Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Republicans nominate dangerously insane person to lead America, then panic when he proves he’s dangerously insane (Republicans nominate dangerously insane person to lead America, then panic when he proves he’s dangerously insane)

Republicans are in a full scale panic today because Donald Trump’s candidacy appears to be in chaos. There is talk of an “intervention,” inspired in part by Trump’s continuing attacks on the Khan family. RNC chair Reince Priebus is described as “very frustrated” and “stressed,” because he is “running out of excuses” to offer party bigwigs about Trump’s political incompetence and indifference to basic political norms. Republicans are panicking because Trump is frittering away a chance to defeat Hillary Clinton amid “self inflicted mistakes” and “missed opportunities.”

In other words, if only Trump were not acting in such a crazy manner right now, he’d be on track to having a real shot to beat Clinton, and if Trump just gets a handle on his fleeting bout of bad behavior, he’ll be right back in the position of having a good chance to win. An “intervention” just might set that right.

But let’s entertain another interpretation of what’s going on here. Republicans have shifted into a much higher state of Red Alert because Trump’s erratic antics are revealing just how reckless their decision to nominate him really was, and how reckless their continued support for him really is. In other words, Trump is now threatening to damage the party in far worse ways than Republicans had bargained for, because he’s revealing in inescapably clear terms the real character and qualifications of the person they knowingly nominated to run the country and continue to support for the presidency.

Donald Trump Is A Frightened Coward And I Bet $100,000 He Won't Fight Me.

Last month, I made a public challenge to Donald Trump, which I will repeat here: If he or either of his sons will box me for one round, I will make the maximum legal contribution to his campaign and donate $100,000 to the charity of his choice.

In challenging Trump to box me, I was and am using one of his own favored tactics. Four years ago, he famously offered to donate $5 million to the charity of President Obama’s choice if Obama would release his passport, college applications, and other personal documents. I’m not as fabulously wealthy as Trump claims to be, so my offer was lower than his, but it’s a challenge that Trump should eagerly accept, given his professed love of combat and competition. (Moreover, it’s not unprecedented for a recent Republican presidential candidate to engage in a charity boxing match—2012 nominee Mitt Romney did so with Evander Holyfield just last year.) Of course, I never seriously expected Trump to take me up on my challenge, and don’t expect him to do so now. Donald Trump, you see, is a coward.

That’s not necessarily how Trump is perceived. Ask almost any Donald Trump supporter what their favorite quality of Trump is and they will invariably say something along the lines of He’s tough or He tells it like it is or He speaks his mind, even when it’s not politically correct. Ask almost any Trump opponent what they like least about Trump, and you’re likely to get similar substance, though with a very different gloss—He’s unstable or He has no filter or He’s dangerous.

As a fan of combat sports, I’m intrigued by this persona. Trump’s temperament often seems borrowed from the larger-than-life bravado of a prize fighter, or even a professional wrestler, which—lest we forget—is an actual job title that Donald Trump once held. So, I was curious: How much of this tough guy persona is based in reality, and how much of it is an invention? Not to put too fine a point on it, but can The Donald actually back up his tough talk? Is there any evidence that he’s actually a guy who lusts for combat, as he so often claims?

This guy seems to have a different view of her and her husband, and also seems to have been in a position to have a take on what she's like.
Has anybody read his stuff?

About Dick Morris:

Dick Morris is admired for his probing, insightful, hard-hitting, and clear commentary on Newsmax, Fox News, and other international media outlets. Time magazine has dubbed him "the most influential private citizen in America." A well-known political strategist, he was the architect of Bill Clinton's comeback landslide in 1996 and has handled the winning campaigns of more than 30 U.S. senators and governors. Internationally, he has piloted the successful campaigns of presidents and prime ministers of five continents.
Kill that baby for so rudely interrupting the fuhrer. That guy is a fucking megalomanic. I have never been this concerned before. What the fuck is that guy going to do if he becomes the most powerful man in the world? He is the most vindictive asshole on the planet, well second only to me. Dude fucking scares me.

There are no good choices this time around. Pick the one who well be least destructive to our planet.
Kill that baby for so rudely interrupting the fuhrer. That guy is a fucking megalomanic. I have never been this concerned before. What the fuck is that guy going to do if he becomes the most powerful man in the world? He is the most vindictive asshole on the planet, well second only to me. Dude fucking scares me.

There are no good choices this time around. Pick the one who well be least destructive to our planet.
Kill that baby for so rudely interrupting the fuhrer. That guy is a fucking megalomanic. I have never been this concerned before. What the fuck is that guy going to do if he becomes the most powerful man in the world? He is the most vindictive asshole on the planet, well second only to me. Dude fucking scares me.

There are no good choices this time around. Pick the one who well be least destructive to our planet.

Isn't that what you american voters alway's do?
Have you ever had "good" choices?
Don't you know your leaders by now?

Isn't that what you american voters alway's do?
Have you ever had "good" choices?
Don't you know your leaders by now?

I never have seen anything like this. I was talking to a young German woman a couple weeks ago. She was very pretty. She started talking politics and asked what I thought of Trump. I said he is a maniac, and that Germans should know something about that. She said if it could happen in Germany it could happen here. I agreed and told her it has already started.

I changed the conversation to porn and asked her if she would like to be a star.