Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

I cant wait to see people in the Obama administration and maybe even the man himself indicted for collecting intelligence illegally on Trumps admin for up to a year before the election. They did this under the guise of foreign surveillance but Americans caught in this type of surveillance are not supposed to be named in any report for constitutional reasons. Oops, guess they should have left Flynn alone because now their house of cards is collapsing and they will be under it when it does.
Once again, Trump was correct in his assertion that he was surveilled. Snowden told the world what was really going on a long time ago. This is the most involved ive ever really gotten in politics because it would just anger and frustrate me to even think about. I am thoroughly enjoying the events that continue to unfold here though.

Ok so let's say Obama did order a surveillance hit on Trump. Would you even care if there was proof that Trump had some treasonous dealings with Russia. Or would you declare it as illegally obtained evidence? Serious question
Ok so let's say Obama did order a surveillance hit on Trump. Would you even care if there was proof that Trump had some treasonous dealings with Russia. Or would you declare it as illegally obtained evidence? Serious question

Trumpsters are so FOS once again ...

Rice's requests to unmask the names of Trump transition officials do not vindicate Trump's own tweets from March 4 in which he accused Obama of illegally tapping Trump Tower. There remains no evidence to support that claim. Susan Rice Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel
Ok so let's say Obama did order a surveillance hit on Trump. Would you even care if there was proof that Trump had some treasonous dealings with Russia. Or would you declare it as illegally obtained evidence? Serious question

More ... [But, don't look at Russia ...]

Former National Security Adviser Susan Rice reportedly tried to learn the identities of officials on President Donald Trump's transition team whose conversations with foreign officials were incidentally collected during routine intelligence-gathering operations.

The intelligence reports obtained by Rice, who served under President Barack Obama from 2013 to 2017, "were summaries of monitored conversations — primarily between foreign officials discussing the Trump transition, but also in some cases direct contact between members of the Trump team and monitored foreign officials," Bloomberg's Eli Lake reported on Monday.

National-security experts say Rice's reported requests to identify who was speaking with the foreign officials before Trump was inaugurated were neither unusual nor against the law — especially if, as Lake reported, the foreign officials being monitored were discussing "valuable political information" that required the identity of the people they were speaking to, or about, to be uncovered.

"The identities of US persons may be released under two circumstances: 1) the identity is needed to make sense of the intercept; 2) if a crime is involved in the conversation," said Robert Deitz, a former senior counselor to the CIA director and former general counsel at the National Security Agency.

"Any senior official who receives the underlying intelligence may request these identities," Deitz said, noting that while "the bar for obtaining the identity is not particularly high, it must come from a senior official, and the reason cannot simply be raw curiosity."
I cant wait to see people in the Obama administration and maybe even the man himself indicted for collecting intelligence illegally on Trumps admin for up to a year before the election.

Theres not a chance of that happening with the information available currently bc the intelligence collection was fully legal. There is a FISA court warrant that makes it legal. What you should be excited for IMO is the answer as to why so many of Trump's team has ties to Russians the government felt necessary to surveil.

They did this under the guise of foreign surveillance but Americans caught in this type of surveillance are not supposed to be named in any report for constitutional reasons.

Just bc names were disseminated does not make the surveillance itself illegal.

Oops, guess they should have left Flynn alone because now their house of cards is collapsing and they will be under it when it does.

And therein lies the exception to when American names CAN be disseminated when they get caught up in surveillance of international figures. When the name of the American is important to the context of the information in the intelligence report, they are allowed to reveal names.

A National Security Council chairman taking money from Russians (the country that interfered with the election), LYING ABOUT IT ON INCOME DISCLOSURE FORMS, LYING to the Vice President of the United States about his communications with foreign countries, receiving money that had to be laundered as computer purchases from the Ukraine, etc etc IS someone that needs to be revealed. To think otherwise is to abandon reason in favor of partisan loyalty.

Once again, Trump was correct in his assertion that he was surveilled.

Trump was not even close to being correct. In fact, he is so far out of reality and so far from being correct that his own lap dogs can't even continue the charade and have to resort to using excuses such as air quotes and quotation marks.

Snowden told the world what was really going on a long time ago. This is the most involved ive ever really gotten in politics because it would just anger and frustrate me to even think about. I am thoroughly enjoying the events that continue to unfold here though.

I would love to know what reay happens in the intelligence community but there's no chance of it becoming public knowledge unless someother big wigs decide to jump ship.
I cant wait to see people in the Obama administration and maybe even the man himself indicted for collecting intelligence illegally on Trumps admin for up to a year before the election. They did this under the guise of foreign surveillance but Americans caught in this type of surveillance are not supposed to be named in any report for constitutional reasons. Oops, guess they should have left Flynn alone because now their house of cards is collapsing and they will be under it when it does.
Once again, Trump was correct in his assertion that he was surveilled. Snowden told the world what was really going on a long time ago. This is the most involved ive ever really gotten in politics because it would just anger and frustrate me to even think about. I am thoroughly enjoying the events that continue to unfold here though.

Collecting intelligence by the intelligence agency ,whom seeked a fisa warrant to do so,can and should collect any and every information on the accused and co-conspirators.
If any of the Trump administration fell into that category not only LEGAL, but also it's your patriotic duty to make sure it's investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent. It baffles me that you people are talking about who did the Spying rather than seeing the people who got spied on had a reason to be spied on. Fuck..... general Flynn is selling his mother to get out of jail sentence. You have another former adviser to the president with 12 bank accounts in Cyprus that's never been declared here in the states. You have another former associate coming on TV in the last two years,since 2015, bragging about his back channel ties to Puttin administration. Everyone in this team looks at Ukraine as the enemy rather than the NATO Ally. Can somebody explain to me what happened to logic since November? I dont give a flying fuck if it was Obama or Trump, or mother Thresa who did this, punishment should be the same for treason.
Intelligence agencies can and do collect information whenever and on whomever they want. They don't need a friggin warrant, unless their building a case that may wind up in a court. These "agencies" both here and abroad live and operate in a world of their own.
We ain't got clue.
I haven't ranted yet. I leave the ranting to you since you are like a 10 year old school girl that didn't get her way. Someone peed into your cheerios and now you are crying over the spilled milk. Lol
You are the one who voted for trump you fucking moron. Trump makes a fool of you every day. Enjoy.
Is this thread all about bashing Trump? Ha
This thread is mainly scallys attempt to repost every twitter feed and meme against Trump that's ever been posted on the entire Internet. No one pays attention to that anymore, he rarely gets "likes", and it just clogs up the real discourse. Ignore helps.
Inbetween we manage to have an actual discussion with some great give and take, funny moments, and good points from both sides.


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