Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

I tend to take these stories about the President with a grain of salt. We have seen key details of a number of salacious stories retracted within 48 hours. The media hates the President so much that they’ll run a negative story about him without very much provocation. Anti-Trump sources embedded within the administration in the career civil service, etc. will leak to the press and confirmation bias sets in.

What sets this story apart for me, at least, is that I know one of the sources. And the source is solidly supportive of President Trump, or at least has been and was during Campaign 2016.


I am told that what the President did is actually far worse than what is being reported. The President does not seem to realize or appreciate that his bragging can undermine relationships with our allies and with human intelligence sources. He also does not seem to appreciate that his loose lips can get valuable assets in the field killed.

You can call these sources disloyal, traitors, or whatever you want. But please ask yourself a question — if the President, through inexperience and ignorance, is jeopardizing our national security and will not take advice or corrective action, what other means are available to get the President to listen and recognize the error of his ways?

This is a real problem and I treat this story very seriously because I know just how credible, competent, and serious — as well as seriously pro-Trump, at least one of the sources is.
Progressive dilemma :

Impeachment means making Mike Pence president
Pence will accomplish all that trump is screwing up: from reproductive rights to tax cuts for the rich
All considered we might be less worse off by keeping the orange buffoon until 2020....
Progressive dilemma :

Impeachment means making Mike Pence president
Pence will accomplish all that trump is screwing up: from reproductive rights to tax cuts for the rich
All considered we might be less worse off by keeping the orange buffoon until 2020....

On any given day, Pence will do his customary spot-on imitation of a bobblehead. Standing near Trump in the Oval Office, he will nod his head robotically as the president says one asinine thing after another and then, maybe along with others, he will be honored with a lie or a version of the truth so mangled by contradictions and fabrications that a day in the White House is like a week on LSD.

I pick on Pence because he is the most prominent and highest-ranked of President Trump’s lackeys. Like with all of them, Pence’s touching naivete and trust are routinely abused. He (vouches for things that are not true) — no talk of sanctions between Mike Flynn and the Russians, for instance, or more recently the reason James B. Comey was fired as FBI director. In both instances, the president either lied to him or failed to tell him the truth. The result was the same: The vice president (appeared clueless).
Progressive dilemma :

Impeachment means making Mike Pence president
Pence will accomplish all that trump is screwing up: from reproductive rights to tax cuts for the rich
All considered we might be less worse off by keeping the orange buffoon until 2020....
A perfectly laid trap for those who want to dump Trump i'd say.
Progressive dilemma :

Impeachment means making Mike Pence president
Pence will accomplish all that trump is screwing up: from reproductive rights to tax cuts for the rich
All considered we might be less worse off by keeping the orange buffoon until 2020....
I don't agree with the VP's politics but I would much rather have him as president. The best thing for the GOP would be to force trump to resign. It would make a difference in the 2018 and 2020 elections. This man is clearly unqualified.

But, Trumptards, Trumpidiots, Trumpistas, ...

I don't agree with the VP's politics but I would much rather have him as president. The best thing for the GOP would be to force trump to resign. It would make a difference in the 2018 and 2020 elections. This man is clearly unqualified.

Read, again, the statement issued by 50 prominent Republican national security experts issued last August. Note that it was not “pro-Clinton” or left-wing, or even ideological at all. It simply pointed out that Trump — a man who would not, under normal circumstances, ever be given a high-level security clearance — was unfit to be president. Here is the central section:

In our experience, a President must be willing to listen to his advisers and department heads; must encourage consideration of conflicting views; and must acknowledge errors and learn from them. A President must be disciplined, control emotions, and act only after reflection and careful deliberation. A President must maintain cordial relationships with leaders of countries of different backgrounds and must have their respect and trust. In our judgment, Mr. Trump has none of these critical qualities. He is unable or unwilling to separate truth from falsehood. He does not encourage conflicting views. He lacks self-control and acts impetuously. He cannot tolerate personal criticism. He has alarmed our closest allies with his erratic behavior. All of these are dangerous qualities in an individual who aspires to be President and Commander in-Chief, with command of the U.S. nuclear arsenal.

At the time, Trump dismissed this letter as “nothing more than the failed Washington elite looking to hold onto their power.” But the “elites” were right. The experts were right. Next time maybe more people will heed them.