Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Mr. Trump and Spineless Republicans

Just when it seems that Donald Trump could not display more ignorance and bad judgment or less of a moral compass, he comes up with another ignominy or two. This weekend he denigrated the parents of a fallen American military hero and suggested that if elected he might recognize Russia’s claims to Ukraine and end sanctions.

Mr. Trump’s divisive views helped him capture the Republican presidential nomination. And even as he creates a political whirlwind with each utterance, leading members of his own party haven’t the spine to rescind their support. Sure, some have come out with strong criticisms, but none have gone far enough. Repudiation of his candidacy is the only principled response.

On Sunday on ABC, Mr. Trump’s comments on Ukraine demonstrated even less knowledge about world affairs than suspected. His remarks also reinforced suspicions that he is sympathetic toward Vladimir Putin, Russia’s authoritarian, anti-Western president.

Mr. Trump seemed confused about Russia’s 2014 annexation of Crimea and its efforts to wrest other parts of the country from Ukraine’s control. “He’s not going into Ukraine, O.K., just so you understand,” Mr. Trump said, apparently unaware that Mr. Putin sent troops there two years ago and that the international community still considers Crimea to be part of Ukraine. Russian troops have been seen, and sometimes killed, in Russian-speaking parts of Ukraine where an insurgency is fighting the Ukrainian government.

The United States and the European Union have condemned the land grab, which is at odds with post-Cold War commitments, and imposed sanctions that Mr. Putin is desperate to have lifted. Mr. Trump’s willingness to support Mr. Putin’s claim on Crimea and other parts of Ukraine, coupled with his lack of commitment to NATO, is good reason for Europe to fear for the future of the alliance if he becomes president.

There are other reasons to wonder about Mr. Trump’s friendly view of Mr. Putin. His campaign manager, Paul Manafort,was a political consultant for the pro-Russia political party in Ukraine and for a former president, Viktor Yanukovych, who was forced out of office by anti-Russian forces in 2014. Also, as Mr. Trump acknowledged, his supporters watered down language in the Republican Party platform to omit support for sending weapons to Ukraine.

Mr. Trump’s derision of the parents of Capt. Humayun Khan, a Muslim American who was awarded a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart after he was killed in Iraq by a suicide bomber, was deplorable and mystifying. Why would a presidential candidate mock the parents of a soldier who died in combat?

At last week’s Democratic convention, Captain Khan’s father, Khizr Khan, with his wife, Ghazala Khan, by his side, criticized Mr. Trump for proposing to ban Muslim immigration to the United States and accused him of having made no sacrifices for his country. Over the weekend, Mr. Trump impliedthat Mrs. Khan did not speak at the convention because her religion did not allow it, and he equated his “sacrifices” as a businessman to those of the grieving parents. On Monday, Mr. Trump kept at it, complaining on Twitter that Mr. Khan “viciously attacked” him.

Some Republicans, like the House Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell; and Senator Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire released statements defending the Khans. Yet they still refuse to back off their support for Mr. Trump.

Few carry as much weight on military matters as Senator John McCain of Arizona, himself a decorated hero of the Vietnam War, who sharply criticizing Mr. Trump, saying, “It is time for Donald Trump to set the example for our country and the future of the Republican Party.”

It’s hard to imagine, a year into the campaign, that Mr. Trump could ever set such an example. The truth is, it’s time for Mr. McCain and other Republican leaders to set an example for their party by withdrawing support for Mr. Trump.
Man, I'm gonna need a canoe to paddle through all these whinny bitch tears when Trump takes the presidency.

We can go to town on legitimate issues with Hillary. Proven criminal acts. She is directly responsible for lives that were taken.

All people can really negatively say about trump is he's an asshole haha. Welcome to the soft core generation. Where everyone's feelings get hurt from name calling.

Trump 2016!

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Trump loses bid for pretrial win in Trump University lawsuit
Trump loses bid for pretrial win in Trump University lawsuit

A U.S. judge on Tuesday rejected Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's pretrial bid to win a lawsuit brought by students of Trump University who have said they were defrauded by its real-estate seminars.

U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel said in a written ruling that there was a "genuine issue of material fact" as to whether Trump knowingly participated in a scheme to defraud Trump University students. Curiel said there was extensive evidence Trump had not personally met, interviewed or selected Trump University instructors, though he represented they had been handpicked.
Watch: What are some major concerns about Trump's handling of national security? Hayden and #morningjoe weigh in.

Trump asks why US can't use nukes: MSNBC
Trump reportedly asks why US can't use nukes: MSNBC

Again if I remember correctly Israel was considering using nukes in one of their conlicts with their neighbors. Also I believe Nixon and Kissinger were for using nukes in Vietnam at one time
It had to be explained to them why it wasn't a good Idea.
So...What's new?
First on CNN: Ex-top Christie aide backs Clinton over Trump
First on CNN: Ex-top Chris Christie aide backs Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump -

(CNN)Longtime Chris Christie aide Maria Comella says she plans to vote for Hillary Clinton -- saying that after Donald Trump's nomination, Republicans are "at a moment where silence isn't an option."

