Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Im glad there are other members on here that are as level headed as you man. Going through this thread i see such ignorance and completely incompetent comments by others. Im not the type to judge anybody by their political choice and im no bigot but damn this president has brought out the worse in people.
You just said Paul was level headed? Dude, you have no clue. He's the epitome of mental hysteria and ignorance. Cant even have a normal talk with the guy without him calling you racist, or stupid, or basically whatever comes to his warped uncensored mind. Its ironic to me that you are telling the most unhinged member here about how level headed he is. Please, tell us more. We really want to know more of what you think
How could any that voted trump be okay with the fact he is completely incompetent?
@DedLift can't spell deadift. @Xlgx I just enjoy mind fucking your punk ass.
Lol! DedLift cant spell Dead lift?!?! Is that what you meant? Lol, perfect @Big_paul ! Love that you're attempt to tell me i cant spell was misspelled! Lol, see-this is why it's unfair for me to pick on you. I dont pick on the mental midgets of the world
You just said Paul was level headed? Dude, you have no clue. He's the epitome of mental hysteria and ignorance. Cant even have a normal talk with the guy without him calling you racist, or stupid, or basically whatever comes to his warped uncensored mind. Its ironic to me that you are telling the most unhinged member here about how level headed he is. Please, tell us more. We really want to know more of what you think
As far as his political opinion yes i deemed them very level headed, anyone that can see the stupidity going on with our governing body i believe one way or another is level headed. Obviously you have a personal issue with him. I respect your opinion though man, at the end of the day politics is simply a matter of point of view.

THE LOUDER the clatter of saber-rattling, the more frequent become the familiar symbols of war.

Recent days have seen a buildup of militaristic images in many of the world’s editorial cartoons, as surface-to-air commentary on global tensions increases. And as the headlines heighten in their urgent tone about such hot spots as North Korea and Syria, visual satirists again roll out the usual arsenal of missiles and carriers and full-on graphic firepower.
[Trumpsters ... Are Pitiful ... ]

What is the Tax Fairy? I’ll let Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin explain:

The Trump administration plans to rely on controversial assumptions about economic growth to offset steep cuts to business and individual tax rates, a chief architect of the plan said Thursday.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said the economic growth that would result from the proposed tax cuts would be so extreme – close to $2 trillion over 10 years – that it would come close to recouping all of the lost revenue from the dramatic rate reductions. Some other new revenue would come from eliminating certain tax breaks, although he would not specify which ones.

“The plan will pay for itself with growth,” Mnuchin said at an event hosted by the Institute of International Finance.

The Tax Fairy uses her magical powers to make tax cuts for the rich good for everyone.

In Oklahoma, which has raged against the Affordable Care Act, insurance premiums are among the nation’s highest. New Mexico, which oversees its marketplace, has one of the lowest average premium costs.

Washington (CNN)The FBI gathered intelligence last summer that suggests Russian operatives tried to use Trump advisers, including Carter Page, to infiltrate the Trump campaign, according to US officials.

The new information adds to the emerging picture of how the Russians tried to influence the 2016 election, not only through email hacks and propaganda but also by trying to infiltrate the Trump orbit. The intelligence led to an investigation into the coordination of Trump's campaign associates and the Russians.

These officials made clear they don't know whether Page was aware the Russians may have been using him. Because of the way Russian spy services operate, Page could have unknowingly talked with Russian agents.