My First Cycle results TEST+TREN+ANAVAR+ANADROL +20KG

Hey guys How is going ? updating here the results of the show tysm for evryone who helped me and who texted me here was a really nice moment of my life and i loved it and compete again and again but we need open a off season

The results
We win the overall
we won the newcomers the overall, the category and the best of the night this was completely outside of my expectations I was confident but I didn't imagine I would be able to "clear" everything I participated in it was incredible to be on stage and I really want to continue with this I hope I can stay in the bodybuilding for longer

After a good offseason the next one will be a pro qualifier no doubt

Tysm for everyone who helped here
@trtbuilder @BigTomJ @ILikeExperiments @Mac11wildcat @DECLAN @Jsdaking1 @Eddie. @Goingstronger

And sorry if i miss someone was too much people helping me here i will post also my first meal after the prep LMAO was a good one i swear
2 chicago pizzas and a 1 L milk shake oreo

i will post some updates about my physique here during the offseason too so hope this thread still alive tysm for everyone again Take care Team!

You're welcome ;)
I would advice against tren altogether especially for bulking... almost everyone agrees that they did not get growth from tren even at high dosages ... there are exceptions of course
for contest prep it has its place once you are a pro(if you get there, it is not a given....) ... but for now there is no point to using it...
What ? Not growing from tren ? It's litterally the most powerful compound to grow.
What ? Not growing from tren ? It's litterally the most powerful compound to grow.
on paper sure real life not so much...u have to handle the insomnia,sweats ,weird thoughts etc etc
for most people a few hundred miligrams is the most they'll tolerate ...vs multiple grams of test+other anabolics(deca,Eq,primo,etc) ,which do you think is going to grow u more?
on paper sure real life not so much...u have to handle the insomnia,sweats ,weird thoughts etc etc
for most people a few hundred miligrams is the most they'll tolerate ...vs multiple grams of test+other anabolics(deca,Eq,primo,etc) ,which do you think is going to grow u more?
I agree with you but let's assum that you tolerate 200mg. 200mg of tren is as powerful as 1000mg of test so if you take 500mg of test + 200mg of tren, it's like taking 1500mg of test and that's enough to grow a lot.

Also, there are also ways to better tolerate the side effects of tren (antihistamine, etc...) personally I cannot confirm whether it works but I have heard that it could be effective.
I agree with you but let's assum that you tolerate 200mg. 200mg of tren is as powerful as 1000mg of test so if you take 500mg of test + 200mg of tren, it's like taking 1500mg of test and that's enough to grow a lot.

Also, there are also ways to better tolerate the side effects of tren (antihistamine, etc...) personally I cannot confirm whether it works but I have heard that it could be effective.
No way is 200tren = 1000test....
been on 900test C fot a few months and added 200tren 3 weeks ago...barely feel the difference ,also mast is in the mix too
for some tren works great ... better genetics prob... try it and see :)

Ps last year I tried 500test 420tren 300mast and also was not impressed .... I think I will give up on tren or try 1g :)))
I agree with you but let's assum that you tolerate 200mg. 200mg of tren is as powerful as 1000mg of test so if you take 500mg of test + 200mg of tren, it's like taking 1500mg of test and that's enough to grow a lot.

Also, there are also ways to better tolerate the side effects of tren (antihistamine, etc...) personally I cannot confirm whether it works but I have heard that it could be effective.
How do you measure this ratios and their effects? Have you ever done tren? How do you compare tren and test ratios and how can you separate their effects, gains?

No offense but if you’re just regurgitating what you heard from other people then use it as an advice, that is unreliable at best.