Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Only matter of time before he's impeached. Too many impatient Republicans would like to see Pence take over so I am sure there will be a movement towards impeachment. Democrats most likely would be convinced to vote for impeachment.
Impeachment doesn't mean pence will take over. Impeachment is possible, but removing trump from office is almost impossible. First off, trump would have to break the law. There are many interpretations of "high crimes and misdemeanors". Some say there doesn't need to be a law broken for this but some say that there does. Secondly you would have to get 2/3 of congress to remove him from office. Thats not gonna happen. At this point there has been no proof of any laws broken as well as no proof of any violatiins of ethics. That's the important part many are not willing to grasp.... there has been no proof of even a violation of ethics. Every evil thing trump has done or every crime trump has committed has been proven to be liberal rhetoric. Someone (my guess is obama) had pushed the fbi to investigate trump for collusion with russia and the fbi and cia have been investigating for about a year now and both have stated there is no link between trump and russia. Congress cannot remove a President because they don't like him. And no matter how much your media and news pundits push this narrative you have to remember, remember how many times they have been caught red handed lying to you and remember they have an agenda which has been proven as well. So don't listen to your biased media nor you whacky politicians that have been calling for his impeachment since before trump even became president. They are playing you guys for fools.
Impeachment doesn't mean pence will take over. Impeachment is possible, but removing trump from office is almost impossible. First off, trump would have to break the law. There are many interpretations of "high crimes and misdemeanors". Some say there doesn't need to be a law broken for this but some say that there does. Secondly you would have to get 2/3 of congress to remove him from office. Thats not gonna happen. At this point there has been no proof of any laws broken as well as no proof of any violatiins of ethics. That's the important part many are not willing to grasp.... there has been no proof of even a violation of ethics. Every evil thing trump has done or every crime trump has committed has been proven to be liberal rhetoric. Someone (my guess is obama) had pushed the fbi to investigate trump for collusion with russia and the fbi and cia have been investigating for about a year now and both have stated there is no link between trump and russia. Congress cannot remove a President because they don't like him. And no matter how much your media and news pundits push this narrative you have to remember, remember how many times they have been caught red handed lying to you and remember they have an agenda which has been proven as well. So don't listen to your biased media nor you whacky politicians that have been calling for his impeachment since before trump even became president. They are playing you guys for fools.
Great post. It also amazes me how many think impeachment means removal from office. Two entirely different things. Bill Clinton was impeached. Didn't mean a thing. He was not removed from office and went right on as if nothing happened.
Great post. It also amazes me how many think impeachment means removal from office. Two entirely different things. Bill Clinton was impeached. Didn't mean a thing. He was not removed from office and went right on as if nothing happened.
Yes sir. I think that's part of the problem as well. Basically, impeachment means brought before Congress to answer questions. It is a step tbat would need to be done in order to begin the process of removal, but that ain't gonna happen. It has never happened, ever.