Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

The Trump administration aims to eliminate many regulations and make it more difficult to adopt new ones. More subtle and dangerous are attempts in Congress to undermine public health and environmental protections by limiting the use of scientific evidence under the guise of increased transparency. This effort, which as envisioned by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) leadership would greatly reduce the amount of science used in decision-making, undermines the credibility and application of scientific evidence, weakens the scientific enterprise, and imperils public and environmental health.

The Honest and Open New EPA Science Treatment (HONEST) Act, in the Senate after passing the House of Representatives in March, would prohibit the EPA from using studies for agency decision-making unless raw data, computer codes, and virtually everything used by scientists to conduct the study are provided to the agency and made publicly available online. Transparency and reproducibility are long-standing priorities in science, and we welcome good-faith efforts to evaluate scientific evidence for use in public policy. But on these issues, the Act is dishonest—an attempt by politicians to override scientific judgment and dictate narrow standards by which science is deemed valuable for policy. It imposes burdens that will detract from scientists' ability to do research and to have it influence decision-making, all aimed at bringing the process to a standstill, minimizing the role of science, and limiting regulations.


If the HONEST Act becomes law, it will embolden attempts to dictate science and delay decisions at other federal, state, and local agencies. The community must make clear that the Act, a threat to health and the environment, is an unnecessary and burdensome political intrusion into the scientific enterprise.
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Especially if there's an investigation that is hitting so close to home.
Every unbiased source, including the head of the fbi and the cia said he wasn't under investigation and that they had found no evidence of him colluding with russia. Not to mention damn near every leading democrat and damn near every leading republican said he (comey) needs to resign or be fired. There's also no doubt hillary would have fired him day one. If all the "real" facts are taken into account and not the rhetoric of the butthurt dems then one can only conclude that there was nothing wrong with this firing at all. It's all just hurt feelings and emotion driven political games.
Doesn't mean a damn thing to the scallywags. Why listen to sworn testimony when they can rely on anonymous sources quoting friends of acquaintances that heard from the some guy in a bar?
When Mueller clears him they'll go on like it never happened. Endlessly posting fake news.
[Praise Insecure Paranoid Delusional POS Trump ... This Is Sick As Fuck ...]

(CNN)Leave it to Donald Trump to reinvent the Cabinet meeting.

The public portion of these gatherings of all of the president's top advisers are usually staid affairs. Photographers are let in to take pictures. The president makes a very brief statement. A reporter shouts a question, unanswered. The end.

Donald Trump did something very different in his Cabinet meeting Monday.
First, he reviewed the various alleged successes of his first 143 days and made this remarkable claim: "Never has there been a president....with few exceptions...who's passed more legislation, who's done more things than I have."

Um, ok. While Trump has signed a number of executive orders and actions -- the most high profile of which, the so-called "travel ban" was, again, blocked by a court on Monday -- what he hasn't really done is pass actual legislation through Congress. The health care bill is tied up in Senate machinations. Tax reform hasn't moved an inch. Funding for the border wall hasn't happened. And so on.

(Nota bene: You can't say "never has" something happened and then say "with few exceptions." Either it's never happened or it, well, has.)

But, that wasn't even close to the weirdest part of the Cabinet meeting!
Once Trump finished touting his administration's accomplishments, he turned to several of his newly-minted Cabinet secretaries like Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue. Each of those Cabinet secretaries lavished praise on Trump, which he accepted without comment but with a broad smile.

At first, I thought Trump was just going to have the new members of the Cabinet spend a few minutes praising him. NOPE! It soon became clear that Trump planned to have every Cabinet member speak. And when I say "speak" what I really mean is "praise Trump for his accomplishments, his foresight, his just being awesome."

You think I am exaggerating. I am not. Here's what White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus said about Trump: "We thank you for the opportunity and blessing to serve your agenda."

I mean, WHAT?!?

The whole thing reminded me of a scene directly from the boardroom of "The Apprentice." A group of supplicants all desperately trying to hold on to their spots on the show by effusively praising Trump -- each one trying to take it a step further than the last. And Trump in the middle of it all, totally and completely pleased with himself. (Reminder: Around that Cabinet table are hugely accomplished generals, billionaires and political people with long track records of success.)
I sure do think Mueller will find the smoking gun that will bring Spray Tan Man down hard.

Comey said Trump wasn't being investigated and there was no collusion. The libs will just keep passing the ball down the line until they get the outcome they want. The problem is that there is no "smoking gun". So when Mueller finds nothing criminal what will you say then? Will that be the end finally?