Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Justice Department ethics experts have concluded that newly appointed special counsel Robert S. Mueller III can oversee the investigation into possible coordination between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin during the 2016 presidential election — even though his former law firm represents several people who could be caught up in the matter, authorities announced Tuesday.

In an email, Justice Department spokeswoman Sarah Isgur Flores said ethics officials had reviewed the case and “determined that Mr. Mueller’s participation in the matters assigned to him is appropriate.” She said the officials had considered Mueller’s professional obligations and those imposed by government ethics regulations.
We've had an obama who had many scandals that were just swept under the rug by main stream media.
You forgot to mention protected from prosecution thanks to accomplice Comey.

I agree with you. He is better, or at least uses social media more, than anyone before him. It's helped and hurt him at times. Taking your message out of the media's hands was/is a brilliant move. They don't know quite how to deal with that. While he has made missteps I can't say anyone else wouldn't have either. He's also not a career politician so isn't as polished in keeping his message on track. On the other hand he has "told it like is" which resonates with people. I for one puke at all this political correctness and coddling every weirdo thing someone comes up with (think executive order on fucking bathroom use).
MSM doesn't realize this is the Information Age
now they can't hide the truth forever, not even if you bribe MSM and the FBI.

I'm surprised libtards haven't persuaded an orchestra to play Darth Vader theme song (called the Imperial March I believe) when Trump walks in for a presidential speech or something.
Most musicians are liberals so it shouldn't be that hard.
I'm surprised libtards haven't persuaded an orchestra to play Darth Vader theme song (called the Imperial March I believe) when Trump walks in for a presidential speech or something.
Most musicians are liberals so it shouldn't be that hard.

I wish they'd practice self imollation. Lol

“I think it’s hard for people to see the truth. … I want to gently peel people’s hands off of a false narrative of history,” Landrieu told me. Saying those monuments “were put up for a very specific reason,” the mayor explained that “they were designed not to honor the men, not to honor Robert E. Lee, P.G.T. Beauregard, Jefferson Davis. They were put up to send a message [of] who were still in control, notwithstanding the fact the Confederacy lost the war. Now that’s intimidating, and the consequence of that was that people who didn’t feel comfortable here left.”
A new level of snowflakes.
She said "barry soetoro sucks"