Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Trump gets the tree huggers on board with the border wall. Not only will we keep out ILLEGAL ALIENS, we'll generate green power too. It'll pay for itself! AnotherTrump win-win solution.
Report: Trump suggests solar panels for border

It will pay for itself - only if you discount the federal subsidies pumped into the solar industry. Otherwise it will show a huge loss. It's like declaring a federal budget surplus by neglecting to include the funds you raided from Social Security. Of course, you're right about the environmentalists. They will probably love the idea.
Wheres all the scally memes telling how wrong (again) they were about the obstruction of justice.
Sad how every Democrat on the planet wanted Comey's head on a platter for leaking HRC's emails right before the election but now they cant wait to hear what this incompetent idiot is going to say on Thursday. Ill give you a hint...nothing even remotely useful.
Agreed 100% on that as Comey was hitting too close to home for Trump's comfort on the Russian issue.

Can't wait till tomorrow's testimony.
If Susan Rice wasn't an incompetent ninny and Bill Cliton wasn't a fucking buffon and they had not had their discussion on an airport tarmac, HRC might have one the election because that would not have given Comey an opportunity to wander off the reservation, by having Rice recuse herself.

I see that stupid cunt hrc giving every excuse why she lost an election that no one else could have lost to the megalomaniac we now have in the highest office of our land.

Fuck them all. Fake tan man will only fuck this country up until 2020 at the most.
What if Trump’s wall were solar powered?

Clearly, this is nonsense. A complete waste of time. It’s not our intention to suggest the US will pay for its Mexico border wall by putting solar panels along the south side. That’s definitely probably not going to happen. Though comic book supervillains might draft secret plans to harvest daylight from their enemies, the evidence that POTUS is a comic book supervillian is at best circumstantial. What we have here is a hypothetical.

Would it work, though?

Any proposal to incorporate renewables into the Wall’s construction, if one is ever to exist, would need to be informed by realism and practicality. Support from the campaigners and special-interest groups couldn’t be bluffed with grandiose plans, because everyone knows there’s no earthly reason to build a whole Wall out of solar panels. It’s a non-starter. Our working through of the mechanics of such a scheme is the opposite of fake news: factual nonsense.
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Wheres all the scally memes telling how wrong (again) they were about the obstruction of justice.
Why because of the stonewall? Next time those 4 should be given an opportunity to answer the questions asked one way or another or leave in handcuffs.

No worries bro it isn't over by a longshot.