Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Go home angry white man with an inferiority complex.
Do I come across as being angry? You, on the other hand, are talking about shooting my dick off for posting some memes. Get a grip man. I've been having fun here. I recently read about a study saying liberals were more likely to be mentally ill. And that ain't no bs from what I've seen in the past year or so. Where you from? Berkeley? Fuck antifa and fuck anyone who supports that shit. How's that for an angry white man? 14063744_10207200861241155_7799857104442887271_n.jpg
You, on the other hand, are talking about shooting my dick off
Correction I was referring to removing one of your testicles since you would have your noodle between your legs. That would offer 2 targets.

Just so you understand that a "leftist" can remove one of your testicles at 300 yards. I'm being kind. I'm leaving you one. Show a little gratitude you nazi cocksucker.
Ill take @GigaloRob 's reality over yours any day of the week. Must be a very emotional world out there in your reality considering your attitude and perspective against anyone who disagrees with you.
Save yourself the time and annoyance and put paul on ignore. He does not have the mental capacity to participate in any type of discussion. I ignored him awhile ago and meso has been easier to tolerate. The guy is a mental midget and engaging him only encourages him to share his stupidity.
A scholar asks, ‘Can democracy survive the Internet?’ (A scholar asks, ‘Can democracy survive the Internet?’)

Now, in what are clearly less innocent times, the Internet is viewed as a far less benign force. It can be a haven for spreading fake news and rewarding the harshest and most divisive of political rhetoric. It is a medium, for all its benefits, that has dark corners populated by anonymous actors (some not even real people) whose influence appears to be growing but not easily measured.

Nathaniel Persily, a law professor at Stanford University, is among the many — academics, political practitioners, journalists, law enforcement officials and others — who are attempting to understand better the consequences of conducting campaigns and governance here and around the world in the Internet age. He has written about this in a forthcoming issue of the Journal of Democracy in an article with a title that sums up his concerns: “Can Democracy Survive the Internet?” The 2016 U.S. Election: Can Democracy Survive the Internet? | Journal of Democracy


When asked how worrisome all this is, Persily said, “I’m extremely concerned.” He was quick to say he did not believe government should or even could regulate this new environment. But, he said, “We need to come to grips with how the new communication environment affects people’s political beliefs, the information they receive and then the choices that they make.”
Correction I was referring to removing one of your testicles since you would have your noodle between your legs. That would offer 2 targets.

Just so you understand that a "leftist" can remove one of your testicles at 300 yards. I'm being kind. I'm leaving you one. Show a little gratitude you nazi cocksucker.
Don't remove the left one. You guys are already losing everything left. Lol
How you doing BP?