Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

WASHINGTON — President Trump told Russian officials in the Oval Office this month that firing the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, had relieved “great pressure” on him, according to a document summarizing the meeting.

“I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job,” Mr. Trump said, according to the document, which was read to The New York Times by an American official. “I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”

Mr. Trump added, “I’m not under investigation.”

The conversation, during a May 10 meeting — the day after he fired Mr. Comey — reinforces the notion that Mr. Trump dismissed him primarily because of the bureau’s investigation into possible collusion between his campaign and Russian operatives. Mr. Trump said as much in one televised interview, but the White House has offered changing justifications for the firing.

The White House document that contained Mr. Trump’s comments was based on notes taken from inside the Oval Office and has been circulated as the official account of the meeting. One official read quotations to The Times, and a second official confirmed the broad outlines of the discussion.

Oh really?
And what's going to be MSM/libtard reaction when EVERYONE in that room, both Americans and Russians alike, deny that was ever said?

Who is MSM going to cite as the "information source"?
Agent Perry? He can sneak everywhere without being detected, after all.

Trump prompting them to buy America's #2 export: weapons
(#1 export are greenbacks themselves, because of all the money printed by Obama and friends)

A 2-way win-win situation for us:
1 American made arms create jobs
2 Less Arabs/Muslims because of #1 (arms).

Hey Mr Cooper I just left a present on your desk
it's Hillary's poop!
Brilllllllliant post!

Do you know/can search to see if any hearing is scheduled yet?

Sorry fuck tard would you please explain to us why Spain is so fucked up.

I have never in 17 years met a member as worthless as yourself.

Do you own a gun? If so insert it in your cock pocket and do humanity a favor by pulling the trigger.
Who cares about Spain?
It's obvious Spain is so fucked up because they're so lazy and welfare-dependent.
Same path liberals want us to follow. Thank God Trump arrived.

17 years of posting???
Don't you think that's something to be ashamed of?
(don't get me wrong I'm not saying Meso is any bad)
Are there any MSM stories of Trump dealing/colluding with aliens from outer-space yet?

Hey guys
no offense but you're getting sloppy
you forgot to post this one

Maybe some caffeine can help?

Washington (CNN)The father of former FBI Director James Comey says his son was fired because President Donald Trump was "scared to death of him."

In a phone interview with CNN on Saturday, J. Brien Comey called his son's firing last week "a Trump deal."
"[Comey] didn't give him 100% loyalty, and he demands that of people who work with him," the 86-year-old said. "[Comey] said he would give 100% honesty, but not loyalty."

Comey said his son, whom he described as a "straightforward and honest guy," was fired "because Jim tells the truth, (while) Trump runs around lying most of the day."


The elder Comey did not hide his own distaste for the President saying,"Oh my God,I think he should be impeached immediately -- yesterday. He's a very incompetent guy. He's out of his league."

But he conceded that he thought impeachment "a long shot."

"(Comey) could have been subservient to Trump, (but I told him) he was not going to do that ..." J. Brien Comey said, adding tongue-in-cheek: "Incidentally, I told him I thought he and Trump would testify side by side in front of these congressional committees. He just kind of laughed."

Comey's father said he has never been a fan of Trump and didn't vote for him: "I think the man should be in a home quite honestly, he's crazy as a hoot."
Sorry fuck tard would you please explain to us why Spain is so fucked up.

I have never in 17 years met a member as worthless as yourself.

Do you own a gun? If so insert it in your cock pocket and do humanity a favor by pulling the trigger.

[Doubt There Is A Cock ...]

Double Down ...



“There is no question that the President’s comments as reported will be examined by the special counsel and his team, to determine whether or not the president had a corrupt intent in his dealings with Comey,” Mariotti said. “There is no such thing as a magic telescope into someone’s mind. So the very best evidence of a person’s intent are their own words and actions.”

One veteran Justice Department investigator said the summary account of the meeting “sounds like obstruction of justice to me.”

“It is the definition of obstruction; an effort to impede or prevent an investigation,” the investigator said.

The FBI had no comment on whether it expected to review Trump’s reported comments for possible consideration as obstruction of justice.

According to Justice Department practice and protocol, FBI agents would be expected to move quickly to secure any related forensic evidence that exists related to the Russia meeting, including original notes and other work product used to create the official document, the Justice Department official and a former prosecutor said.

Authorities also would seek to determine if recordings exist of the meeting, especially since Trump himself suggested in a tweet that his Oval Office meetings with Comey were taped.

And agents would attempt to interview “who else was in the room, to see if they can corroborate the notes,” and gain as much insight as possible into what Trump meant – and whether his firing of Comey was in any way aimed at derailing the investigation, Mariotti and the Justice official said.

“Mr. Mueller is very meticulous and we are dealing with an investigation involving the president of the United States,” Mariotti said. “So you can expect Mr. Mueller and his team to be very careful and to piece together complete and fulsome picture of the events.”

In addition to staff and administration officials, agents would want to interview Trump himself, most likely after all evidence was gathered and reviewed.

Washington (CNN)The father of former FBI Director James Comey says his son was fired because President Donald Trump was "scared to death of him."

In a phone interview with CNN on Saturday, J. Brien Comey called his son's firing last week "a Trump deal."
"[Comey] didn't give him 100% loyalty, and he demands that of people who work with him," the 86-year-old said. "[Comey] said he would give 100% honesty, but not loyalty."

Comey said his son, whom he described as a "straightforward and honest guy," was fired "because Jim tells the truth, (while) Trump runs around lying most of the day."


The elder Comey did not hide his own distaste for the President saying,"Oh my God,I think he should be impeached immediately -- yesterday. He's a very incompetent guy. He's out of his league."

But he conceded that he thought impeachment "a long shot."

"(Comey) could have been subservient to Trump, (but I told him) he was not going to do that ..." J. Brien Comey said, adding tongue-in-cheek: "Incidentally, I told him I thought he and Trump would testify side by side in front of these congressional committees. He just kind of laughed."

Comey's father said he has never been a fan of Trump and didn't vote for him: "I think the man should be in a home quite honestly, he's crazy as a hoot."

MSM now citing people FATHERS?
What father ain't going to defend/praise his son?

What's next?
Impeaching Trump in a Family Court tv show with his "exgirlfriends" as anonymous protected witnesses?
There's one common denominator in every single one of these breaking news stories. In evey single article and opinion piece. One common denominator in every single "gotcha" scandal. Every one of them has either "undisclosed sources" or "friends of" a person involved as their source. There is absolutely "no" persons of authority or from a position within authority that has come forward on the record that claims any wrong doing within the trump administration. It is so obvious that these articles and opinion pieces are made up. Matter of fact, not only are the sources obviously made up and the stories and scandals completely made up, but the ones that are closest to these scandals, such as the fbi and cia, have denied any evidence of wrong doing. Every single one of these scandals have been either proven false or have absolutely no evidence to them. But keep posting these made up articles. Hearsay, that has been refuted, is all you got.