Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

I still don't have an answer as to what the "again" refers to in the 'Make America great "again" ' ...
When has America not been great? We have some misinformed people who have a limited understanding of the world, but in my lifetime American has always been great. Some megalomaniac racist mother fucker is temporarily in charge. He will be gone soon.
No it's not. How about a book report for you. Look up every racist comment or action Trump has made? Are you aware that Trump refused to allow minorities to live in his buildings? Are you aware
he calls Mexicans rapist, murderers and drug dealers? Give me a fucking break and educate yourself. And we will not mention his sexual batteries he commented against women assuming they wanted him to grab pussy. I have grabbed some pussy in my lifetime, but I had an invitation. Trump is a fucking pig.
So not only it's not his ... but to him just a invented slogan without any real depth .... [emoji849]
He campaigned for over a year like most presidential candidates and he talked to people in places where Obama and Hillary had allowed their entire industrial complexes to pack up and move overseas. You're asking questions that have already been answered earlier in this thread very extensively and thoughtfully by myself, @GigaloRob , @bickel29 and the others you see here not throwing temper tantrums. Our government failed America and has been doing so for a long time. If you'd like me to repeat what was already stated very thoroughly(the hows and whys of all things Trump) I will try to sum up.

If you're feeling ambitious, go find the parts of this discussion that are peppered throughout Dr Scally's and BP's meme fest that were pretty good. Id start about 40 pages back, maybe more
I worked in the medical marajuana industry. Dream job. In a few years I may go back to work. My mothers health is declining and like a good Italian Irish son I need to be close to her. I will be back in the garden of Eden soon.

Sorry to hear about your mom. I wish her the best possible health and longevity.

How did you get into the medical marijuana industry? Do you have a medical education background?
No it's not. How about a book report for you. Look up every racist comment or action Trump has made? Are you aware that Trump refused to allow minorities to live in his buildings? Are you aware
he calls Mexicans rapist, murderers and drug dealers? Give me a fucking break and educate yourself. And we will not mention his sexual batteries he commented against women assuming they wanted him to grab pussy. I have grabbed some pussy in my lifetime, but I had an invitation. Trump is a fucking pig.
The meme mentioned calling his supporters racists for simply supporting him. That's like calling everybody that supported HRC lying old cunts.
The meme mentioned calling his supporters racists for simply supporting him. That's like calling everybody that supported HRC lying old cunts.
No not really. There is ample evidence that Trump is in deed a raciest. HC is a lying old cunt, but a world apart from the pathological liar currently in the oval office. He is utterly incompetent and just winging it at a time that is more dangerous than anytime in my life. He doesn't even want to be there. He was shocked he won, and if he lost he never would have conceded. He is a POS.

Who votes for a man who has publicly made raciest statements? A raciest maybe?
Of course he SHOULD cut taxes to the rich

When was the last time you saw a poor man hire workers?
Only the rich create jobs

Even France' Hollande rolledback his 75% supertax
not to mention Soviet Union 99% "tax"
No not really. There is ample evidence that Trump is in deed a raciest. HC is a lying old cunt, but a world apart from the pathological liar currently in the oval office. He is utterly incompetent and just winging it at a time that is more dangerous than anytime in my life. He doesn't even want to be there. He was shocked he won, and if he lost he never would have conceded. He is a POS.

Who votes for a man who has publicly made raciest statements? A raciest maybe?
So everyone that voted for him is a racist?
No, but I personally feel that most know he's a racist and turn a blind eye. Racism has been normalized to the point that people are numb to it.
I accept your opinion but disagree. I think the race card is way overplayed. That's another discussion for another thread.
TBH, anyone that constantly calls others racist is either racist himself or doesn't know what the word means. Most of is never even think about race but BP brings it up all the time, quick to pull the race card. Not sure what that says about him, I never think about race. We're all soul wearing a human shaped costume