Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

It was not an improvement. The cost skyrocketed and everything obama promised was a lie. Completely unaffordable. And quoting how many Americans had healthcare once it was passed to before it was passed is completely a spin job. Of course more Americans had healthcare. The government forced them to buy it. There is a reason obamacare is completely failing. Because it was an atrocious bill.
It needs improvement no doubt. What do the reds have in store?
It was not an improvement. The cost skyrocketed and everything obama promised was a lie. Completely unaffordable. And quoting how many Americans had healthcare once it was passed to before it was passed is completely a spin job. Of course more Americans had healthcare. The government forced them to buy it. There is a reason obamacare is completely failing. Because it was an atrocious bill.

It was an improvement. You are not considering the cost of having millions of uninsured use the emergency system as their healthcare. Was it a perfect? No far from it. But the status quo was also unsustainable
Has an excuse for what? Obama was a failed president. Time for a change. Hillary was not that change. Not only was hillary not a change, but she was a lying pos crook as well. Been selling the government to the highest bidder including selling uranium to russia.

That Obama was a "failed" president is purely a opinion. But let's not forget what he inherited and got us out of. Hilary I agree I disliked her and she was not a change. Let's no t accuse her of selling government when you put in office the worse crook possible, lying about all his campaign promises just to get elected and putting in charge the worst group of billionaires and Wall Street scum instead of "emptying the swamp" but making it 100 times deeper and more populated...
[The ACA [Obamacare] is a success - saving lives literally, improving health, fighting addiction, ... Make the next improvement ... Single Payer ... Medicare for All ...]

Imagine you're on a flight: "Ladies & gentlemen, this is the captain. Sorry about that takeoff, but man! this flying thing is way harder than I thought it would be. Maybe I shouldn't have been so dismissive of my predecessors. Anyway, please sit back and relax while I try and figure these gauges out. Be assured that my son-in-law is helping up here in the cockpit and he was a somewhat successful real estate developer. We'll be landing in LA in about two ... no, check that, five hours. Meanwhile, the cabin crew will be serving dinner. May I suggest the meatloaf. Tremendous."

Exclusive: Trump says he thought being president would be easier than his old life

By Stephen J. Adler, Jeff Mason and Steve Holland | WASHINGTON
He misses driving, feels as if he is in a cocoon, and is surprised how hard his new job is.

President Donald Trump on Thursday reflected on his first 100 days in office with a wistful look at his life before the White House.

"I loved my previous life. I had so many things going," Trump told Reuters in an interview. "This is more work than in my previous life. I thought it would be easier."

A wealthy businessman from New York, Trump assumed public office for the first time when he entered the White House on Jan. 20 after he defeated former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in an upset.

More than five months after his victory and two days shy of the 100-day mark of his presidency, the election is still on Trump's mind. Midway through a discussion about Chinese President Xi Jinping, the president paused to hand out copies of what he said were the latest figures from the 2016 electoral map.

"Here, you can take that, that's the final map of the numbers," the Republican president said from his desk in the Oval Office, handing out maps of the United States with areas he won marked in red. "It’s pretty good, right? The red is obviously us."

He had copies for each of the three Reuters reporters in the room.

Trump, who said he was accustomed to not having privacy in his "old life," expressed surprise at how little he had now. And he made clear he was still getting used to having 24-hour Secret Service protection and its accompanying constraints.

"You're really into your own little cocoon, because you have such massive protection that you really can't go anywhere," he said.

When the president leaves the White House, it is usually in a limousine or an SUV.

He said he missed being behind the wheel himself.

"I like to drive," he said. "I can't drive any more."

Many things about Trump have not changed from the wheeler-dealer executive and former celebrity reality show host who ran his empire from the 26th floor of Trump Tower in New York and worked the phones incessantly.

He frequently turns to outside friends and former business colleagues for advice and positive reinforcement. Senior aides say they are resigned to it.

The president has been at loggerheads with many news organizations since his election campaign and decided not to attend the White House Correspondents' Dinner in Washington on Saturday because he felt he had been treated unfairly by the media.

"I would come next year, absolutely," Trump said when asked whether he would attend in the future.

The dinner is organized by the White House Correspondents' Association. Reuters correspondent Jeff Mason is its president.
Imagine you're on a flight: "Ladies & gentlemen, this is the captain. Sorry about that takeoff, but man! this flying thing is way harder than I thought it would be. Maybe I shouldn't have been so dismissive of my predecessors. Anyway, please sit back and relax while I try and figure these gauges out. Be assured that my son-in-law is helping up here in the cockpit and he was a somewhat successful real estate developer. We'll be landing in LA in about two ... no, check that, five hours. Meanwhile, the cabin crew will be serving dinner. May I suggest the meatloaf. Tremendous."

Exclusive: Trump says he thought being president would be easier than his old life

By Stephen J. Adler, Jeff Mason and Steve Holland | WASHINGTON
He misses driving, feels as if he is in a cocoon, and is surprised how hard his new job is.

President Donald Trump on Thursday reflected on his first 100 days in office with a wistful look at his life before the White House.

"I loved my previous life. I had so many things going," Trump told Reuters in an interview. "This is more work than in my previous life. I thought it would be easier."

A wealthy businessman from New York, Trump assumed public office for the first time when he entered the White House on Jan. 20 after he defeated former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in an upset.

More than five months after his victory and two days shy of the 100-day mark of his presidency, the election is still on Trump's mind. Midway through a discussion about Chinese President Xi Jinping, the president paused to hand out copies of what he said were the latest figures from the 2016 electoral map.

"Here, you can take that, that's the final map of the numbers," the Republican president said from his desk in the Oval Office, handing out maps of the United States with areas he won marked in red. "It’s pretty good, right? The red is obviously us."

He had copies for each of the three Reuters reporters in the room.

Trump, who said he was accustomed to not having privacy in his "old life," expressed surprise at how little he had now. And he made clear he was still getting used to having 24-hour Secret Service protection and its accompanying constraints.

"You're really into your own little cocoon, because you have such massive protection that you really can't go anywhere," he said.

When the president leaves the White House, it is usually in a limousine or an SUV.

He said he missed being behind the wheel himself.

"I like to drive," he said. "I can't drive any more."

Many things about Trump have not changed from the wheeler-dealer executive and former celebrity reality show host who ran his empire from the 26th floor of Trump Tower in New York and worked the phones incessantly.

He frequently turns to outside friends and former business colleagues for advice and positive reinforcement. Senior aides say they are resigned to it.

The president has been at loggerheads with many news organizations since his election campaign and decided not to attend the White House Correspondents' Dinner in Washington on Saturday because he felt he had been treated unfairly by the media.

"I would come next year, absolutely," Trump said when asked whether he would attend in the future.

The dinner is organized by the White House Correspondents' Association. Reuters correspondent Jeff Mason is its president.
Um, yeah cause the community organizer was sooooo experienced. No wonder he fucked up everything he touched.
It was an improvement. You are not considering the cost of having millions of uninsured use the emergency system as their healthcare. Was it a perfect? No far from it. But the status quo was also unsustainable
It was so bad it is imploding.