Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

WASHINGTON—Before the 2016 presidential election, a longtime Republican opposition researcher mounted an independent campaign to obtain emails he believed were stolen from Hillary Clinton’s private server, likely by Russian hackers.

In conversations with members of his circle and with others he tried to recruit to help him, the GOP operative, Peter W. Smith, implied he was working with retired Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn, at the time a senior adviser to then-candidate Donald Trump.

“He said, ‘I’m talking to Michael Flynn about this—if you find anything, can you let me know?’” said Eric York, a computer-security expert from Atlanta who searched hacker forums on Mr. Smith’s behalf for people who might have access to the emails.

Emails written by Mr. Smith and one of his associates show that his small group considered Mr. Flynn and his consulting company, Flynn Intel Group, to be allies in their quest.

What role, if any, Mr. Flynn may have played in Mr. Smith’s project is unclear. In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Mr. Smith said he knew Mr. Flynn, but he never stated that Mr. Flynn was involved.

Mr. Flynn didn’t respond to requests for comment.

A Trump campaign official said that Mr. Smith didn’t work for the campaign, and that if Mr. Flynn coordinated with him in any way, it would have been in his capacity as a private individual. The White House declined to comment.
"They attack with a knife we bring a gun" Trump. Following barry soetoros advice.
My advice? Don't mess with the Trumpster. He'll Trump you every time.

Washington (CNN)The success or failure of President Donald Trump's legislative agenda has become the subject of much debate in recent weeks.

His major policy initiatives -- repealing Obamacare, passing tax reform, an infrastructure plan and more -- have all been stalled on Capitol Hill, either because of Republican disputes or Democratic obstruction or both. Lawmakers skipped town for a July 4 recess Thursday without passing an Iran sanctions bill even though it has support in both houses of Congress.

None of that inaction stopped his spokeswoman, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, from encouraging reporters to Thursday to pay less attention to his tweets and more attention to his policies.

Trump has increasingly held up the pieces of legislature he has signed as a barometer for his success. He has taken to Twitter on numerous occasions to tout the quantity of bills signed into law and his role in their passage, most recently writing "I've helped pass and signed 38 Legislative Bills, mostly with no Democratic support, and gotten rid of massive amounts of regulations. Nice!"

Five months into his presidency, the number of bills Trump has signed stands at 40. The majority have been passed through the Congressional Review Act, which allows Congress to roll back regulations imposed by the executive branch, and are aimed at dismantling former President Barack Obama's legislative legacy.

In all, one of the laws has created a new policy, fifteen have rolled back rules and regulations issued under Obama's administration, eight had to do with designating something or working to create a new initiative, five changed or expanded existing legislation, and 11 were related to government funding or operations.