Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

That's what I think about you every time. You are a lousy judge of character. You choose a draft dodging russian whore piss drinker after he desecrates John McCain. That's no suprise to me i know what a fucking chicken shit stupid cunt you are. Keep warming that cowards nuts in you nutsucker. Its a good place fir you. The best you can hope for is cattching some urine while you are sucking nut.

What do you think shit for brains, do you think i know who Im talking do know who I'm talking down to. Keep on sucking trump nut you ignorant fuck.
It is stunning how dense trumps base is. They actually think comey was a win. Lol
Dude, a week ago you spoke like Trump was going to be impeached after Comeys testimony Thursday. You've spoken about the Russian Trump connection like it was a well known fact even after no evidence was found to support this ridiculous claim made by the left. All of these front page media headlines have been uncovered as opinion, speculation, or outright lies time and time again. So, our media outlets have shown their corruption and bias every day by continually printing lies and yet you still beat the same drum. If anyone here has been brainwashed to the point of being mentally unstable, its you. You're so unwilling to admit you could be wrong that you do these mental gymnastics to back up your opinions rather than acknowledging the facts. Its insane Paul. Just plain insane

In May, Americans learned that under its new seemingly autocratic administration, the subject of an investigation can fire the investigator. One month later, that fired investigator, former FBI head James Comey, appeared before the hearing to describe an executive branch that operates less like a democratic institution and more like a cross between a Mafia shakedown and an audition for The Apprentice. Transparency, checks and balances, and due process have been replaced by secret dinners, loyalty oaths and casual declarations of obstruction of justice.

Fortunately, James Comey took notes.

On Wednesday, Mr. Comey released a copy of his opening statement describing his private meetings with President Donald Trump, culled from memos he wrote immediately after their encounters. They would make a great crime novel, if the crime weren't the desecration of democracy and we didn't have to live in it.

According to Thursday's testimony, Mr. Trump – like a Mafia don – demanded unquestioning loyalty from Mr. Comey. And like a good public servant, Mr. Comey said he could only offer honesty. The President bargained that down to "honest loyalty," which can be interpreted as a demand that Mr. Comey sacrifice his professional integrity for blind devotion to Mr. Trump. "We had that thing you know," the President said, a phrase the former FBI director claimed he did not understand but which evokes Cosa Nostra a bit too well.

Then, of course, Mr. Trump fired him.

Since taking office, the President has run the U.S. more and more like a kleptocracy – a predictable move given his shady international ties and the corrupt nature of many of his past business ventures. But while Mr. Trump evokes foreign autocrats, his management style resembles that of an American mafioso. He views NATO as akin to a protection racket, public officials as personal minions, and the GOP as bound to a vow of Omerta. Refuse to comply, like Mr. Comey did, and face consequences.
Dude, a week ago you spoke like Trump was going to be impeached after Comeys testimony Thursday.
Dude I still think he will be impeached. My guess is the ignoramus will not be able to help himself and will perjure himself if he is deposed.
You've spoken about the Russian Trump connection like it was a well known fac
Since you can't dicern truth from fiction you feel there is no connection.
no evidence was found to support this ridiculous
Again retard you are fed nothing but fake news.
If anyone here has been brainwashed to the point of being mentally unstable, its you
Shit for brains you chosen to believe a megalomaniac moron. I really couldn't care less either. You are a moron. You have always been a moron, and you will always be a moron.

Its insane Paul. Just plain insane
Dude I watch the REAL news. Not this (1).jpg
In 2018 you sorry fucks will lose your minds when dems take congress and begin impeachment, that is if the gop doesn't drop him first.

Enjoy :) I will.
The orangutan has until the 23nd to turn over any tapes. Dumbass says he will agree to be deposed? Maybe when he voluntary hands over his tax returns.
Ironic, you of all people using the word rational, haha
You should be deemed unstable simply because you are dumb enough to believe a man who isn't even a good con. He just overwelms you fools with so many lies you become numb.

Bottom line, you voted for trump dummy not me.

The morons that the gop have cultivated over the last 30-40 years have now destroyed their party. The insane have taken over the institution.