Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

@master.on isn't going to take the impeachment of trump well. Trump goes down for obstruction of justice for asking Comey to drop Fylnn and Russia investigation. Lock him up! Not you @master.on trump and Flynn. :)

What are the odds that orangeman will be impeached by the end of the year?
We need to arrange for psychological counseling for some of our members. It's time for a go fund me :)
@master.on isn't going to take the impeachment of trump well. Trump goes down for obstruction of justice for asking Comey to drop Fylnn and Russia investigation. Lock him up! Not you @master.on trump and Flynn. :)

What are the odds that orangeman will be impeached by the end of the year?

3-1 odds he's out , he cant keep that OCD mouth shut and he's a compulsive liar . Plus hes not to be trusted with ANY secrets , pull his security clearance NOW !! :eek: Scary times in the USA.

3-1 odds he's out , he cant keep that OCD mouth shut and he's a compulsive liar . Plus hes not to be trusted with ANY secrets , pull his security clearance NOW !! :eek: Scary times in the USA.
I'll take those odds. Impeachment and removal from office by 5/16/18 right?
They like him more than barry soetoro who threw them under the bus every chance he could. Isreal hated him.
If trump is the reason for the death of an Israeli operative because he cant keep his fucking mouth shut I say keep him.
It is astounding to me from a moral perspective that folks in the Republican Party stay up nights figuring out how they can give more tax breaks to millionaires and billionaires and corporations, and come back and try to cut food stamps for families and kids who are hungry... :(