Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Apparently some blacks like Trump too.View attachment 67896
Actor Morgan Freeman says that while he hopes President Trump turns out to be a good commander in chief, it feels like the nation is "jumping off a cliff."

"As for politics today, I supported Hillary in the election, and now it feels like we are jumping off a cliff," Freeman told AARP The Magazine, according to an excerpt provided to The Daily Mail.
Actor Morgan Freeman says that while he hopes President Trump turns out to be a good commander in chief, it feels like the nation is "jumping off a cliff."

"As for politics today, I supported Hillary in the election, and now it feels like we are jumping off a cliff," Freeman told AARP The Magazine, according to an excerpt provided to The Daily Mail.
Probably from all you hatists and antifa's going cuckoo for coco puffs over Trump. Lol
Probably from all you hatists and antifa's going cuckoo for coco puffs over Trump. Lol
No we call it like we see it. Less than 2 years before the impeachment. Stock up on xanex.:) Have a nice day.
Jesus BP. How do you have time to lift and workout with so much of your life dedicated to hating on all things Trump. Ill let you in on a little secret BP-Trump supporters don't give a shit what you think. You can post memes a child could create all day long and repost every negative article ever written about Trump and guess what? We still won't give a shit what you think. You seem like you're totally obsessed with your hatred and it can't be healthy. Smile, listen to a childs laughter or masturbate to gay porn, whatever your fancy is because in the end, none of this matters
No we call it like we see it. Less than 2 years before the impeachment. Stock up on xanex.:) Have a nice day.
Sorry Bp but we run this fucker now. For 4 at least. I'm sure you can get xanax though. Lol Got a date. Wish me luck. Have a good weekend!
Sorry Bp but we run this fucker now. For 4 at least. I'm sure you can get xanax though. Lol Got a date. Wish me luck. Have a good weekend!
I happen to disagree. I'm just saying it may be a good idea to keep some xanex on hand. Until then its okay if you think you are in charge bro.

I take out my frustration on iron. I'm killing it these days.

The UK government was given details last December of allegedly extensive contacts between the Trump campaign and Moscow, according to court papers.

Reports by Christopher Steele, a former MI6 officer, on possible collusion between the the Trump camp and the Kremlin are at the centre of a political storm in the US over Moscow’s role in getting Donald Trump elected.

It was not previously known that the UK intelligence services had also received the dossier but Steele confirmed in a court filing earlier this month that he handed a memorandum compiled in December to a “senior UK government national security official acting in his official capacity, on a confidential basis in hard copy form”.


The December memo alleged that four Trump representatives travelled to Prague in August or September in 2016 for “secret discussions with Kremlin representatives and associated operators/hackers”, about how to pay hackers secretly for penetrating Democratic party computer systems and “contingency plans for covering up operations”.

Between March and September, the December memo alleges, the hackers used botnets and porn traffic to transmit viruses, plant bugs and steal data online from Democratic party leadership. Two of the hackers had been “recruited under duress by the FSB” the memo said. The hackers were paid by the Trump organisation, but were under the control of Vladimir Putin’s presidential administration.

The UK government was given details last December of allegedly extensive contacts between the Trump campaign and Moscow, according to court papers.

Reports by Christopher Steele, a former MI6 officer, on possible collusion between the the Trump camp and the Kremlin are at the centre of a political storm in the US over Moscow’s role in getting Donald Trump elected.

It was not previously known that the UK intelligence services had also received the dossier but Steele confirmed in a court filing earlier this month that he handed a memorandum compiled in December to a “senior UK government national security official acting in his official capacity, on a confidential basis in hard copy form”.


The December memo alleged that four Trump representatives travelled to Prague in August or September in 2016 for “secret discussions with Kremlin representatives and associated operators/hackers”, about how to pay hackers secretly for penetrating Democratic party computer systems and “contingency plans for covering up operations”.

Between March and September, the December memo alleges, the hackers used botnets and porn traffic to transmit viruses, plant bugs and steal data online from Democratic party leadership. Two of the hackers had been “recruited under duress by the FSB” the memo said. The hackers were paid by the Trump organisation, but were under the control of Vladimir Putin’s presidential administration.

When do we get to the part where trump enjoys a golden shower by what I would assume would be 2 very attractive Russian intelligence sluts so they could blackmail trump?

The guy is a total degenerate and there is ample evidence to support the allegations. He wants to fuck his daughter, and that is available online so look it up for yourself. And any degenerate cocksucker who would fuck his daughter would not object to a couple beautiful Russian agents shitting in his mouth. :(
When do we get to the part where trump enjoys a golden shower by what I would assume would be 2 very attractive Russian intelligence sluts so they could blackmail trump?

The guy is a total degenerate and there is ample evidence to support the allegations. He wants to fuck his daughter, and that is available online so look it up for yourself. And any degenerate cocksucker who would fuck his daughter would not object to a couple beautiful Russian agents shitting in his mouth. :(

Friday night meltdown. You are worse than Chernobyl lol.
Friday night meltdown. You are worse than Chernobyl lol.
Like I suggested you may want to consider stocking up on tranquilizers because I have a feeling you will not take the future of your illegitimate president well :) nice day I hope.
Just in "trump thought it would be easier" to be president. Any of you morons want to comment?
Its no longer a joke. We have a snake oil salesmen for president who is bombing foreign countries, and now is stumbling into the greatest war since ww2.

Not that it is a war that doesnt need to be fought, it's just DJT is in no way qualified to be the commander and cheif.
Sorry Bp but we run this fucker now. For 4 at least. I'm sure you can get xanax though. Lol Got a date. Wish me luck. Have a good weekend!
You're probably 10x smarter then Trump. I really don't understand how you put so much love and faith in the guy. This whole becoming president thing was 50% money 50% Ego boost. I wonder how some of you truly feel about him if you could put your pride aside and not look at this as "we won" and really think who is this guy.