Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

(CNN) Not long after his city was hit by a horrific terrorist attack, Sadiq Khan, the mayor of London, announced that "Londoners will see an increased police presence today and over the course of the next few days. No reason to be alarmed — one of the things the police and all of us need to do is make sure we're as safe as we possibly can be."

Within hours, the President of the United States was trashing the mayor on Twitter.
When his Tweet caused widespread outrage across Great Britain and beyond, Donald Trump had every opportunity to backtrack, thereby defusing a completely needless confrontation with America's closest ally. Instead, as might only be expected on the sad record of the last months, President Trump decided to double down. "Pathetic excuse" by the mayor, he tweeted today.

This latest storm in a teacup shows just how dangerous Donald Trump's utter disregard for the most basic norms of democracy (not to mention international diplomacy) is. For his reaction to the terror attack in London is a deeply disturbing augury of how he might react if a real crisis erupted back here in the United States.

And yet, as I've been trying to digest the President's consistently unpresidential behavior, I've become obsessed with three crucial questions.

Would Donald Trump tell the truth about a terrorist attack on American soil?

Will Americans believe what Donald Trump tells them in an emergency?

Will Donald Trump refrain from using an emergency for partisan purposes?

An earlier posting questioned how Donald Trump as both President and client will manage the conflict of public responsibility and private legal interest in the Russia matter. The inquiry into Russia interference in the U.S. election exposes the President and his associates to legal and political risk. The President must find a way to disregard that risk in attending to his constitutional—and, in this matter of national security, urgent—duty to support the congressional and Mueller investigations all the way through.

For any President in this position this would be hard to pull off. Donald Trump is not built for the challenge: this is a man who is finding it hard to separate himself from his private business or to refrain from tweeting as his emotions move him. Now he is lawyering up, and the personal defense will get in the way of the discharge of his duties. For Trump, the pressures to first save himself may prove overpowering.
And the head twitter reposter blows another one.
However, a “U.S. intelligence officer who declined to be identified cautioned against drawing too big a conclusion from the document because a single analysis is not necessarily definitive.”
Thursday's gonna be fun...
Yup the day Comey spills the beans on the Trump Russian racket. Gonna be some interesting fireworks and I'm gonna be making some popcorn as I will be watching the testimony on TV.

Comey is playing his cards close to his vest and Thursday I sure hope he plays the Trump Card when he shows his hand!
They'll find comey, dead in a hotel with a needle sticking out of his arm In an apparent suicide covfefe. He won't get a chance to give his testimony.
Well I sure hope not! Something like that surely would reflect badly upon Trump.