Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse
Did you see him questioning comey in the hearings? It was sad.
I suppose we see things from a different perspective. I never got over a low life like trump belittling McCain because he spent years in the Hanoi Hilton. Trump had a bone spur and could not serve.

Ill be honest with you, until that I thought Trump was a joke. When I heard that shit come out of that yellow bitchs mouth I hated him.
Get your own material. That's mine.

Things will get progressively more shitty for you. Dude next week Comey will make a case for trump obstructing justice. I'm hoping he attempts to invoke executive privilege. He is naive and his advisors are clueless.

I'm going to be giving that movie 2 thumbs up. Republican fucktards will be crying in the onion patch.
Another failed prediction. You spend all your time here spewing non factual bullshit and in the end you look like a moron. Every week it's "Wait and see" or "Orange man is going down" You are wrong every single time. Even the worst major league batters get a hit 2 out of 10 times. Jesus you are batting zero. You are simply comedy relief here and nothing more. Looks like you are the one crying in the onion patch.
Can you please post some CNN Hillary vs Trump election polls so we can compare them side by side to current "approval-ratings"

I'm surprised Dems/fMSM didn't rumor Trump/Russians offered Comey Russian hookers for his silence

In fact
Why don't you start such a "breaking leaked report" on your own?
(since you can't seem to stop posting fake news, at least make them entertaining)
don't forget to include NUDE Russian hooker pics for credibility
Oh our neighborhood bigot/ moron.

Cocksucker all I have to do to understand you is read your threads. Why so insecure.

I bet all you nutsack hugging trump fuckheads are proud to be grouped in with this guy.
Another failed prediction. You spend all your time here
Don't get ahead of yourself. Hey I'm just here to remind you every step of the way how naive you are. Just another trump troll gr. Enjoy the trump show asshole I know I will.:)
Don't get ahead of yourself. Hey I'm just here to remind you every step of the way how naive you are. Just another trump troll gr. Enjoy the trump show asshole I know I will.:)

Typical posting from you. Do you even know what the fuck you're saying half the time? Here's a perfect example. You call me naive yet you are the one being "naive" by believing every story the media pushes on you. You have proven how naive you are over and over again. You simply using that word to describe anyone else is pure comedy since you are the literal definition of the word.

I have given you enough attention, much more than you deserve so I will place you back on ignore.
Typical posting from you. Do you even know what the fuck you're saying half the time?
That's what I think about you every time. You are a lousy judge of character. You choose a draft dodging russian whore piss drinker after he desecrates John McCain. That's no suprise to me i know what a fucking chicken shit stupid cunt you are. Keep warming that cowards nuts in you nutsucker. Its a good place fir you. The best you can hope for is cattching some urine while you are sucking nut.

What do you think shit for brains, do you think i know who Im talking down to?. Keep on sucking trump nut you ignorant fuck.

Thursday was a bad, bad day for Team Trump. Things looked even worse at the end of the day than they did when the Senate Intelligence Committee adjourned midday.

The first line of defense—revealed by the president’s own team yesterday—is that Comey somehow vindicated Trump by confirming that he told Trump in January that Trump was not personally a target of an investigation. But if that assurance had been enough for the president, Trump would not have added the demand that Comey end the investigation of Michael Flynn. Trump evidently felt strongly motivated to protect Flynn—more strongly motivated than he had been to protect any of his other associates.

Line two of defense is that the president’s expression of a “hope” that Mike Flynn could be “let go” merely expressed a wish, not an order. But Adam Liptak, Supreme Court reporter for The New York Times, almost instantly produced an example of an obstruction of justice conviction that rested precisely on “I hope” language—and the all-seeing eye of Twitter quickly found more. Anyone who has ever seen a gangster movie has heard the joke, “Nice little dry cleaning store, I hope nothing happens to it.” The blunt fact is that after Comey declined to drop the investigation or publicly clear the president, Trump fired Comey. A hope enforced by dismissal is more than a wish.

A third line of defense is the attack on Comey personally: that he somehow discredited himself by not speaking out or resigning when he first felt the president had asked for something improper. I wonder how those in the Trump White House who have not yet spoken out or resigned felt about this argument. Comey stayed for the same reason that non-venal people throughout the Trump administration stay: in the hope of protecting not only the country, but also the president himself, from the worse people (or the (no people at all)!) with whom the president would likely replace them.

