Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Big surprise. Trump lied. During the campaign, Mr. Trump promised people that there would be “consequences” for companies who move jobs out of the country and throw Americans out on the streets. But for Carrier Corp., the “consequences” of closing a plant in Huntington, Indiana, and cutting 600 jobs at another in Indiana was a $7 million tax break. Mr. Trump—this isn’t just playing politics. This isn’t just talk. These are real families and real lives on the line. Stop protecting corporations’ profits at the expense of Americans who are counting on you.
Were you this critical of Obama? Pretty sure he didn't do shit about the mass exit of corporate America and told everyone who was out a job to "just learn something else ". At least Trump is aware of the problem and has done more in a few months to keep jobs here than Obama did in 8 years. Trump has created thousands of jobs, kept some companies from leaving and has negotiated with billionaire investors to invest in America specifically to produce jobs. What exactly did Obama do? Ill answer...nothing, sat on his hands and told people out of work to find another job. Totally out of touch with blue collar America.
He's the reason people went out on a limb and voted Trump.

What's it say about the democrats last 8 years when almost every state that was controlled by them is now republican? The people didn't just say no to Hillary Clinton, they ousted the dems altogether. But i guess they did a pretty good job eh?
NEWSFLASH : The Trump admin just slapped a huge tariff on all CANADA wood products imported into the USA . CANADA Dairy products are next !

@CdnGuy -you can keep your crummy 2x4"s and plywood we dont want them anymore ! In fact stay on your side of the northern border , as a patriot I"ll have to shoot you..;)

President Donald Trump’s lawyers are trying to rewrite the First Amendment. In defending a civil suit against Trump by protesters who say they were roughed up in one of his campaign rallies, Trump’s legal team has advanced two claims that either misstate or substantially overstate constitutional doctrine.

First, they assert that speakers can’t be held liable for inciting violence unless they use words that expressly call for violence -- a position that would protect the most well-known incitement in literary history, Mark Antony’s “Friends, Romans, countrymen” oration. This is wrong, and the U.S. Supreme Court has never said so.

Second, Trump’s lawyers assert that protesters have no First Amendment rights at a public campaign rally. This position is based on the idea that a campaign rally is like a parade, in which, the Supreme Court has held, organizers can limit participation. Yet a public campaign event is an archetypal space for the exchange of views -- completely unlike a parade.

The Turkish man who gave Mike Flynn a $600,000 lobbying deal just before President Donald Trump picked him to be national security adviser has business ties to Russia, including a 2009 aviation financing deal negotiated with Vladimir Putin, according to court records.

The man, Ekim Alptekin, has in recent years helped to coordinate Turkish lobbying in Washington with Dmitri “David” Zaikin, a Soviet-born former executive in Russian energy and mining companies who also has had dealings with Putin’s government, according to three people with direct knowledge of the activities.

This unusual arrangement, in which Alptekin and Zaikin have helped steer Turkish lobbying through various groups since at least 2015, raises questions about both the agenda of the two men and the source of the funds used to pay the lobbyists.

Although Turkey is a NATO ally, its president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has grown increasingly authoritarian and friendly with Putin. And the hiring of Flynn by Alptekin came at a time when Flynn was working for Trump’s campaign and Putin’s government was under investigation for interfering with the U.S. election.

Flynn’s lawyer, Robert Kelner, declined to comment. In a filing with the Justice Department, Flynn said he relied on assurances from Alptekin that he was not directly or indirectly funded by a foreign government. But shifting explanations and a web of business ties raise questions about the arrangement.

He says he has a story to tell. Trump refuses to hand over any info to congress. This is how watergate started.

2 more years and we will have a congress willing to do something about it.
He has set a new record—having the lowest approval rating of any president after the first three months in office. This tells us something very important. Americans clearly aren’t on board with his disastrous agenda: xenophobic immigration policies, throwing millions off health care, putting corporate profits over the safety of our environment, and many more horrible decisions. Climate change is not a hoax.

2 major new polls show Trump will conclude his first 100 days as the least popular president in modern history