact opposite has happened. The people affected the most are blue collar americans, who, this country used to look up to. You used to be able to raise a family on a blue collar wage and have a new car in your driveway. Now, the poor, jobless americans are wealthier than the working class. Its sickening. America needs a change and soon . Shes not going to be the one to do it. Im not pro trump..or pro anyone in this campaign. But, im scared to death of her, and so should you be. If you vote for her you are either a wealthy liberal, uneducated, living off the government, a feminist extremist (which is ironic), misinformed, or do not know how to think for yourself. I am not for or against a male or female president. America is rough right now. Lets stop the hate, the violence, start seeing through the cracks and fix the decline on society and our economy in the last 10 years. Dont vote for hillary clinton. If you do, you are not a true american and want our country to collapse completely. Social media and marketing has ruined peoples minds, stop buying into the hype and worry about yourself and your family.
What liberties do you feel you are really going to lose?

What liberties do you think Trump would gain you?

This part actually reminds me of Trump's slogan...

It's really apple's to orange's... there is no dismissing what comes out of the man's mouth. How will you feel when Trump meets with a female world leader like Angela Merkel and after a simple disagreement he turns to Twitter to call her an ugly piglet? A term he's used before.

Good thing for Trump supporters though is you'll probably never hear about it... he's banning news outlets left and right and he'll continue to do so until he has brought you the news that he WANTS you to see. Trump dismisses objections to his political and personal identity by banning any news outlet that doesn't push the story he wants to see.

Next argument is, "oh the media is just so hard on him and they cut his speeches up and run them on TV in such a way he's demonized and it's not fair." A legitimate candidate wouldn't have this problem and neither should he. He's a narcissist that is unfit for the position... not saying others aren't a narcissist but others are not dangerous.

Please do not mistake me for a Trump apologist. I know of the bigoted statements you speak of, and many low information are channeling their id through him. This is sad, and straight out of the democrat and republican party playbook. Tap into resentment, dichotomous thinking, etc. (Blame guns not the ideology, or conversely, blame the ideology not the guns, blame the white men, blame the muslims, your entitled to this blah blah blah and all these false choices). Guess what, it works! In reality, there are hard truths/consequences about globalization and the reasonable limits to scale that any society can accommodate change and remain stable.

Regarding rights/liberty. I would have to consider this more. It is a fair point Eman. For now I would just say be careful conflating equality with equity. Equality addresses opportunity and maintains personal responsibility which is congruent with the ideals of our founding as a nation. Equity is essentially socialism.

My statements reflect more of what Hillary represents. Perhaps it would be more appropriate to start a "Hillary?" thread and vent there.

"not saying others aren't a narcissist but others are not dangerous."

This is laughable. Hillary's political actions have directly contributed to the loss of lives many many thousand and subsequent global immigration crisis(Lybia/Syria ring a bell?) Trump has not been a bastion of ethical gold standards, but its hard to imagine anyone doing a worse job or being more unethical than Billary in recent times.

Yes, I'm really pissed that our candidates suck ass.
"not saying others aren't a narcissist but others are not dangerous."

This is laughable. Hillary's political actions have directly contributed to the loss of lives many many thousand and subsequent global immigration crisis(Lybia/Syria ring a bell?) Trump has not been a bastion of ethical gold standards, but its hard to imagine anyone doing a worse job or being more unethical than Billary in recent times.

I meant to say "as dangerous". All Presidents are dangerous, comes with the territory. Trump isn't a politician and doesn't have a track record to put under the microscope. I'll add I'm not really a Hillary supporter either... but if I were to have the nuclear detonator in my hand and I had to hand it to either Donald or Hillary... I most certainly would not give it to Donald. :eek:
Not for nothing, trump bashes men and women..the same. Hes harsh and has made some low blows. Like it or hate it, but, I do not see how calling out a man because your a man or women is any different. Any women or men fighting for equality should not have anything to say against it. Youre doing the exact opposite. Stop playing a victim. If anything, hes a man-hater. Keep living in your brainwashed social media lives.
Is the fact that bill clinton raped young girls and hillary attacked the victims, ok? The fact she defended a man, as a favor to him, knowing he did it, for rape against a 12 yr old, ok? As far as her email scandal, if there is any truth to what is on there..we do not know who has that information. Can it be used against her or America as bribery if she becomes president? Its all hear-say but not a good position to be in.

Is allowing illegal immigrants into our country, ok? Why?
If she becomes president, you watch america be in the worst state of our history. And i hope if you do vote for her you wont be able to look at yourself, not if, but when it happens.
A man who is anti immigrant, is the son of immigrants and has an immigrant wife... Is a strange scenario!
Hes not anti-immigrant. Hes anti-Illegal-immigrant. People can still get their green cant just hop into america and expect us to pay for your living. But..its happening.
Hes not anti-immigrant.

