Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

DURING THE PRESIDENTIAL campaign, some imagined that the more overtly racist elements of Donald Trump’s platform were just talk designed to rile up the base, not anything he seriously intended to act on. But in his first week in office, when he imposed a travel ban on seven majority-Muslim countries, that comforting illusion disappeared fast. Fortunately, the response was immediate: the marches and rallies at airports, the impromptu taxi strikes, the lawyers and local politicians intervening, the judges ruling the bans illegal.

The whole episode showed the power of resistance, and of judicial courage, and there was much to celebrate. Some have even concluded that this early slap down chastened Trump, and that he is now committed to a more reasonable, conventional course.

That is a dangerous illusion.

It is true that many of the more radical items on this administration’s wish list have yet to be realized. But make no mistake, the full agenda is still there, lying in wait. And there is one thing that could unleash it all: a large-scale crisis.

Adapted from the new book by Naomi Klein, No Is Not Enough: Resisting Trump’s Shock Politics and Winning the World We Need, to be published by Haymarket Books on June 13.

"No, I can definitely say the president is not a liar,” deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders (told) the White House press corps this week. Sanders’ context was James Comey’s June 8 testimony before the Senate Select Subcommittee on Intelligence, in which the former FBI director found several ways to accuse the president of lying. In the showstopper of the session, Comey said he created contemporaneous memos of his private encounters with President Donald Trump because of anticipations that Trump "might lie" about their meetings in the future.

In labeling Trump a non-liar, Sanders etched into the public record a line that may be cited in the future when the discussion turns to the 45th president’s unique relationship with the truth. Linguistic scholar George Lakoff was among the first to acknowledge the Sanders milestone, comparing it to a President Richard Nixon quip from 1973. Lakoff tweeted, "When you negate the frame, you activate the frame. When Nixon said, ‘I’m not a crook,’ people saw a crook." Lakoff didn’t go there, but President Bill Clinton likewise negated the frame to activate it in 1998 when he,28804,1859513_1859526_1859515,00.html that he had not had "sexual relations with that woman."

Sanders’ assertion aside, Trump’s liar status has long been cemented. He has lied in the opening months of his presidency. He lied throughout the presidential campaign. And he lied over the course of his business career, extolling his clever reality-bending as " (truthful hyperbole)" in his 1987 best-seller, The Art of the Deal. After that heap of lies, what’s another pile?
Good thing scallys not on CNN
Poor white trash republicans are panicking. Their little hitler is on his heals. Obstruction will stick. We has the former head of the FBI investigating and from what I hear the best man in the country investigating trumos financial history. Your boy will have to hand over his tax returns soon and you fucking retards will see how bad you have been played. Fun fun fun :)
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What's really crazy is that these fucking nit wits support a fascist president that has instructed his munchkin attorney General to prosecute every offence to the fullest extent of the law. That means you you stupid fucks.
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