Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Donald Trump claims to have a world-class memory, but it certainly wasn't on display during his deposition for a lawsuit over Trump University.

"I don't remember," Trump told lawyers 35 times during his December testimony, which was released on Wednesday.

His inability to recall covered a wide range of subjects — including whether he had told NBC News' Katy Tur just a month earlier that he had the "world's Greatest memory."

The attorney for those who claim Trump University was a scam quizzed Trump about boasts he had made about his supposedly steel-trap mind.

"You've described it as being one of the all-time great memories, right?" the attorney asked.

"I have a good memory," Trump said in a rare display of understatement.

"'One of the best in the world' is what the reporter quoted you as saying," the lawyer pressed.

"I don't remember saying that," Trump answered. "As good as my memory is, I don't remember that, but I have a good memory."

The lawsuits documents released Thursday also included a 2012 deposition in which Trump said, "I don't remember" another 24 times. Between the two depositions, he also said, "I don't recall" seven times and "can't remember" three times.

Trump Can't Remember 'World's Greatest Memory' Boast
When choosing between two "evils"

Choose the evil you know versus the one you don't.

This is simplistic. There is plenty of opportunity for Trump to be vetted, you can damn be sure that the pro-Billary media, their stooges and special interests will vet ad nauseam.
I am NO fan of Trump, but I will likely hold my nose and vote for him. I don't think anyone can out-corrupt Billary, even an epic narcissist like Trump
I am NO fan of Trump, but I will likely hold my nose and vote for him. I don't think anyone can out-corrupt Billary, even an epic narcissist like Trump

It's statements like this that I will never understand...

I want to believe that supporters just aren't following along in his campaign and are ignorant to the propaganda he spreads... That would be far better than actually believing in anything he says...

Do your country a great service and dont hold your nose and don't vote at all.
Trump: Even worse than we thought
TheMoneyIllusion » Trump: Even worse than we thought

Over the past year, I’ve been stunned to discover that Trump seems to have absolutely no redeeming qualities. Even Nixon was intelligent. Herbert Hoover was a highly competent manager. Trump seems to be bad in just about every way a person can be judged:

1. Pathological liar.

2. Utterly ignorant of policy issues.

3. Wrong on most policy issues.

3. Bigoted and sexist.

4. Highly vindictive.

5. Distrusts expertise.

6. Obnoxious personality.

7. Has no taste.

Now we find that things are even worse than we imagined. Surely a New York businessman who made lots of money in real estate must at least be a good manager. Nope, he’s perhaps the worst manager ever to run for President of the United States.

So he’s also corrupt. Fundraising is one of the first cases where we’ve been able to judge Trump’s ability to get things done. And he failed miserably. In retrospect, this should not have been a surprise. Contrary to widespread opinion, Trump has not had a successful business career, rather he’s been really lucky. First he inherited $40 million from his dad, back in the 1970s. If he’d just put the money into an index fund he would have done about as well as he’s actually done. (We don’t know exactly how rich he is, and he won’t provide adequate documentation.)


In Scotland, we saw another example of his appalling incompetence.


Trump’s not even a competent nationalist. When there is a conflict between the best interests of the US, and the nationalist faction of another country, he sides with the other country. Trump certainly won’t make America’s retirement accounts great again, unless he starts standing up for America’s interests, not the Brits.

It's statements like this that I will never understand...

I want to believe that supporters just aren't following along in his campaign and are ignorant to the propaganda he spreads... That would be far better than actually believing in anything he says...

Do your country a great service and dont hold your nose and don't vote at all.

Both candidates are alarmist, appealing to myopic fear. There are "supporters" and then there are voters.

I contemplated not voting. But at the end of the day, one of them will be president. Not voting is a cop-out versus protest.
There are "supporters" and then there are voters

It's very true... it's also the reason that Trump will not be able to win this election. At least a very big hurdle for his election anyways.

Voters tend to vote the same year after year. Republicans for Republicans and Democrats for Democrats etc. It hardly changes, and it really hasn't in the last 8 - 10 elections.

