Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

And to that effect, here are three paragraphs to that effect that raised my eyebrows (my emphasis added in bold):
  • A senior intelligence official said that Trump’s goal was to “muddy the waters” about the scope of the FBI probe at a time when Democrats were ramping up their calls for the Justice Department to appoint a special counsel, a step announced last week.
  • Current and former officials said either Trump lacks an understanding of the FBI’s role as an independent law enforcement agency or does not care about maintaining such boundaries.
  • Trump’s effort to use the DNI and the NSA director to refute Comey’s statement and to say there is no evidence of collusion echoes former President Richard Nixon’s “unsuccessful efforts to use the CIA to shut down the FBI’s investigation of the Watergate break-in on national security grounds,” said Jeffrey H. Smith, a former general counsel at the CIA. Smith called Trump’s actions “an appalling abuse of power.”
Trump doesn't care or doesn't know about the rules. He's abusing his power in a Nixonian way. He's deliberately trying to muddy the waters. These are startling comments about the president of the United States, and some of them are coming from inside Trump's own administration.

It sounds like the alarm bells are ringing among those in-the-know in Washington.
I am actually scared that my lack of higher education is going to turn me into ignorant, hateful white trash when I hit 55. I read quite a bit of literature to counteract this trend within my culture, but it still worries me. When does critical thinking become impossible? Why do hordes of poor people lap up this pro billionaire, pro corporation trickle down dogshit and call what has kept a foot on their neck from the word go the American dream? Is it really just a core hatred of non whites and a flat refusal to believe they are in the same lot as people who look different from them?