Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

What the fuck are you even talking about? How is this relevant? Do you actually belive isis is an existential threat to the US? Just another distraction from what is really important, and that is that trump doesn't have a clue about what he is doing other than enriching himself with the office he temporarily holds.
What the fuck are you even talking about? How is this relevant? Do you actually belive isis is an existential threat to the US? Just another distraction from what is really important, and that is that trump doesn't have a clue about what he is doing other than enriching himself with the office he temporarily holds.
You don't believe isis is a threat?
You don't believe isis is a threat?
More American are killed on the streets of this country every day than isis can begin to threaten in a year.

It is a threat that is easily contained, and no trump hasn't done shit. If anything that motherfucker will only get a lot of Americans killed in another war the last republican president got us into for no good reason and destabilized the entire middle east in the process.
[#TrumpFail ...]

California has launched a war on President Trump's attempt to clamp down on “sanctuary cities.” And it just got a major weapon to fight with: On Tuesday, a federal judge in San Francisco agreed with two California municipalities that Trump's attempt to cut them off from federal funding for not complying with deportation requests is unconstitutional.

U.S. District Court Judge William Orrick agreed with the counties of San Francisco and Santa Clara, both of which sued the Trump administration for trying to prevent them from getting more than $1 billion in federal grants, that those grants can't legally be withheld.

The court action is likely to continue. But this is an unqualified early victory for California — and sanctuary cities across the nation that have said they'll refuse to comply with some of the Trump administration's deportation requests. This includes some of the nation's largest cities, including New York, Chicago and Los Angeles.

The president doesn't have much leverage to force these cities and states to hand over its illegal immigrants. Attempting to withhold money and hoping the cities caved was pretty much it. And a federal court just ruled that method unconstitutional.


The court ruling couldn't come at a better time for California, which is in the middle of flipping a giant middle finger to Trump.

California state lawmakers are steaming through a bill that would make the state the first sanctuary state for illegal immigrants. It's quite possibly the highest-profile act of defiance to Trump's nascent presidency, and Trump may not be able to stop them.

The legislation would prevent local and state law enforcement agencies from helping the federal government deport undocumented immigrants. The state Senate passed it earlier this month, and the state Assembly is expected to pass it next month, though Gov. Jerry Brown (D) hasn't said whether he'll sign it.
[#TrumpFail ...]

California has launched a war on President Trump's attempt to clamp down on “sanctuary cities.” And it just got a major weapon to fight with: On Tuesday, a federal judge in San Francisco agreed with two California municipalities that Trump's attempt to cut them off from federal funding for not complying with deportation requests is unconstitutional.

U.S. District Court Judge William Orrick agreed with the counties of San Francisco and Santa Clara, both of which sued the Trump administration for trying to prevent them from getting more than $1 billion in federal grants, that those grants can't legally be withheld.

The court action is likely to continue. But this is an unqualified early victory for California — and sanctuary cities across the nation that have said they'll refuse to comply with some of the Trump administration's deportation requests. This includes some of the nation's largest cities, including New York, Chicago and Los Angeles.

The president doesn't have much leverage to force these cities and states to hand over its illegal immigrants. Attempting to withhold money and hoping the cities caved was pretty much it. And a federal court just ruled that method unconstitutional.


The court ruling couldn't come at a better time for California, which is in the middle of flipping a giant middle finger to Trump.

California state lawmakers are steaming through a bill that would make the state the first sanctuary state for illegal immigrants. It's quite possibly the highest-profile act of defiance to Trump's nascent presidency, and Trump may not be able to stop them.

The legislation would prevent local and state law enforcement agencies from helping the federal government deport undocumented immigrants. The state Senate passed it earlier this month, and the state Assembly is expected to pass it next month, though Gov. Jerry Brown (D) hasn't said whether he'll sign it.

If he ever is given the go ahead to withhold federal funds to sanctuary cities he will seal his fate as a one term tragic mistake inflicted on America by an uninformed minority of the American public that was more motivated to get out and vote than the Democrats were able to get to the polls in key states. Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania went to the reds by only 80, 000 votes in total.

That mistake will not happen agian.
On thing I - as a European living here in the US - have never figured out is: make America great "again".
When was America previously greater?
When there was segregation? When women couldn't vote? Again for whom?
Why is it, that when Dems speak about immigration from countries like Syria, it's such a miniscule risk(terrorism via isis implants) but when it comes to gun control, if it saves just one life, it would be worth it? Have you not paid any attention to what has gone on over in European countries?
Justice Ruth Joan Bader Ginsburg is 84 (DOB: 15 March, 1933).

Justice Anthony McLeod Kennedy is 80 (DOB: 23 July, 1936).

Justice Stephen Gerald Breyer is 78 (DOB: 14 August 1938).

Things do look promising for us Trumpers. I hate to be a dick but Ginsburg will be lucky to make it though Trump's first term.
The fact that this trump thread gets more attention than the bodybuilding and AAS threads is fucking pathetic. This board is suppose to be about lifting and yet here is everyone bringing that bullshit division and opinions on here. We are suppose to be united by iron instead we are becoming divided over who likes and dislikes trump. I can't even come on here and escape the bullshit politics we face everyday.
More American are killed on the streets of this country every day than isis can begin to threaten in a year.

It is a threat that is easily contained, and no trump hasn't done shit. If anything that motherfucker will only get a lot of Americans killed in another war the last republican president got us into for no good reason and destabilized the entire middle east in the process.

Now you're an Isis sympathizer ....
The fact that this trump thread gets more attention than the bodybuilding and AAS threads is fucking pathetic. This board is suppose to be about lifting and yet here is everyone bringing that bullshit division and opinions on here. We are suppose to be united by iron instead we are becoming divided over who likes and dislikes trump. I can't even come on here and escape the bullshit politics we face everyday.
I try but reds just won't give up.

Its alright though. We still make time for the steroid forum.
Now you're an Isis sympathizer ....
Well no I just don't expect an isis fucktard to jump out of a bush and attempt to severe my head in this lifetime.

You are allowing yourself to get overly emotional and it is clouding your ability to reason.