Comella is breaking from the governor she helped elevate into the national political limelight. Her decision, announced in an email interview with CNN's Jamie Gangel, comes the day after a top Jeb Bush aide said she was leaving the Republican Party.

Comella's decision is a dramatic departure from her former boss, whose image she helped shape on the national stage as one of his closest advisers and strategists while a long-serving top aide in Trenton, New Jersey.

Christie was among the first failed 2016 GOP candidates to endorse Trump, appearing alongside the Republican nominee at events and even lobbying to become his running mate.

But Comella -- like longtime Jeb Bush adviser Sally Bradshaw, who told CNN on Monday that she's left the GOP over Trump's nomination -- said party members can't stay silent amid Trump's inflammatory rhetoric.

"Instead of speaking out against instances of bigotry, racism and inflammatory rhetoric whether it's been against women, immigrants or Muslims, we made a calculus that it was better to say nothing at all in the interest of politics and winning elections. For me, if our party has a future, we have to change that trajectory and lead by example," she said.

Comella, like two other Christie communications aides, didn't return to Christie's office in New Jersey after his presidential campaign ended. The Republican governor is now without most of the advisers who guided him to two victories in the Democratic-leaning state.

The 35-year-old Comella has since launched her own consulting company.

Here's what she told CNN in a six-question email interview:

George W. Bush Delivers Critique of Donald Trump’s Policies
George W. Bush Delivers Critique of Donald Trump’s Policies

Without naming Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, former President George W. Bush delivered an incisive critique of his policies of “isolationism, nativism and protectionism” at a private fundraiser in Cincinnati on Tuesday for Ohio Sen. Rob Portman, according to four people who attended.

Mr. Trump has broken with GOP orthodoxy and pushed an “America First” platform that calls for renegotiating trade deals, reconsidering longstanding military alliances, and curbing immigration by Muslims and people from countries beset with terrorism. He has repeatedly denounced Mr. Bush for the 2003 invasion of Iraq, though he never publicly opposed the war before it began.

Mr. Bush told the crowd of about 400 people that he had been reflecting on threats against American exceptionalism, though he didn’t put his remarks in the context of the 2016 presidential campaign. Mr. Bush spoke for 20 minutes in the Diamond Club of the Cincinnati Reds baseball stadium and spent another 40 minutes answering a half-dozen questions.

“It was an interesting exercise of statecraft,” said Ken Blackwell, a former Ohio secretary of state. “No one could say he directly spoke in attack mode against Donald Trump. Neither could anybody miss the fact that he thought there were some cutting-edge issues that Trump is advancing that need to be scrutinized and debated.”

Fox News Poll: Clinton leads Trump by 10 points, both seen as flawed (Researchers may have finally found an antidote to biased thinking about science)

After the conventions, the Clinton-Kaine ticket leads the Trump-Pence ticket by 10 points (49-39 percent) in the race for the White House. Clinton’s advantage is outside the poll’s margin of error. A month ago, Clinton was up by six points (44-38 percent, June 26-28).
Trump can only be elected president with his rhetoric in countries like Turkey. Where the majority of people are under informed or down right uneducated. Majority of voters in here is educated and well informed. The base he is trying to reach the disinfranchised and gruntled, xenophobic just isn't majority of the electorate here. He is not running for public service but a personal triumph. Presidency is not a trophy you win.
Trump can only be elected president with his rhetoric in countries like Turkey. Where the majority of people are under informed or down right uneducated. Majority of voters in here is educated and well informed. The base he is trying to reach the disinfranchised and gruntled, xenophobic just isn't majority of the electorate here. He is not running for public service but a personal triumph. Presidency is not a trophy you win.

You really think the majority of people in this country are "educated" and well informed??
Informed by whom?
You must be very young! or very naive!
I compared it to a country like Turkey. Even eastern part of Europe. Outside of US people vote like they are sporting their soccer team blindly follow. I lived in both worlds. I cherish the freedom I have here in states.I find my self somewhat informed to recognize when I see bigotry,Most do.Republican party is going through growing pains trying to find the new identity. Trump is the byproduct of that anger from its base. No one really thought this one through until he actually got the nomination.This will be good for the party for its future.
Gaps in Melania Trump's immigration story raise questions
Gaps in Melania Trump's immigration story raise questions

While Trump and her husband, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, have said she came to the United States legally, her own statements suggest she first came to the country on a short-term visa that would not have authorized her to work as a model. Trump has also said she came to New York in 1996, but the nude photo shoot places her in the United States in 1995, as does a biography published in February by Slovenian journalists.

The inconsistencies come on top of reports by CBS News and GQ Magazine that Trump falsely claimed to have obtained a college degree in Slovenia but could be more politically damaging because her husband has made opposition to illegal immigration the foundation of his presidential run.

Representatives of the Trump campaign and the Trump Organization did not address detailed questions about the timing and circumstances of Melania Trump’s arrival in the country, but campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks responded to the emailed questions by stating, “Melania followed all applicable laws and is now a proud citizen of the United States.”

Trump’s own statements suggest otherwise, immigration experts say.