So, that means he truly needs all of the Republicans that voted for Romney in the last election plus about 5 million more... and he's likely not to even achieve that because ol Mitt voiced his views on what he thought of Donald and it was less than supportive lol. Plus the voters need to be in the right states.

What about the McCain supporters?? If he's got there support then he's still going to need another TEN million votes... but he doesn't have much support there either because he talks shit on POW's and how they are less of a soldier if they are caught and imprisoned in the line of duty.

He doesn't even have half of the female Republican parties support because of his misogynist comments.

Even the independent voters tend to vote for the same party election after election despite not being labeled as one or the other. They were among the voters that voted in the names listed above.

I hope he continues to make a mockery of himself in the process of this election though....
"I hope he continues to make a mockery of himself in the process of this election though...."

With the media in the bag for Billary and his propensity to bloviate, you would think this is a foregone conclusion. However, the white working class is in rebellion and weary of being patronized, spoon fed PC, and economically hurting. Couple that with a hilariously disingenuous and insidiously corrupt Hillary Clinton.
Zeitgeist anyone?

And curious, what is your skin in this game?
However, the white working class is in rebellion and weary of being patronized, spoon fed PC, and economically hurting.

I get it... But it goes back to the numbers, they didn't vote for Obama and he got the seat. They'll vote for Trump and he still won't get the seat.. a lot of them still won't vote for him because although he's running Republican he still has no real qualifications. A "billionaire" that inherited millions and made a few good real estate deals doesnt qualify him for potus.

What's my skin in the game?

Not being a laughing stock to the rest of the world would be a nice start.

I also don't condone racism, misogyny and xenophobia. Among many other things...
For some reason I was under the (wrong) impression you hail from outside the US. My bad Eman
I also detest what you do not condone. However, I am quite concerned about erosion of liberty via overreach, subversive agendas, and supposed greater good decision from dogmatic bureaucrats who think they need to save us from ourselves These same "camp" bureaucrats dismiss any objections to their political identity dogmas as racist, misogynist and xenophobic. It is intellectually lazy and purposefully inflammatory
erosion of liberty

What liberties do you feel you are really going to lose?

What liberties do you think Trump would gain you?

think they need to save us from ourselves

This part actually reminds me of Trump's slogan...

dismiss any objections to their political identity dogmas as racist, misogynist and xenophobic. It is intellectually lazy and purposefully inflammatory

It's really apple's to orange's... there is no dismissing what comes out of the man's mouth. How will you feel when Trump meets with a female world leader like Angela Merkel and after a simple disagreement he turns to Twitter to call her an ugly piglet? A term he's used before.

Good thing for Trump supporters though is you'll probably never hear about it... he's banning news outlets left and right and he'll continue to do so until he has brought you the news that he WANTS you to see. Trump dismisses objections to his political and personal identity by banning any news outlet that doesn't push the story he wants to see.

Next argument is, "oh the media is just so hard on him and they cut his speeches up and run them on TV in such a way he's demonized and it's not fair." A legitimate candidate wouldn't have this problem and neither should he. He's a narcissist that is unfit for the position... not saying others aren't a narcissist but others are not dangerous.
What liberties do you feel you are really going to lose?

What liberties do you think Trump would gain you?

This part actually reminds me of Trump's slogan...

It's really apple's to orange's... there is no dismissing what comes out of the man's mouth. How will you feel when Trump meets with a female world leader like Angela Merkel and after a simple disagreement he turns to Twitter to call her an ugly piglet? A term he's used before.

Good thing for Trump supporters though is you'll probably never hear about it... he's banning news outlets left and right and he'll continue to do so until he has brought you the news that he WANTS you to see. Trump dismisses objections to his political and personal identity by banning any news outlet that doesn't push the story he wants to see.

Next argument is, "oh the media is just so hard on him and they cut his speeches up and run them on TV in such a way he's demonized and it's not fair." A legitimate candidate wouldn't have this problem and neither should he. He's a narcissist that is unfit for the position... not saying others aren't a narcissist but others are not dangerous.
Funny story actually, I had no idea what a narcissist was till a few weeks ago. I went to look up the actuall definition and it might as well had Trumps face right there in the definition, lol... I can't argue with that one!