Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

It is astounding to me from a moral perspective that folks in the Republican Party stay up nights figuring out how they can give more tax breaks to millionaires and billionaires and corporations, and come back and try to cut food stamps for families and kids who are hungry... :(
And you wonder why the corporations are leaving the country, lol. We need to find a happy medium honestly.

Since President Trump’s firing of F.B.I. Director James Comey, one question has been repeated over and over: With Democrats lacking any real governing power, are there a few good elected men or women in the Republican Party who will stand up to the president’s abuse of power as their predecessors did during Watergate?

And this question will surely get louder with the report that Trump asked Comey in February to halt the investigation into the president’s former national security adviser.

But we already know the answer: No.

The G.O.P. never would have embraced someone like Trump in the first place — an indecent man with a record of multiple bankruptcies, unpaid bills and alleged sexual harassments who lies as he breathes — for the answer to ever be yes. Virtually all the good men and women in this party’s leadership have been purged or silenced; those who are left have either been bought off by lobbies or have cynically decided to take a ride on Trump’s Good Ship Lollipop to exploit it for any number of different agendas.

It has not been without costs. Trump has made every person in his orbit look like either a “liar or a fool,” as David Axelrod put it. So call off the search. There will be no G.O.P. mutiny, even if Trump resembles Captain Queeg more each day.

That’s why the only relevant question is this: Are there tens of millions of good men and women in America ready to run and vote as Democrats or independents in the 2018 congressional elections and replace the current G.O.P. majority in the House and maybe the Senate?

Nothing else matters — this is now a raw contest of power.
Btw : all this happening with the orange buffoon ... I don't blame him for it. The guy is an idiot and he can't help himself... I blame it on Hillary and the DNC. Had they not colluded to stop Sanders , orange would not be the presidential color... fortunately in these last elections I couldn't vote (not having yet my citizenship) but I - as a liberal - would have had a really hard time putting her in the WH, so I can understand the Reps...
Pretty sure this is fake but still funnyScreenshot_20170517-033257.jpg
I could imagine bill saying " damn baby, I guess you didn't need to kill all those people" then getting his ass whooped
Btw : all this happening with the orange buffoon ... I don't blame him for it. The guy is an idiot and he can't help himself... I blame it on Hillary and the DNC. Had they not colluded to stop Sanders , orange would not be the presidential color... fortunately in these last elections I couldn't vote (not having yet my citizenship) but I - as a liberal - would have had a really hard time putting her in the WH, so I can understand the Reps...
I appreciate your honesty. I also get a kick out of calling him orangeman etc. He does look orange sometimes. Lol You are right (you too Bp) about the Dems fucking over Bernie. Bernie would have won IMO. The rank and file Dems would've voted for the nominee no matter what and Bern would've attracted more independents because he too was an "outsider." And I liked him because he had bold ideas and "Feel the Bern" was a great slogan. Even though I don't agree with the liberal mindset, if we're going to do it, lets go all in and see what happens. If it works great. If not it can be undone.
Like barry (who I admit I hated) for us conservatives, and for you libs just like Trump. Let's see what happens (and bitch back and forth the entire time lol). The country isn't going to fold.