Immigrants... You mean who Trump referred to as the drug dealers and rapists right?

The ones he's going to keep out with a wall across the border?

His solution for dealing with the 15 million already in the US is based on a merit system and that's as much as Trump has elaborated..

"You know, it's hard to generalize, but you're going to have to look at the individual people, see how they've done, see how productive they've been, see what their references are, and then make a decision," Trump said

But in the same breath has said that he MAY be open to amnesty...

It's as bad or worse than Romney's self deportation plan. It would be funny if it weren't so fucking sad.
Immigrants... You mean who Trump referred to as the drug dealers and rapists right?

The ones he's going to keep out with a wall across the border?

His solution for dealing with the 15 million already in the US is based on a merit system and that's as much as Trump has elaborated..

"You know, it's hard to generalize, but you're going to have to look at the individual people, see how they've done, see how productive they've been, see what their references are, and then make a decision," Trump said

But in the same breath has said that he MAY be open to amnesty...

It's as bad or worse than Romney's self deportation plan. It would be funny if it weren't so fucking sad.
Trump said that illegal immigrants are crossing our borders. Some are criminals, and rapists and some are good people. He did not say they all are. Why is it so bad to want to oversee who comes into our country? And why should it be right to cross the border illegally?

I live in a very diverse part of the city. Every established muslim and mexican, who got here legally, by themselves or generations beforehand, and are working and not enslaved by the government are pro trump, due in part, for that very reason. Its not fair to them, or to any citizen of the unites states. Scary to be honest.
20 yrs ago people came here for the american dream. Worked. Supported their families the best they could. Now, they come here and expect a handout, as if they are rightfully owed something. Its a disgrace.
What about the 5 yr old american girl who was raped by 3 syrian refugees in idaho recently? Then pissed on her when they were done. Why was this not on the media? Because they are muslim. God forbid.
Most media outlets who broadcast nationwide are fully supported by liberals.
Trump said that illegal immigrants are crossing our borders. Some are criminals, and rapists and some are good people. He did not say they all are.

He said and I quote, "Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

Some, I ASSUME, are good people. o_O

Why is it so bad to want to oversee who comes into our country?

It's not.

Now, they come here and expect a handout, as if they are rightfully owed something. Its a disgrace.

I used to work around many Hispanic laborers... I tell you what, they weren't being given any handouts. Few guys could keep up with me on a construction site but I'll be the first to admit I would never have been able to do what those guys did and they did it for less than a third of what I made... I thought it was kind of a disgrace they didn't get more money... But they were happy. They were there till about ten at night and they were there before my crew arrived at 6. I was told they showed up at 4... every job I went to was the same. I was humbled and I respected them for living that way when I know I wouldn't have been able to.

I live in a very diverse part of the city. Every established muslim and mexican, who got here legally, by themselves or generations beforehand, and are working and not enslaved by the government are pro trump, due in part, for that very reason

Pretty sure polls indicate he only really has like 20% of the Hispanic community's support and less than half of that with the Muslim community... Hillary leads by a huge margin in that regard.

It's likely why he's softened his tone recently and said he would only ban Muslims from terrorist heavy countries. Thank goodness... :rolleyes:
He said and I quote, "Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

Some, I ASSUME, are good people. o_O

It's not.

I used to work around many Hispanic laborers... I tell you what, they weren't being given any handouts. Few guys could keep up with me on a construction site but I'll be the first to admit I would never have been able to do what those guys did and they did it for less than a third of what I made... I thought it was kind of a disgrace they didn't get more money... But they were happy. They were there till about ten at night and they were there before my crew arrived at 6. I was told they showed up at 4... every job I went to was the same. I was humbled and I respected them for living that way when I know I wouldn't have been able to.

Pretty sure polls indicate he only really has like 20% of the Hispanic community's support and less than half of that with the Muslim community... Hillary leads by a huge margin in that regard.

It's likely why he's softened his tone recently and said he would only ban Muslims from terrorist heavy countries. Thank goodness... :rolleyes:
He assumes are good your picking this apart and drawing at straws.
They are bringing drugs, and commiting you disagree?

No one said hispanics are bad. I didnt. But those jobs could have been given to someone an american citizen. Maybe even one who is sitting on their porch collecting a welfare check, that our taxes pay for. Are these hispanics you work for being taxed?
Plenty of muslims and mexicans with fake social security cards taking jobs away from american citizens and for lesser pay. Or getting paid under the table. Mostly labor or factory jobs that people, of this country, need.

Which polls are you speaking of? Media?