Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Theres not a chance of that happening with the information available currently bc the intelligence collection was fully legal. There is a FISA court warrant that makes it legal. What you should be excited for IMO is the answer as to why so many of Trump's team has ties to Russians the government felt necessary to surveil.

Just bc names were disseminated does not make the surveillance itself illegal.

And therein lies the exception to when American names CAN be disseminated when they get caught up in surveillance of international figures. When the name of the American is important to the context of the information in the intelligence report, they are allowed to reveal names.

A National Security Council chairman taking money from Russians (the country that interfered with the election), LYING ABOUT IT ON INCOME DISCLOSURE FORMS, LYING to the Vice President of the United States about his communications with foreign countries, receiving money that had to be laundered as computer purchases from the Ukraine, etc etc IS someone that needs to be revealed. To think otherwise is to abandon reason in favor of partisan loyalty.

Trump was not even close to being correct. In fact, he is so far out of reality and so far from being correct that his own lap dogs can't even continue the charade and have to resort to using excuses such as air quotes and quotation marks.

I would love to know what reay happens in the intelligence community but there's no chance of it becoming public knowledge unless someother big wigs decide to jump ship.
I have no partisan loyalties. The moment i started siding with Trump was before the actual election when i saw all the major news networks headline of "Stock Market surges on hopes of a Clinton win". Thats about when I really started paying attention to how government manipulates people to get the results those 1% find favorable. If they were siding with Obama and Hillary, i was siding with Trump. They had been setting the stage for a long time and the loss came as a total shock.

It's entirely possible Trump has ties to Russia, I honestly dont know and neither does anyone else. All you and i offer is opinion and speculation. I doubt truth would ever surface in all this muck that's been created by both sides. Its also entirely possible that Trump was intentionally being monitored for the sole purpose to try to discredit him and find angles to get the American people to once again be led in the direction they point.
I dont know, you dont know and the people that do will create so many distractions that noone will ever be able to uncover anything remotely resembling truth.

For me it's pretty simple. Washington is full of career politicians who've gotten rich taking bribes and screwing over the people they've been appointed to represent. It is a swamp and only the lowest form of life can survive in those conditions. If Trump screws the pooch, ill be the first to call him out on it but until there is actual proof of anything one way or the other, I'll continue to go the opposite way the media tries to point me.

Somewhere along the way, opinions became front page news articles with retractions being printed on page 16b at the bottom where noone would notice. At that point it didnt matter because the impact of the opinion printed was already made. I simply try to have an open mind and remain teachable. My position could change at any time.
Collecting intelligence by the intelligence agency ,whom seeked a fisa warrant to do so,can and should collect any and every information on the accused and co-conspirators.
If any of the Trump administration fell into that category not only LEGAL, but also it's your patriotic duty to make sure it's investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent. It baffles me that you people are talking about who did the Spying rather than seeing the people who got spied on had a reason to be spied on. Fuck..... general Flynn is selling his mother to get out of jail sentence. You have another former adviser to the president with 12 bank accounts in Cyprus that's never been declared here in the states. You have another former associate coming on TV in the last two years,since 2015, bragging about his back channel ties to Puttin administration. Everyone in this team looks at Ukraine as the enemy rather than the NATO Ally. Can somebody explain to me what happened to logic since November? I dont give a flying fuck if it was Obama or Trump, or mother Thresa who did this, punishment should be the same for treason.
Why get worked up over it? Because this type of party warfare has been going on for a lot longer than the past year. You think your side of the fence has clean hands? If you think one side of our system is any less corrupt than the other, think again. Truthfully, I don't know what the hell to believe anymore because i dont know of many sources of actual news that arent driven by money, bias or agenda
Why get worked up over it? Because this type of party warfare has been going on for a lot longer than the past year. You think your side of the fence has clean hands? If you think one side of our system is any less corrupt than the other, think again. Truthfully, I don't know what the hell to believe anymore because i dont know of many sources of actual news that arent driven by money, bias or agenda
Brother this Russian interference is not a partisan thing. They won this his chapter doesn't matter if it's Trump or Hillary as president. What I'm saying is what are we gonna do to make sure next time it's not your candidate and it's not our democrat system we stand so proud of being manipulated again? People like Flynn should be charged with treason. He actually did work for a foreign government (Turkey) while advising Trump. I have no doubt if there is money to be made with Russians he was involved:) so This is more than just Trumps legacy. There is no doubt of Russians involvement in our last election
What are we willing to do about it as people ? Keep our heads in the sand ???
Brother this Russian interference is not a partisan thing. They won this his chapter doesn't matter if it's Trump or Hillary as president. What I'm saying is what are we gonna do to make sure next time it's not your candidate and it's not our democrat system we stand so proud of being manipulated again? People like Flynn should be charged with treason. He actually did work for a foreign government (Turkey) while advising Trump. I have no doubt if there is money to be made with Russians he was involved:) so This is more than just Trumps legacy. There is no doubt of Russians involvement in our last election
What are we willing to do about it as people ? Keep our heads in the sand ???
Good question considering that we the people haven't had control of our government in a long time. It would be nice if a group of people with integrity in positions of power would step up because the ones with the money and power are the same ones who don't want anything to change. Maybe we don't need to do or change anything. A wise man once said "You have to be the change you wish to see in the world." I often wonder if i make positive changes in myself if it would be reflected back to me in the world as well.
On another note
If you haven't read this, you really should. Its not politics
It baffles me that you people are talking about who did the Spying rather than seeing the people who got spied on had a reason to be spied on.
actually, you kind of got it backwards. This all stemmed from the wikileaks and the leaking of the podesta emails. So rather than the narrative being the damning information we got from the emails the narrative became the russian hacking and the link (that hasn't been found yet) between russia and trump. It was all slight of hand to point our attention away from hillary.
The fake ties between Trump and Russia are even more obvious than the claims Iraq had WMD. Both claims were pathetically obvious when they were first made, but then the media got behind those lies and began producing vast amounts of propaganda; actively suppressing real data when it could, or discrediting the data when it went viral.

