Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Oh really?
And what's going to be MSM/libtard reaction when EVERYONE in that room, both Americans and Russians alike, deny that was ever said?

Who is MSM going to cite as the "information source"?
Agent Perry? He can sneak everywhere without being detected, after all.

Trump prompting them to buy America's #2 export: weapons
(#1 export are greenbacks themselves, because of all the money printed by Obama and friends)

A 2-way win-win situation for us:
1 American made arms create jobs
2 Less Arabs/Muslims because of #1 (arms).

Hey Mr Cooper I just left a present on your desk
it's Hillary's poop!
Jeffery Lord will be standing in the middle of 5th ave reloading for trump when he starts killing people.
Yes sir. I think that's part of the problem as well. Basically, impeachment means brought before Congress to answer questions. It is a step tbat would need to be done in order to begin the process of removal, but that ain't gonna happen. It has never happened, ever.
We never had a trump before. It' all new territory.
Great post. It also amazes me how many think impeachment means removal from office. Two entirely different things. Bill Clinton was impeached. Didn't mean a thing. He was not removed from office and went right on as if nothing happened.
Slick Willy and Andrew Johnson were both acquitted in the senate. Trumps brother from another mother Nixon certainly would have been had he not resigned first.
Where are the Trump supporters?
TheMoneyIllusion » Where are the Trump supporters?

Polls show a stubborn 38% of the public is sticking with Trump, even as the disastrous leaks keep coming. Where are these people? I’m not sure, but they are certainly not among his White House staff: Trump Officials: ‘He Looks More and More Like a Complete Moron’


Wait a minute—wasn’t I called “deranged” then I pointed out that Trump was a moron? Did you Trumpistas expect his own White House staff to be admitting the same, less than 4 months into office?

Then there are those who deny the truth of these stories—even when they are based on eyewitness reports of meetings, written up into transcripts, circulated to dozens of White House officials, and not even denied by the White House!

Trumpistas now live a a post-logic world where the King can literally do no wrong, where any setback is due to some sort of dark conspiracy of the “deep state”, which is bound and determined to thwart “the will of the voters”.

Unfortunately that won’t work. Trump ran as a sort of superman, who could cut through all the Washington bureaucracy and get stuff done. He never once said he’d Make America Great Again if Paul Ryan cooperated, he said Paul Ryan would cooperate or he’d be gone. Sorry, but when you run as superman there are no excuses for failure.

For the country’s sake I hope he resigns. But for my own sake I hope he stays around for 8 years. Trump has Made Blogging Fun Again.

Update: This post suggests that I was wrong in assuming that Jared Kushner was less nutty than Steve Bannon. If true, this is really bad news for the GOP. It’s becoming increasingly clear that Jared Kushner is part of Trump’s Russia problem
Slick Willy and Andrew Johnson were both acquitted in the senate. Trumps brother from another mother Nixon certainly would have been had he not resigned first.
You are correct. Nixon resigned because he was told they had enough votes to remove him. That was then, this is now. Dems and Repubs were more amicable and worked better with each other. I have trouble believing they will now. Passing soetoro care without a single Repub vote, harry using the nuclear option, etc. Once those options are used the line is crossed and it stays that way. Hence the repubs using the nuclear option for Gorsuch. More to come.
You are correct. Nixon resigned because he was told they had enough votes to remove him. That was then, this is now. Dems and Repubs were more amicable and worked better with each other. I have trouble believing they will now. Passing soetoro care without a single Repub vote, harry using the nuclear option, etc. Once those options are used the line is crossed and it stays that way. Hence the repubs using the nuclear option for Gorsuch. More to come.
I agree. Anyone expecting a quick outcome to any of this is kidding themselves. Thinking the republicans will stay loyal/ or that the outcome is determined is also foolish imo.

Self preservation is paramount to both sides. Cost/benefit weighed daily. I think that he limits his ability to govern and successfully implement his agenda with his chaotic style and social media habits.
I agree. Anyone expecting a quick outcome to any of this is kidding themselves. Thinking the republicans will stay loyal/ or that the outcome is determined is also foolish imo.

Self preservation is paramount to both sides. Cost/benefit weighed daily. I think that he limits his ability to govern and successfully implement his agenda with his chaotic style and social media habits.
I agree with you. He is better, or at least uses social media more, than anyone before him. It's helped and hurt him at times. Taking your message out of the media's hands was/is a brilliant move. They don't know quite how to deal with that. While he has made missteps I can't say anyone else wouldn't have either. He's also not a career politician so isn't as polished in keeping his message on track. On the other hand he has "told it like is" which resonates with people. I for one puke at all this political correctness and coddling every weirdo thing someone comes up with (think executive order on fucking bathroom use).

No staff shakeup that leaves unresolved or unmanaged the flaws of the principal, that does not address Donald Trump’s penchant for self-immolation, will have any positive effect on this White House.

You cannot blame your communications staff for flawed messaging when they are afraid to leave you alone in a room with visitors and shake in their boots when they see you walk toward the residence at the end of the day.

You cannot lament the disorganization of the West Wing when you refuse to establish and adhere to clear lines of authority.

You cannot bemoan the lack of recognition you receive for your achievements when you create distractions for the media to latch on to.

Until someone in the White House is willing or able to tell the president no, until the president listens to that person and respects them to such a degree that he does not turn against them within 24 hours, the atmosphere of paranoia and hysteria that has enveloped Washington will not subside.