Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

[Stay Tuned ...]

A federal judge on Tuesday barred the Trump administration from enforcing part of President Trump's January executive order that took aim at so-called "sanctuary cities."

US District Judge William H. Orrick issued a nationwide preliminary injunction — sought by San Francisco and Santa Clara counties in California — against enforcement of Section 9(a) of the January 25, 2017, executive order.

The section of the order purported to give Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly broad authority to deny funds to cities that "refuse to comply" with a law that requires cooperation between state and local governments and federal immigration authorities.

"[T]he Order has caused budget uncertainty by threatening to deprive the Counties of hundreds of millions of dollars in federal grants that support core services in their jurisdictions," Orrick wrote.

Later, addressing the scope of the injunction, he wrote, "Given the nationwide scope of the Order, and its apparent constitutional flaws, a nationwide injunction is appropriate."
He has set a new record—having the lowest approval rating of any president after the first three months in office. This tells us something very important. Americans clearly aren’t on board with his disastrous agenda: xenophobic immigration policies, throwing millions off health care, putting corporate profits over the safety of our environment, and many more horrible decisions. Climate change is not a hoax.

2 major new polls show Trump will conclude his first 100 days as the least popular president in modern history
Approval rating? Kinda like the election polls that said he was gonna get crushed? I smell BULLSHIT

A federal judge on Tuesday barred the Trump administration from enforcing part of President Trump's January executive order that took aim at so-called "sanctuary cities."

US District Judge William H. Orrick issued a nationwide preliminary injunction — sought by San Francisco and Santa Clara counties in California — against enforcement of Section 9(a) of the January 25, 2017, executive order.

The section of the order purported to give Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly broad authority to deny funds to cities that "refuse to comply" with a law that requires cooperation between state and local governments and federal immigration authorities.

"[T]he Order has caused budget uncertainty by threatening to deprive the Counties of hundreds of millions of dollars in federal grants that support core services in their jurisdictions," Orrick wrote.

Later, addressing the scope of the injunction, he wrote, "Given the nationwide scope of the Order, and its apparent constitutional flaws, a nationwide injunction is appropriate."

Order Text ...


A federal judge on Tuesday barred the Trump administration from enforcing part of President Trump's January executive order that took aim at so-called "sanctuary cities."

US District Judge William H. Orrick issued a nationwide preliminary injunction — sought by San Francisco and Santa Clara counties in California — against enforcement of Section 9(a) of the January 25, 2017, executive order.

The section of the order purported to give Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly broad authority to deny funds to cities that "refuse to comply" with a law that requires cooperation between state and local governments and federal immigration authorities.

"[T]he Order has caused budget uncertainty by threatening to deprive the Counties of hundreds of millions of dollars in federal grants that support core services in their jurisdictions," Orrick wrote.

Later, addressing the scope of the injunction, he wrote, "Given the nationwide scope of the Order, and its apparent constitutional flaws, a nationwide injunction is appropriate."

We constantly hear about states rights from the facist racists party unless its something that the ignorant fucks disagree with.

Jeff sessions wants to go after states which have choosen to decriminalize recreational use of marijuana. Fuck that ignorant hillbilly the douche bags that put him where he is.
We constantly hear about states rights from the facist racists party unless its something that the ignorant fucks disagree with.

Jeff sessions wants to go after states which have choosen to decriminalize recreational use of marijuana. Fuck that ignorant hillbilly the douche bags that put him where he is.
I 100% agree with your statement, Fuck Jeff Sessions!! I love pot:). And I'm moving to Colorado in july
I 100% agree with your statement, Fuck Jeff Sessions!! I love pot:). And I'm moving to Colorado in july
The guy is a fucking moron, and he wants to go back in time because mj fucks people up? Give me a fucking break.
He has set a new record—having the lowest approval rating of any president after the first three months in office. This tells us something very important. Americans clearly aren’t on board with his disastrous agenda: xenophobic immigration policies, throwing millions off health care, putting corporate profits over the safety of our environment, and many more horrible decisions. Climate change is not a hoax.

2 major new polls show Trump will conclude his first 100 days as the least popular president in modern history
It will only get worse. He may hold on to his base, but that is the 30% of voters who wouldn't know their asses from a hole in the ground if they jumped up and shit in their faces.

In 2 years the trump presidency will be paralyzed by a democratic congress and 2 years after that we will make America great again.