Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

No way in hell will this country change Syria for the better without leaving half a million troops there. Name one instance something positive come out of the USA minding other countries business. Isis is because W invaded Iraq and destabilized the entire middle east and north Africa.

What is truly pathetic is trump will go into Syria only to distract the public from his monumental failure leading this country.
Ill take Trump over Hillary a thousand times over again @Big_paul .
I'd take you over trump. You shouldn't be so had on the woman. Any other Democrat would have beaten trump in the general election. I don't like HC much more than you do.
Funny how leftists had such a problem with Gorsich
Most Democrats opposed him because the republicans refused to allow hearings for the nominee Obama put forward. That cocksucker Cruz even went as far as to say that a rep house would not even allow HC to appoint anyone to the SC during her presidency, but as we all know putin won.

Psychiatrists and psychologists operate under a norm—the so-called Goldwater rule—that their professional organizations made up in 1973, forbidding them from evaluating public figures they haven’t been able to question in person. In the face of minimal trust at home and abroad in President Donald Trump’s stability and his tenuous grasp of reality, a group of eminent professionals are daring to depart from the party line.

The Hippocratic oath to First Do No Harm—sworn to Apollo the physician—has been turned into a self-serving hypocritic oath, charges Dr. John Gartner, a former assistant professor of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins Medical School. “The American Psychiatric Association looks out for the welfare of its members, to protect them from lawsuits. They’re not worrying about whether 300 million Americans are vulnerable to the life-and-death actions taken by this abnormal president.”

And he and an increasing number of his colleagues are ready to declare that President Trump, whose actions are often described with neutral terms like “unprecedented,” is in fact mentally ill. “Does Trump need to lie to my face for me to know he lies all the time?” asks Gartner. Now in private practice in New York City, he answers his own rhetorical question. “He does lie to my face—every night. I watch TV!”

This moment (which itself is “unprecedented”) led to an open town-hall meeting on Thursday, at Yale Medical School, to discuss the elephant in the room. Dr. Bandy X. Lee, A diminutive Yale psychiatry professor who along with Dr. Gartner called the meeting, puts it this way: “We have a ‘Duty to Warn,’ about a leader who is dangerous to the health and security of our patients.”

She has formed a coalition by that name, and it now comprises almost 800 mental health professionals who are “sufficiently alarmed that they feel the need to speak up about the mental-health status of the president.”