Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

I am retired. I have time to sound the alarm all day.

I work out 2 hrs a day, and point out that we have a megalomaniac moron as president in my spare time. Which is most of the day.

You seem to be here to defend him with every post. Are you retired as well? If so I could suggest better ways to spend your time other than going to bat for a man every one other than imbeciles knows is out to lunch.

What kind of work did you do?
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EPA website removes climate science site from public view after two decades (EPA website removes climate science site from public view after two decades)

The Environmental Protection Agency announced Friday evening that its website would be “undergoing changes” to better represent the new direction the agency is taking, triggering the removal of several agency websites containing detailed climate data and scientific information.

One of the websites that appeared to be gone had been cited to challenge statements made by the EPA’s new administrator, Scott Pruitt. Another provided detailed information on the previous administration’s Clean Power Plan, including fact sheets about greenhouse gas emissions on the state and local levels and how different demographic groups were affected by such emissions.

The changes came less than 24 hours before thousands of protesters were set to march in Washington and around the country in support of political action to push back against the Trump administration’s rollbacks of former president Barack Obama’s climate policies.

Apparently threatening to crackdown on one Korea wasn’t enough.

While warning of a potential “major, major conflict” with North Korea during a Reuters interview on Thursday, President Donald Trump made it clear that he was also planning to take a hard line with South Korea over trade and the cost of deploying an advanced anti-missile defense system to the close US ally.

The president said during the interview that he thought Washington’s free trade agreement with South Korea was such a bad deal for the US that he would withdraw from it if they were unable to renegotiate one to his liking.

"It's unacceptable. It's a horrible deal made by Hillary. It's a horrible deal. And we're going to renegotiate that deal, or terminate it," he said. “It's a great deal for South Korea. It's a terrible deal for us."

Trump didn’t accuse South Korea of any specific types of violations of international trade norms. It simply seems that he doesn’t like the fact that the US has a trade deficit with South Korea — it imports more from South Korea than South Korea imports from the US. A trade deficit is a reflection of many factors, including domestic spending and the exchange rate, and doesn’t mean that a free trade deal isn’t a huge net good for the country that’s experiencing the deficit.
So not only it's not his ... but to him just a invented slogan without any real depth .... [emoji849]
It's his now. He trademarked it. And you're saying slogans have "depth?" None of them have any real depth. But I guess, we're "Stronger Together" Wow the depth just oozes from that one.

Apparently threatening to crackdown on one Korea wasn’t enough.

While warning of a potential “major, major conflict” with North Korea during a Reuters interview on Thursday, President Donald Trump made it clear that he was also planning to take a hard line with South Korea over trade and the cost of deploying an advanced anti-missile defense system to the close US ally.

The president said during the interview that he thought Washington’s free trade agreement with South Korea was such a bad deal for the US that he would withdraw from it if they were unable to renegotiate one to his liking.

"It's unacceptable. It's a horrible deal made by Hillary. It's a horrible deal. And we're going to renegotiate that deal, or terminate it," he said. “It's a great deal for South Korea. It's a terrible deal for us."

Trump didn’t accuse South Korea of any specific types of violations of international trade norms. It simply seems that he doesn’t like the fact that the US has a trade deficit with South Korea — it imports more from South Korea than South Korea imports from the US. A trade deficit is a reflection of many factors, including domestic spending and the exchange rate, and doesn’t mean that a free trade deal isn’t a huge net good for the country that’s experiencing the deficit.
What kind of work did you do?
I worked in the medical marajuana industry. Dream job. In a few years I may go back to work. My mothers health is declining and like a good Italian Irish son I need to be close to her. I will be back in the garden of Eden soon.