Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Jesus BP. How do you have time to lift and workout with so much of your life dedicated to hating on all things Trump. I
I am retired. I have time to sound the alarm all day.

I work out 2 hrs a day, and point out that we have a megalomaniac moron as president in my spare time. Which is most of the day.

You seem to be here to defend him with every post. Are you retired as well? If so I could suggest better ways to spend your time other than going to bat for a man every one other than imbeciles knows is out to lunch.
Are you sick of winning? Are you bothered that trump thought leading the free world would be easier? He is no president.
He should learn to keep his trap shut sometimes but I believe he will do a fine job in the big picture. Time will tell what his legacy will be. And even that is debatable as you probably believe Obama did a good job.
He should learn to keep his trap shut
He is the president. He isn't supposed to keep his mouth shut. He is supposed to speak for a united nation, but all he has done since he announced he was running for the highest office in the land is to divide this county like at no time in modern history.

Smh he is a disgrace.
BHO was the divider in chief for 8 long years. Your side has been throwing a non-stop temper tantrum since election day. Before that, you fuckers were so damn smug and sure of your yourselves, you'd have thought the fix was in and only the dems were privy to it. But come to find out, the fake news polls were wrong, the Soros funded bs didn't pay off and American exceptionalism triumphed over NWO values and socialist wet dreams. US citizens understood the level of importance and that our country was on the brink of disaster and reacted accordingly by electing Trump. God bless America.
BHO was the divider in chief for 8 long years. Your side has been throwing a non-stop temper tantrum since election day. Before that, you fuckers were so damn smug and sure of your yourselves, you'd have thought the fix was in and only the dems were privy to it. But come to find out, the fake news polls were wrong, the Soros funded bs didn't pay off and American exceptionalism triumphed over NWO values and socialist wet dreams. US citizens understood the level of importance and that our country was on the brink of disaster and reacted accordingly by electing Trump. God bless America.
Couldn't have explained it any better. Soros NWO forgot "We The People" still run this thing here. Trumps trying and deserves a chance.
Obama? Now shows his true color (?) and is sucking away on his Wall St teat. Yeah nice 99%er there libs.
Are you sick of winning? Are you bothered that trump thought leading the free world would be easier? He is no president.
Nope. Nope. And yes he is. He's OUR 45th president Bp. Cause after all, "this land is made for you and me." ~W Guthrie(Communist)FB_IMG_1493405402126.jpg