Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

The pathological liar in the Whitehouse calls Comey a leaker? The truth is the only leakers trump knows are the russian whores who took a leak on his face.
The shit that comes out of your mouth is far more disturbing, ignorant and racist than anything ive ever seen or heard from Trump so who's the "megalomaniac?"
What's really crazy is that these fucking nit wits support a fascist president that has instructed his munchkin attorney General to prosecute every offence to the fullest extent of the law. That means you you stupid fucks.
You're like a broken record Paul. Same stupid narrative over and over and over. You figure if you say something enough, it'll come true? I hope Trump breaks in your house, sexually molests your dog and writes a bunch of shit in permenant marker on your face when you're asleep. Then i hope he scrubs his sweaty asshole with your brand new toothbrush and ejaculates in your hair conditioner. Trump owns you Paul. He's all up in your head renting space. You've lost your battle with sanity as a result. Have a wonderful night Paul...sleep tight wrapped in your Trump towers comforter and snuggling against your Trump action figure.

[There Are No Tapes ... Lying POS ...]
Didn't you learn your lesson from
1 Hillary defeat
2 Comey testimony?

It should be obvious but
There are no tapes whatsoever
Trump is just playing games with you liberals
Disappointment 101