Paul Ryan tried a fourth line of defense during the hearings: that Trump had merely committed a protocol violation due to his inexperience in government. But if Trump were such an ingénue, why did he take such extraordinary care always to be alone with Comey when he made his improper demands?

The final line of defense was presented by Trump’s personal lawyer after the hearing ended: Comey was the villain of the story for leaking “privileged” conversations with the president. The premise here seems to be that executive privilege somehow forever silences a terminated federal employee. This is an extremely weird argument:
  • Trump did not invoke executive privilege to prevent Comey from speaking to Congress, the usual place where executive privilege is asserted.
  • Trump himself had spoken and tweeted about the conversation, which is usually taken to void executive privilege.
  • Executive privilege has never before been thought to impose a lifetime obligation of silence upon former members of the executive branch.
  • The Supreme Court case most directly on point, U.S. v. Nixon, established that executive privilege cannot be used to conceal evidence of crime, which is what Comey’s leak and subsequent sworn testimony, purportedly revealed.
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@GigaloRob you are a real piece of shit motherfucker. Your boy wouldn't last 5 minutes in a north Vietnamese prison and you are stupid enough to vote to make him president?

Fuck you you insignificant worm.

Thursday was a bad, bad day for Team Trump. Things looked even worse at the end of the day than they did when the Senate Intelligence Committee adjourned midday.

The first line of defense—revealed by the president’s own team yesterday—is that Comey somehow vindicated Trump by confirming that he told Trump in January that Trump was not personally a target of an investigation. But if that assurance had been enough for the president, Trump would not have added the demand that Comey end the investigation of Michael Flynn. Trump evidently felt strongly motivated to protect Flynn—more strongly motivated than he had been to protect any of his other associates.

Line two of defense is that the president’s expression of a “hope” that Mike Flynn could be “let go” merely expressed a wish, not an order. But Adam Liptak, Supreme Court reporter for The New York Times, almost instantly produced an example of an obstruction of justice conviction that rested precisely on “I hope” language—and the all-seeing eye of Twitter quickly found more. Anyone who has ever seen a gangster movie has heard the joke, “Nice little dry cleaning store, I hope nothing happens to it.” The blunt fact is that after Comey declined to drop the investigation or publicly clear the president, Trump fired Comey. A hope enforced by dismissal is more than a wish.

A third line of defense is the attack on Comey personally: that he somehow discredited himself by not speaking out or resigning when he first felt the president had asked for something improper. I wonder how those in the Trump White House who have not yet spoken out or resigned felt about this argument. Comey stayed for the same reason that non-venal people throughout the Trump administration stay: in the hope of protecting not only the country, but also the president himself, from the worse people (or the (no people at all)!) with whom the president would likely replace them.

Paul Ryan tried a fourth line of defense during the hearings: that Trump had merely committed a protocol violation due to his inexperience in government. But if Trump were such an ingénue, why did he take such extraordinary care always to be alone with Comey when he made his improper demands?

The final line of defense was presented by Trump’s personal lawyer after the hearing ended: Comey was the villain of the story for leaking “privileged” conversations with the president. The premise here seems to be that executive privilege somehow forever silences a terminated federal employee. This is an extremely weird argument:
  • Trump did not invoke executive privilege to prevent Comey from speaking to Congress, the usual place where executive privilege is asserted.
  • Trump himself had spoken and tweeted about the conversation, which is usually taken to void executive privilege.
  • Executive privilege has never before been thought to impose a lifetime obligation of silence upon former members of the executive branch.
  • The Supreme Court case most directly on point, U.S. v. Nixon, established that executive privilege cannot be used to conceal evidence of crime, which is what Comey’s leak and subsequent sworn testimony, purportedly revealed.

The fact is that these guys are just as bigoted as their hero. There is nothing that anyone could say to change their minds. In germany in the 1930's they would be Brown shirts. They are cowards who find strength in numbers. They melt their minds into one screaming cluster fuck of ignorance.
Gym atire at mesorx for trump supporters summer of 2017. Wear it proudly fellas.