Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Wow a Trump Fan and a optimist ??? :D GL lol
Trump fans are all optimists. We won! (I love saying that) Look on here for examples of apoplectic behavior by the libs. I'd offer to give them a "Participant Ribbon" to add to their wall of them, but I don't think it'd help. Lol
The fact that this trump thread gets more attention than the bodybuilding and AAS threads is fucking pathetic. This board is suppose to be about lifting and yet here is everyone bringing that bullshit division and opinions on here. We are suppose to be united by iron instead we are becoming divided over who likes and dislikes trump. I can't even come on here and escape the bullshit politics we face everyday.

We're just having little fun...
We are united by iron and divided by politics
that's ok
its what make s this a democracy
This is exactly what we mean when we talk about oligarchy. Multi billionaires and corporations should not have the power to pick and choose who is in charge of our federal agencies. But that is exactly what happened—Koch Industries spent millions on lobbying Congress to confirm Scott Pruitt, our head of the Environmental Protection Agency who doesn’t believe in environmental protection. It's clear that Trump doesn't represent working families. His agenda benefits the Koch brothers and their billionaire friends. We need a vibrant democracy—not one controlled by corporate interests.

Koch Industries and Other Corporations Lobbied for Donald Trump’s Cabinet Picks, Filings Show

Over the last several decades, top government officials and even military brass have come to view climate change as a national security issue. Under President Barack Obama, the notion was codified through recognition of the link by Department of Homeland Security, the Defense Department, the State Department, and the National Intelligence Council. Now, President Donald Trump, with nearly all the government’s climate change work in his crosshairs, is poised to dramatically scale back environmental security programs — perhaps eliminating many entirely — through dramatic budget cuts.
This is exactly what we mean when we talk about oligarchy. Multi billionaires and corporations should not have the power to pick and choose who is in charge of our federal agencies. But that is exactly what happened—Koch Industries spent millions on lobbying Congress to confirm Scott Pruitt, our head of the Environmental Protection Agency who doesn’t believe in environmental protection. It's clear that Trump doesn't represent working families. His agenda benefits the Koch brothers and their billionaire friends. We need a vibrant democracy—not one controlled by corporate interests.

Koch Industries and Other Corporations Lobbied for Donald Trump’s Cabinet Picks, Filings Show
Nothing George Soros isn't doing for your side. Only he came up as a LOSER this time. Lol
It remains to be seen if anyone truly "won" this election. The fact that one has to be a multi millionaire or billionaire to even run for president means the only people who have any chance of winning are part of the 1% who continue to get richer by ensuring nothing changes. That's what needs to change for starters
Trump fans are all optimists. We won! (I love saying that) Look on here for examples of apoplectic behavior by the libs. I'd offer to give them a "Participant Ribbon" to add to their wall of them, but I don't think it'd help. Lol
Optimists? I believe we have addressed this condition already.