Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

He flopped as an owner of a professional football team, effectively killing not only his own franchise but the league as a whole.

He blew up his first marriage, married his mistress, and then divorced her, too.

He bankrupted his casinos five times over the course of nearly 20 years.

His eponymous airline existed for less than three years and ended up almost a quarter of a billion dollars in debt.

And he has slapped his surname on a practically never-ending sequence of duds and scams (Trump Ice bottled water, Trump Vodka, Trump Steaks, Trump magazine, Trump Mortgage, Trump University—for which he settled a class-action fraud lawsuit earlier this year for $25 million).

Other risk-taking businessmen might periodically cop to falling short while pivoting to what’s next. Not Trump. He has dealt with his roster of losses largely by refusing to acknowledge them as anything other than wins.

More than a belief in the power of positive thinking or the casual audacity of a tireless salesman, Trump has perfected a narrative style in which he doesn’t merely obscure reality—he tries to change it with pronouncements that act like blaring, garish roadside billboards. Unrelenting in telling his own story, he has defined himself as a success no matter what—by talking the loudest and the longest, and by insisting on having the first word and also the last. And it’s worked. Again and again, throughout his adult life, Trump in essence has managed to succeed without actually succeeding.

This, not his much-crowed-about deal-making prowess, is Trump’s most singular skill, I’ve heard in more than a dozen recent interviews.

“He’s not successful at what he claims to be successful at,” said Tim O’Brien, the author of TrumpNation: The Art of Being the Donald. “He is, however, arguably the most successful self-promoter in United States business and political history. And that’s a form of success.”

“He knows of no other way,” former New York Daily News scribe George Rush said, “and that is to spin until he’s woven some gossamer fabric out of”—he searched for the right word—“garbage.”
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Funny how the community organizer ranks behind Nixon and GWB on overall approval ratings. Only Truman, Ford, Carter had lower averages as president.

Barack Obama finished his tenure as president with a 47.9% average job approval rating. He ranks below eight presidents and ahead of only three -- Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter and Harry Truman -- in Gallup's polling history.

Obama Averages 47.9% Job Approval as President
@Michael Scally MD
FUND THE WALL: New Bill Would Impose Fee on Immigrants Sending Money to Mexico…

Republicans have been hard at work these past few months. The fruits of their bill drafting have proven most enjoyable. In similar fashion, the latest bill to march its way into the House is solid. Remember when Trump said Mexico would pay for the wall? This could be how…

A group of House Republicans on Thursday introduced the first major bill to fund President Trump’s border wall, saying the government could collect billions of dollars by imposing a 2 percent fee on all the money Mexicans and other immigrants send back home.
Estimates vary, but remittances from those in the U.S. to their relatives back home could top $130 billion a year. A 2 percent tax could net more than $2 billion a year…
“The bill is simple – anyone who sends their money to countries that benefit from our porous borders and illegal immigration should be responsible for providing some of the funds needed to complete the wall,” Rep. Mike Rogers, Alabama Republican, said in a statement. “The bill keeps money in the American economy, and most importantly, it creates a funding stream to build the wall.”

It’s important to note that the bill doesn’t specifically target Mexico alone. So leftist feel bunnies need not cry “XENOPHOBIA” and “RACISM” at us or the Republicans. Not that reason or logic will stop such utterances. This bill applies to all shades and nationalities of hombre. But when it comes to sending money from the U.S. back home, Mexico is the guiltiest of them all…

A Pew Research Center analysis [says remittances from the U.S. reached] $133 billion in 2015. Mexico is one of the biggest beneficiaries, with $24 billion alone going from the U.S. to its southern neighbor in 2015, making it one of Mexico’s top sources of income.

It serves as a nice boost for Mexico’s economy. Ours on the other hand? Negative. In short, those are billions of dollars being made here that could be spent at our Cardenas and El Super stores, but instead get flushed across the border to los amigos de Mexico. Hence Mexico’s zero qualms about their citizens illegally immigrating into another country en masse.