Trump has already proven himself to be a mass murderer, just like every other US president. I oppose most of his policies the same as I would a Hillary or Sanders presidency. I find it funny, and a little sad, the most egregious thing being said about Trump is a made up story about collusion with a foreign government. If it were true, the odds of a nuclear war would be just about nil, and there would be no excuse for yet another push for more and better nukes.

President Trump’s approval rating has tumbled 11 points since March, according to a new poll released Monday.

Thirty-four percent of Americans approve of Trump’s job performance in the latest Investor’s Business Daily (IBD)/TechnoMetrica Institute of Policy and Politics (TIPP) survey.

Fifty-six percent disprove of Trump’s showing instead, and Monday’s results mark an 11-point drop in Trump’s approval rating since the president’s 45 percent last month in the same poll.
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Trump’s Authoritarian Vision

Standing before the cheering throngs at the Republican National Convention last summer, Donald Trump bemoaned how special interests had rigged the country’s politics and its economy, leaving Americans victimized by unfair trade deals, incompetent bureaucrats and spineless leaders.

He swooped into politics, he declared, to subvert the powerful and rescue those who cannot defend themselves. “Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it.”

To Trump’s faithful, those words were a rallying cry. But his critics heard something far more menacing in them: a dangerously authoritarian vision of the presidency — one that would crop up time and again as he talked about overruling generals, disregarding international law, ordering soldiers to commit war crimes, jailing his opponent.

Trump has no experience in politics; he’s never previously run for office or held a government position. So perhaps he was unaware that one of the hallmarks of the American system of government is that the president’s power to “fix” things unilaterally is constrained by an array of strong institutions — including the courts, the media, the permanent federal bureaucracy and Congress. Combined, they provide an essential defense against an imperial presidency.

Yet in his first weeks at the White House, President Trump has already sought to undermine many of those institutions. Those that have displayed the temerity to throw some hurdle in the way of a Trump objective have quickly felt the heat.

Consider Trump’s feud with the courts.

He has repeatedly questioned the impartiality and the motives of judges. For example, he attacked the jurists who ruled against his order excluding travelers from seven majority Muslim nations, calling one a “so-called judge” and later tweeting:

Just cannot believe a judge would put our country in such peril. If something happens blame him and court system. People pouring in. Bad! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 5, 2017

It’s nothing new for presidents to disagree with court decisions. But Trump’s direct, personal attacks on judges’ integrity and on the legitimacy of the judicial system itself — and his irresponsible suggestion that the judiciary should be blamed for future terrorist attacks — go farther. They aim to undermine public faith in the third branch of government.

