Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

The Trump administration, in a significant escalation of its clash with the government’s top ethics watchdog, has moved to block an effort to disclose the names of former lobbyists who have been granted waivers to work in the White House or federal agencies.

The latest conflict came in recent days when the White House, in a highly unusual move, sent a letter to Walter M. Shaub Jr., the head of the Office of Government Ethics, asking him to withdraw a request he had sent to every federal agency for copies of the waivers. In the letter, the administration challenged his legal authority to demand the information.

Dozens of former lobbyists and industry lawyers are working in the Trump administration, which has hired them at a much higher rate than the previous administration. Keeping the waivers confidential would make it impossible to know whether any such officials are violating federal ethics rules or have been given a pass to ignore them.

Mr. Schaub, who is in the final year of a five-year term after being appointed by President Barack Obama, said he had no intention of backing down. “It is an extraordinary thing,” Mr. Shaub said of the White House request. “I have never seen anything like it.”

Marilyn L. Glynn, who served as general counsel and acting director of the agency during the George W. Bush administration, called the move by the Trump White House “unprecedented and extremely troubling.”

“It challenges the very authority of the director of the agency and his ability to carry out the functions of the office,” she said.
I think Dancing Vaginas caused it. Lol
Dont we all? Cnn, msnbc, abc, etc, etc have all been caught faking news just as much as fox.
We just disagree on who's news is fake. That's okay. It's not as if we will solve the country's problems here on Mesorx.

Trump relayed sensitive information to Lavrov and Kislyak about the Islamic State in Syria that had been provided (to the U.S. government by Israel) through a sensitive intelligence partnership. Israel had not given Trump permission to share the material with Russia.

Trump has not been accused of explicitly telling the Russians that the intelligence came through Israel. But because Trump revealed specifically where the information had come from within Syria, Russian intelligence officials could determine the source nevertheless.
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I agree. Anyone expecting a quick outcome to any of this is kidding themselves. Thinking the republicans will stay loyal/ or that the outcome is determined is also foolish imo.

Self preservation is paramount to both sides. Cost/benefit weighed daily. I think that he limits his ability to govern and successfully implement his agenda with his chaotic style and social media habits.
I don't think either party is going to allow us to pursue a bodybuilding lifestyle free of criminal prosecution. That's where the rubber meets the road. The truth is just the opposite.

The Trump administration, in a significant escalation of its clash with the government’s top ethics watchdog, has moved to block an effort to disclose the names of former lobbyists who have been granted waivers to work in the White House or federal agencies.

The latest conflict came in recent days when the White House, in a highly unusual move, sent a letter to Walter M. Shaub Jr., the head of the Office of Government Ethics, asking him to withdraw a request he had sent to every federal agency for copies of the waivers. In the letter, the administration challenged his legal authority to demand the information.

Dozens of former lobbyists and industry lawyers are working in the Trump administration, which has hired them at a much higher rate than the previous administration. Keeping the waivers confidential would make it impossible to know whether any such officials are violating federal ethics rules or have been given a pass to ignore them.

Mr. Schaub, who is in the final year of a five-year term after being appointed by President Barack Obama, said he had no intention of backing down. “It is an extraordinary thing,” Mr. Shaub said of the White House request. “I have never seen anything like it.”

Marilyn L. Glynn, who served as general counsel and acting director of the agency during the George W. Bush administration, called the move by the Trump White House “unprecedented and extremely troubling.”

“It challenges the very authority of the director of the agency and his ability to carry out the functions of the office,” she said.