FUND THE WALL: New Bill Would Impose Fee on Immigrants Sending Money to Mexico...
@Michael Scally MD
FUND THE WALL: New Bill Would Impose Fee on Immigrants Sending Money to Mexico…

Republicans have been hard at work these past few months. The fruits of their bill drafting have proven most enjoyable. In similar fashion, the latest bill to march its way into the House is solid. Remember when Trump said Mexico would pay for the wall? This could be how…

A group of House Republicans on Thursday introduced the first major bill to fund President Trump’s border wall, saying the government could collect billions of dollars by imposing a 2 percent fee on all the money Mexicans and other immigrants send back home.
Estimates vary, but remittances from those in the U.S. to their relatives back home could top $130 billion a year. A 2 percent tax could net more than $2 billion a year…
“The bill is simple – anyone who sends their money to countries that benefit from our porous borders and illegal immigration should be responsible for providing some of the funds needed to complete the wall,” Rep. Mike Rogers, Alabama Republican, said in a statement. “The bill keeps money in the American economy, and most importantly, it creates a funding stream to build the wall.”

It’s important to note that the bill doesn’t specifically target Mexico alone. So leftist feel bunnies need not cry “XENOPHOBIA” and “RACISM” at us or the Republicans. Not that reason or logic will stop such utterances. This bill applies to all shades and nationalities of hombre. But when it comes to sending money from the U.S. back home, Mexico is the guiltiest of them all…

A Pew Research Center analysis [says remittances from the U.S. reached] $133 billion in 2015. Mexico is one of the biggest beneficiaries, with $24 billion alone going from the U.S. to its southern neighbor in 2015, making it one of Mexico’s top sources of income.

It serves as a nice boost for Mexico’s economy. Ours on the other hand? Negative. In short, those are billions of dollars being made here that could be spent at our Cardenas and El Super stores, but instead get flushed across the border to los amigos de Mexico. Hence Mexico’s zero qualms about their citizens illegally immigrating into another country en masse.

FUND THE WALL: New Bill Would Impose Fee on Immigrants Sending Money to Mexico...
They already pay taxes.
Talk about desperation? :rolleyes:
The GOP are a bunch of desperate greedy fucks!
They already pay taxes.
Talk about desperation? :rolleyes:
The GOP are a bunch of desperate greedy fucks!
I thought libs love taxes? How does illegal workers sending cash back to Mexico that they earned here, help America besides giving businesses who choose to work them a cheaper labor pool? It lowers wages for the types of jobs that illegals compete to fill, therefore lowering American workers wages. Supply and demand, you know? Construction industry is greatly affected where I live. And why shouldn't we take a percentage of money, lots of which is earned illegally, when it's being shipped directly out of our country to our detrimate?
I thought libs love taxes? How does illegal workers sending cash back to Mexico that they earned here, help America besides giving businesses who choose to work them a cheaper labor pool? It lowers wages for the types of jobs that illegals compete to fill, therefore lowering American workers wages. Supply and demand, you know? Construction industry is greatly affected where I live. And why shouldn't we take a percentage of money, lots of which is earned illegally, when it's being shipped directly out of our country to our detrimate?
Libs do love taxes. Unless Trump does it. They're very confused people. Here's an example:
Don't remove the left one. You guys are already losing everything left. Lol
How you doing BP?
Doing well brother. What my fascist com padres are having difficulty understanding is that they may express their political views without harassment if they do the same for my side. The true patriots.

Off to the gym. It's a light day. We have had so dam much rain the last few days the grass is growing faster than trumps nose. Its cardio. I have a quarter acre, and I use a push mower, It builds up the wrist.
Doing well brother. What my fascist com padres are having difficulty understanding is that they may express their political views without harassment if they do the same for my side. The true patriots.

Off to the gym. It's a light day. We have had so dam much rain the last few days the grass is growing faster than trumps nose. Its cardio. I have a quarter acre, and I use a push mower, It builds up the wrist.

I'd say you do a little harassing too Bp but I always catch humor in it. Good luck with the lawn, I'm a Honda self propelled guy. Got my workout in this morning.
As far as fascists go I'll leave you with this:

@MadBret welcome to the discussion. You'll find in here we go at it hard and hate each others guts at times. But out of here we agree and try to help other bros with harm reduction. It's the Meso way. So with that said let's get back to ripping each others throats out. Lol