Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Ditto only opposite

I don't think so and this is why: I am and have been highly critical of the Democratic Party, the dnc, the dem candidates, Hillary and have expressed it. I have even stated I would have considered a good rep candidate.

In regular circumstances with a republican president that is fit for the job, criticisms wouldn't be to he man, but to he republican platform, that is opposing the democratic of course

But these are not regular circumstances

Your side is just a wall of rubber
He can do nothing wrong

You can't admit there are issues and that you should be concerned even with so many criticisms by our own party...

The republicans already have their wall. It's in their head
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I don't think so and this is why: I am and have been highly critical of the Democratic Party, the dnc, the dem candidates, Hillary and have expressed it. I have even stated I would have considered a good rep candidate.

In regular circumstances with a republican president that is fit for the job, criticisms wouldn't be to he man, but to he republican platform, that is opposing the democratic of course

But these are not regular circumstances

Your side is just a wall of rubber
He can do nothing wrong

You can't admit there are issues and that you should be concerned even with so many criticisms by our own party...

The republicans already have their wall. It's in their head

Ok I'll give you that. It was a quick response to your post.
Of course not everything Trump does is perfect. But I don't see the evidence you apparently do. The "evidence" posted here is usually refuted and/or shown to be nothing but opinion pcs. If/when someone actually charges/impeaches Trump THEN I'll look at it differently. So far that's not the case. Nothing but National Inquirer level crap spewed by the MSM.
You hate Trump. I don't. IMO your judgment (and others on here) is clouded by your absolute hatred of the President.

The man who coauthored “Art of the Deal” with Donald Trump ― a book often cited on the campaign trail last year ― said the president will soon look for a way out of all of his administration’s scandals.

“There is no right and wrong for Trump, there’s winning and losing,” Tony Schwartz told CNN’s Anderson Cooper. “And right now, he is in pure terror that he is going to lose.”

Schwartz predicted that Trump would ultimately “lose,” but said he won’t go through an impeachment process.

“I surely believe that at some point over the next period of time he’s going to have to figure out a way to resign,” Schwartz said in comments posted online by Mediaite. But in quitting, Trump will try to “figure out a way, as he has done all his career, to turn a loss into a victory so he will declare victory when he leaves.”

Benjamin Wittes is a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, editor-in-chief of the Lawfare blog and a vocal critic of President Trump. He is also, he says, a friend of James Comey, and he spoke with the PBS NewsHour Wednesday about a series of conversations he had with the former FBI director regarding Comey’s interactions with the president.

Wittes believes the conversations provide insight into the president’s relationship with Comey, who was fired by Mr. Trump on May 9.

On Thursday, Wittes published an essay on these conversations with Comey on Lawfare. He also spoke with the New York Times.

In these talks, Wittes said, Comey described several interactions he had with the president, including the infamous hug that “disgusted him” and his feelings about the loyalty oath that the president allegedly requested and Comey refused to give. The White House has denied that President Trump asked for Mr. Comey’s loyalty.

“Trump fired Jim Comey because the most dangerous thing in the world, if you’re Donald Trump, is a person who tells the truth, is dogged, you can’t control, and who is as committed as Comey is to the institutional independence of an organization that has the power to investigate you,” Wittes told the NewsHour’s William Brangham.

Comey also shared concerns about Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, before Rosenstein’s confirmation, calling him a “survivor.” Wittes interpreted that characterization as a sign that Rosenstein, who has served under Republican and Democratic administrations, could be susceptible to Trump’s demands for loyalty.

Wittes cautioned throughout the interview that his insights into Comey’s state of mind were only based on these conversations, and that in some cases he was drawing his own conclusions about Comey’s meanings.

PBS NewsHour’s William Brangham sat down with Wittes Wednesday to discuss the essay.

And I'm sure the antifas will hate this too (U.S. could get first paid family leave benefit under Trump budget proposal)
No offense but
Just curious on how do you deal with having enough time to check many patients, order labs, write prescriptions, read medical studies while posting so much?

Why don't you hire a programmer to type a custom-made app to copy-paste all liberal tweets to thinksteroids?

Or hire an employed libtard to manually copy-paste?
Let's hope he outsources posting and not the actual patient checkup.
No offense but
Just curious on how do you deal with having enough time to check many patients, order labs, write prescriptions, read medical studies while posting so much?

Why don't you hire a programmer to type a custom-made app to copy-paste all liberal tweets to thinksteroids?

Or hire an employed libtard to manually copy-paste?
Let's hope he outsources posting and not the actual patient checkup.
Maybe he's retired dipshit. Boom. Blew your fucking mind. Don't you have some mysteries to solve there Robert Stack?
Remember when Trump told the American people that he was a different kind of Republican? He said that he was going to stop Wall Street from getting away with murder, and reinstate the Glass Steagall Act to prevent Wall Street banks from gambling with the bank deposits of the American people. But yesterday Trump's Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said they have no intention to reinstate Glass Steagall. Once again Trump and his cabinet prove their priorities are exactly the opposite of what's right for working people—and they never intended to keep their promises.