Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

While the country was preoccupied with Mr. Comey’s hearing yesterday, Republicans in the House quietly voted to gut the Dodd-Frank financial regulations that were put in place after the last financial crisis. Over and over again as a candidate, trump told the American people that he was a different kind of Republican. He said that he was going to stop Wall Street from getting away with murder. Unfortunately, trump was not telling the truth, since Republicans are once again choosing to protect corporations over the American people. You’re not standing up for working families by deregulating the same financial institutions that nearly destroyed the economy nine years ago. Need to reinstate Glass-Steagall and break up the big banks that ruined our economy.
For those that think trump obstructed justice, was it obstruction of justice when obama worked to stop the fast and furious investigation? Looks like fast and furious will be reinvestigated now that the parties involved aren't there to obstruct the investigation.
For those that think trump obstructed justice, was it obstruction of justice when obama worked to stop the fast and furious investigation? Looks like fast and furious will be reinvestigated now that the parties involved aren't there to obstruct the investigation.
Those that still "think" that are truly delusional.Comey, stated no obstruction occured. That's a dead horse that's been beaten well past its death.
Those that still "think" that are truly delusional.Comey, stated no obstruction occured. That's a dead horse that's been beaten well past its death.
Still being played out as if comey never suggested it, though. Cnn had 2 lawyers on. One was of thier usual panel and the other was dershowitz. The other lawyer still calling it obsrtuction even though the guy heading the investigation exonerated him (trump).
Still being played out as if comey never suggested it, though. Cnn had 2 lawyers on. One was of thier usual panel and the other was dershowitz. The other lawyer still calling it obsrtuction even though the guy heading the investigation exonerated him (trump).
I'll take Detshowitz for the win. Lol
While the country was preoccupied with Mr. Comey’s hearing yesterday, Republicans in the House quietly voted to gut the Dodd-Frank financial regulations that were put in place after the last financial crisis. Over and over again as a candidate, trump told the American people that he was a different kind of Republican. He said that he was going to stop Wall Street from getting away with murder. Unfortunately, trump was not telling the truth, since Republicans are once again choosing to protect corporations over the American people. You’re not standing up for working families by deregulating the same financial institutions that nearly destroyed the economy nine years ago. Need to reinstate Glass-Steagall and break up the big banks that ruined our economy.
The only reason this country made it through relatively without pain considering the what could have happened was by pumping trillions of dollars into the economy and keeping interest rates at all time lows. If it happens again there may not be the money available to do the same thing. As it is we will have to inflate our way out of this disaster eventually.

Washington — Donald Trump should be on a major hiring binge right now. His government is uniquely underpopulated, with (only 123 out of 558 key positions) requiring Senate confirmation either nominated or confirmed. Some departments are almost entirely vacant below the cabinet-level positions.

On top of that, Mr. Trump has actually shed a number of staffers, with a series of resignations and firings sweeping up his first national security adviser, Michael Flynn (Russia); his communications director, Michael Dubke (failed to spin coverage-dross into gold); and, most infamously, his F.B.I. director, James Comey, who as he reminded everyone in testimony on Thursday, learned the reasons for his firing on TV.

Even as summer approaches and the window shrinks for getting new confirmations through the Senate before its long August recess, the administration has announced just a trickle of new hires. Part of this is incompetence — a number of high-profile candidates have stumbled in the vetting process — and the undeniable fact that Mr. Trump doesn’t seem to be trying very hard to fill those positions. But people are also clearly put off by the fact that Mr. Trump, who ran on hostility to D.C.’s “swamp,” now seems like the worst boss in Washington.

As stories leak out about the president’s erratic and abusive behavior toward his staff, as his legal issues intensify, as the number of cautionary tales mounts (Comey, Sean Spicer, H. R. McMaster, Jeff Sessions), a new wariness has become apparent. Many candidates have refused to be considered for positions that would at any other time be highly coveted, including at least (four candidates) for Mr. Comey’s job before Christopher Wray was announced as the pick for F.B.I. director Wednesday; four law firms asked to represent the president in the investigation in Russia’s influence over last year’s elections; and the husband of Mr. Trump’s counselor Kellyanne Conway, who recently pulled himself off the shortlist to head the Justice Department’s civil division, responsible for defending the government.

At this point, the question may be, who would take any of those jobs? Talking to people who’ve held them in the past, the answer seems to be: just about nobody.