Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Have you...
I know this. Everyone that is totally against this bill was all for obamacare. We see how that turned out. Those guys should shut their mouths because they already had their crack at ruining the helathcare industry. And I'm not the one making claims about a bill i didn't read. Nuff ssid.
I know this. Everyone that is totally against this bill was all for obamacare. We see how that turned out. Those guys should shut their mouths because they already had their crack at ruining the helathcare industry. And I'm not the one making claims about a bill i didn't read. Nuff ssid.
We got the attention of all our meso racists.
Big day on here for the antifa's. Do you guys dress up in all black for this keyboard war?
If colors are assigned we are white and your crew is black.

We know how much you dispise the color. Shitheads have a nice day:)trump-meme-feed-inline-3.jpg
I've been saying folks on welfare shouldn't be allowed to vote for years. That would be the end of the democrat party for sure.
Soon trump will be a fellon. :) have a shitty day.