Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Do you know what racism means? Doesn't sound like it. There is nothing racist in this post.
White privilege? You have a right to forget history. Dude you are fooling no one with any common sense.

Embrace your hate. Be proud of who you are.z1pzt.jpg
I know this. Everyone that is totally against this bill was all for obamacare. We see how that turned out. Those guys should shut their mouths because they already had their crack at ruining the helathcare industry. And I'm not the one making claims about a bill i didn't read. Nuff ssid.
Crazy but no surprise. Nuff said.
Fuck that. Every one knows you have to pass the bill to see whats in the bill. Just ask Nancy Pelosi
The ACA saved lives and insured millions. Trumpcare kicks millions off of their insurance and is certian death for those who the reds attack as being worthless.
You said "white privilege" Bp. Admit it. You think he's white as white can be.
I said I don't know or care. I can read though, and I have to conclude that those words belong to a racist.
The only thing that makes sense with this post is that democrats have nothing to go on except for useless rhetoric.
Anyone who has been on another planet for 2 years has an excuse. Where have you been?
I know this. Everyone that is totally against this bill was all for obamacare. We see how that turned out. Those guys should shut their mouths because they already had their crack at ruining the helathcare industry. And I'm not the one making claims about a bill i didn't read. Nuff ssid.

Considering where healthcare was before Obama I'd say it was an improvement
But improvement is a word trumpians have a hard time understanding since they are looking to make America great "again" ( when? The '1800 maybe...?)
Considering where healthcare was before Obama I'd say it was an improvement
But improvement is a word trumpians have a hard time understanding since they are looking to make America great "again" ( when? The '1800 maybe...?)
It was not an improvement. The cost skyrocketed and everything obama promised was a lie. Completely unaffordable. And quoting how many Americans had healthcare once it was passed to before it was passed is completely a spin job. Of course more Americans had healthcare. The government forced them to buy it. There is a reason obamacare is completely failing. Because it was an atrocious bill.
Anyone who has been on another planet for 2 years has an excuse. Where have you been?
Has an excuse for what? Obama was a failed president. Time for a change. Hillary was not that change. Not only was hillary not a change, but she was a lying pos crook as well. Been selling the government to the highest bidder including selling uranium to russia.
It was not an improvement. The cost skyrocketed and everything obama promised was a lie. Completely unaffordable. And quoting how many Americans had healthcare once it was passed to before it was passed is completely a spin job. Of course more Americans had healthcare. The government forced them to buy it. There is a reason obama is completely failing. Because it was an atrocious bill.
Well said. "If you like your doctor you keep your doctor" "If you like your health plan you keep it" ~Pinocchio Obama
Has an excuse for what? Obama was a failed president. Time for a change. Hillary was not that change. Not only was hillary not a change, but she was a lying pos crook as well. Been selling the government to the highest bidder including selling uranium to russia.
Been watching fox news?
Well said. "If you like your doctor you keep your doctor" "If you like your health plan you keep it" ~Pinocchio Obama
Damn near everything that comes out of trumps mouth is a lie. The guy is pathological. There is no comparison.