Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

I wasn't about to waste any more time trying to explain the hows and whys of what got us to where we now find ourselves anyway. Like talking to a wall. A very close minded wall

You're absolutely right
I'm definitely close minded towards all form of extremism
Exactly what are all followers of the trump-cult
But you'll figure it out. Maybe not today but eventually you will. You're a smart kid

With Trump in power, white-power groups try to build alliances

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — White extremists, almost by nature, are seldom good at working together.

Creating consensus among white nationalists, neo-Nazis, Ku Klux, and the like has always been difficult, with wide disagreements on policies and a heavy turnover of leaders and followers.

But the Nationalist Front, an alliance of white-power groups that was born in a KKK bar in Georgia, marked its first anniversary April 22.

Separately, six Klan organizations from around the country announced a consolidation last month.

CNN senior political analyst David Gergen late Saturday said President Trump delivered “the most divisive speech I’ve ever heard from a sitting American president” at a campaign-style rally in Pennsylvania.

"To bring your campaign speech into the presidency is something presidents rarely do," Gergen said on CNN.

"He played to his base and he treated his other listeners, the rest of the people who have been disturbed about him or oppose him, he treated them basically as 'I don't care, I don't give a damn what you think, because you're frankly like the enemy.'"

Gergen, who has advised four U.S. presidents, said he found Trump’s speech “deeply disturbing.”