Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

You're back?!?! I thought I chased your punk ass away. Lol.

Ok continue with the UUR...
I'm having way too much fucking with your simple mind. It just keeps getting better too bitch. Trump can't help humiliating you. I will be here to remind you how fucked up your judgement is. I realize you are an imbecile and it will take some time to sink in but I have time. :(
I'm having way too much fucking with your simple mind. It just keeps getting better too bitch. Trump can't help humiliating you. I will be here to remind you how how fucked up your judgement it. I realize you are an imbecile and it will take some time to sink in but I have time. :(

Deserving of a double ...


What's really amusing is to watch the same guys who railed on Obama come unglued when little Hitler is criticized.

A combination of controversy, scandal and low polling numbers have prompted oddsmakers at a U.K. betting house to predict President Donald Trump would likely either be impeached or resign – or both – before the upstart politician’s first term in the White House officially comes to an end in 2020, according to a new report. The odds for an impeachment to happen were given a 4/5 chance of happening as of Friday, according to Inverse, a website that describes itself in part by asking “ What could happen next? ”

Ladbrokes, which has been accepting bets over Trump’s future in Washington, said in February that the fact that there was even a market for such wagers was indicative of the president’s fate.
Everyone realizes trump is deranged except the rednecks who voted for him.

Trump being escorted out the whitehouse in chains mumbling something about the deepstate. Picture that.

Islamic State said on Tuesday the United States was drowning and "being run by an idiot".

In the first official remarks by the group referring to President Donald Trump since he took office, spokesman Abi al-Hassan al-Muhajer said:

"America you have drowned and there is no savior, and you have become prey for the soldiers of the caliphate in every part of the earth, you are bankrupt and the signs of your demise are evident to every eye."

"... There is no more evidence than the fact that you are being run by an idiot who does not know what Syria or Iraq or Islam is," he said in a recording released on Tuesday on messaging network Telegram.

Trump has made defeating Islamic State a priority of his presidency.

Islamic State said on Tuesday the United States was drowning and "being run by an idiot".

In the first official remarks by the group referring to President Donald Trump since he took office, spokesman Abi al-Hassan al-Muhajer said:

"America you have drowned and there is no savior, and you have become prey for the soldiers of the caliphate in every part of the earth, you are bankrupt and the signs of your demise are evident to every eye."

"... There is no more evidence than the fact that you are being run by an idiot who does not know what Syria or Iraq or Islam is," he said in a recording released on Tuesday on messaging network Telegram.

Trump has made defeating Islamic State a priority of his presidency.

They said the same shit about Obama, big deal. Did you think they would have anything but vitriol for any U.S president? Do you read half the regurgitation you post? Sad.....
Everyone realizes trump is deranged except the rednecks who voted for him.

Trump being escorted out the whitehouse in chains mumbling something about the deepstate. Picture that.

Sorry Paul, it's not going to happen. Not a single, factual, illegal Russian tie has been found. They're just stalling.

On April 4, 2017, almost 200 art house movie theatres across the country in 187 cities and in 44 states, plus five locations in Canada, one in England, one in Sweden, one in Holland, one in New Zealand, and one in Croatia, will be participating collectively in a NATIONAL EVENT DAY screening of the 80's movie 1984 starring John Hurt, who sadly died last month.

This date was chosen because it's the day George Orwell's protagonist Winston Smith begins rebelling against his oppressive government by keeping a forbidden diary.

Orwell's novel begins with the sentence, "It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen."

Less than one month into the new presidential administration, theater owners collectively believe the clock is already striking thirteen. Orwell's portrait of a government that manufactures their own facts, demands total obedience, and demonizes foreign enemies, has never been timelier.
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