The courts are the last line of defense for the Constitution and the rule of law; that’s what makes them such a powerful buffer against an authoritarian leader. The president of the United States should understand that and respect it.

Other institutions under attack include:

1 The electoral process. Faced with certified election results showing that Hillary Clinton outpolled him by nearly 3 million votes, Trump repeated the unsubstantiated — and likely crackpot — assertion that Clinton’s supporters had duped local polling places with millions of fraudulent votes. In a democracy, the right to vote is the one check that the people themselves hold against their leaders; sowing distrust in elections is the kind of thing leaders do when they don’t want their power checked.

2 The intelligence community. After reports emerged that the Central Intelligence Agency believed Russia had tried to help Trump win, the president-elect’s transition team responded: “These are the same people that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.” It was a snarky, dismissive, undermining response — and the administration has continued to belittle the intelligence community and question its motives since then, while also leaking stories about possibly paring and restructuring its ranks. It is bizarre to watch Trump continue to tussle publicly with this particular part of the government, whose leaders he himself has appointed, as if he were still an outsider candidate raging against the machine. It’s unnerving too, given the intelligence services’ crucial role in protecting the country against hidden risks, assisting the U.S. military and helping inform Trump’s decisions.

3 The media. Trump has blistered the mainstream media for reporting that has cast him in a poor light, saying outlets concocted narratives based on nonexistent anonymous sources. In February he said that the “fake news” media will “never represent the people,” adding ominously: “And we’re going to do something about it.” His goal seems to be to defang the media watchdog by making the public doubt any coverage that accuses Trump of blundering or abusing his power.

4 Federal agencies. In addition to calling for agency budgets to be chopped by up to 30%, Trump appointed a string of Cabinet secretaries who were hostile to much of their agencies’ missions and the laws they’re responsible for enforcing. He has also proposed deep cuts in federal research programs, particularly in those related to climate change. It’s easier to argue that climate change isn’t real when you’re no longer collecting the data that documents it.

In a way, Trump represents a culmination of trends that have been years in the making.

Conservative talk radio hosts have long blasted federal judges as “activists” and regulators as meddlers in the economy, while advancing the myth of rampant election fraud. And gridlock in Washington has led previous presidents to try new ways to circumvent the checks on their power — witness President George W. Bush’s use of signing statements to invalidate parts of bills Congress passed, and President Obama’s aggressive use of executive orders when lawmakers balked at his proposals.

What’s uniquely threatening about Trump’s approach, though, is how many fronts he’s opened in this struggle for power and the vehemence with which he seeks to undermine the institutions that don’t go along.

It’s one thing to complain about a judicial decision or to argue for less regulation, but to the extent that Trump weakens public trust in essential institutions like the courts and the media, he undermines faith in democracy and in the system and processes that make it work.

“He sees himself as not merely a force for change, but as a wrecking ball.” Share this quote

Trump betrays no sense for the president’s place among the myriad of institutions in the continuum of governance. He seems willing to violate long-established political norms without a second thought, and he cavalierly rejects the civility and deference that allow the system to run smoothly. He sees himself as not merely a force for change, but as a wrecking ball.

Will Congress act as a check on Trump’s worst impulses as he moves forward? One test is the House and Senate intelligence committees’ investigation into Russia’s meddling in the presidential election; lawmakers need to muster the courage to follow the trail wherever it leads. Can the courts stand up to Trump? Already, several federal judges have issued rulings against the president’s travel ban. And although Trump has railed against the decisions, he has obeyed them.

None of these institutions are eager to cede authority to the White House and they won’t do so without a fight. It would be unrealistic to suggest that America’s most basic democratic institutions are in imminent jeopardy.

But we should not view them as invulnerable either. Remember that Trump’s verbal assaults are directed at the public, and are designed to chip away at people’s confidence in these institutions and deprive them of their validity. When a dispute arises, whose actions are you going to consider legitimate? Whom are you going to trust? That’s why the public has to be wary of Trump’s attacks on the courts, the “deep state,” the “swamp.” We can’t afford to be talked into losing our faith in the forces that protect us from an imperial presidency.